Canadian Domestic: Pareto Pharmaceuticals 2020

Sure, I can understand the way you see this.
I've never tried to hide the fact we are buddies and I havnt attacked Pareto here at all, so I'm not too sure what you're insinuating.

I dont know what his plans are on blind testing, but its definitely a good idea.

If I was in his shoes I'd buy a fee 5mg Vars and send a few of each UGL to Lab4tox, see who's got the most accurate dose.

Probably safest bet,
As for why I'm here, I'm always where the action is lol

I advised that he be more like you in his conduct in this situation. We both know that testing ourselves is the right protocol. He’s been here long enough, he knows that too.
"His credibility is wiped?"

"You hate having to defend this God damn lab?"

Wtf is going on in this thread?

Is this fucking BOP or Meso? If these motherfuckers didn't do anything but provide lip service as to things being "fixed", how the fuck is that considered acceptable?

If @Human_backhoe's wife is considering using this, then he has every fucking right to want to know what their protocol is in regards to dosing the lady var.

I'll admit I don't spend time in these canadian threads, but this shit is fucking bizarre to me.

And to think that people like to make fun of the tgi fan boys...

Just head over to the Nordic fuckstick thread and you’ll understand what I mean by having to come across as defending this lab.
How about we agree on this? bigbaldbeardguy 2020
Did you email Pareto?

If it were me I would just email Pareto. You have just pulled up trash from what a year ago that’s been addressed multiple times lol

You should just find a new lab who would want to deal with your dumb ass

learn some tact

So you didn’t bother to email then before stirring the pot

You’re clearly a troll if you want to only stir the pot publicly and didn’t even attempt to ask the rep directly privately

No eh?
Just head over to the Nordic fuckstick thread and you’ll understand what I mean by having to come across as defending this lab.
How about we agree on this? bigbaldbeardguy 2020

Yeah the shilliness is strong there... bring a jacket
You literally offered cash for charity for the truth and still nothing
you guys are trolls

Pareto has been 100 with me and even gave me some life advice when I was bitching about my ex and stuff. Not that it counts for anything but when I see you clowns clearly trying to fuck with him you can get fucked bro

I’m 100% for Pareto as they have never ever given me a bad product and it all looks better and works as good as anything else I’ve ever tried

Here you are from another country probably unemployed trying to duck around d

I bet if Pareto sent their var for testing you would scream and say “it’s not independently tested” or some bs
Obviously, it is preferable for samples to be sent blindly by customers. But when the issue of them overdosing products by 50% came to light, if they wanted to show they meant what they said, and the problem was just a fluke, it would have been a small price to pay for some regular testing to give customers piece of mind in knowing that they are doing what said they would do.

And, truth be told, I am getting a kick out of watching some of you guys squirm.

Obviously, it is preferable for samples to be sent blindly by customers. But when the issue of them overdosing products by 50% came to light, if they wanted to show they meant what they said, and the problem was just a fluke, it would have been a small price to pay for some regular testing to give customers piece of mind in knowing that they are doing what said they would do.

And, truth be told, I am getting a kick out of watching some of you guys squirm.

Oh come on man lol

I need to chill on the tren
I took benefit of the doubt to a whole new level and nothing but failure for the source.

Yea blows my mind why anyone would buy there.
I used to like Nordic
But the fact that you offered 500 bucks to charity for the truth and caught him anyways.

Fucking done
Oh come on man lol

I need to chill on the tren

I know that Pareto gave you a bottle of tren because you got cheated on but you have to realize that posting like this just makes it look bad.

You don’t need to gobble every cock that shows you attention, save that for your ex. Lol
Just head over to the Nordic fuckstick thread and you’ll understand what I mean by having to come across as defending this lab.
How about we agree on this? bigbaldbeardguy 2020
I'll have to go over there and get caught up. Sounds like a fun place to hang out.
Say it ain't so!! They got banned at SST for having shills post reviews?!? LMAO

Move along...nothing to see here.

I guess I'm starting to understand the reason for a new thread for 2020.

And pretty soon, it'll be time for another new thread...

i believe they got reinstated, but that was a while back, so i don't recall. i can't do SST, it makes my eyes hurt.