Canadian Domestic: Pareto Pharmaceuticals 2020

Just wanted to share my recent order from pareto. First time ordering, will be running them for my next blast. Got abunch of free add ons so no complaints.
Ya still got nothing on what you've got kicking around though, but I'm getting there haha. Probably grab abunch of primo/var later this year. Packaging is top notch that's for sure

Intersting cycle
Test/Nandrolone/Mast with some Tbol
Solid fucking cycle with a nice Tbol strength finisher.
Intersting cycle
Test/Nandrolone/Mast with some Tbol
Solid fucking cycle with a nice Tbol strength finisher.
Not quite sure if I'll run the tbol, I've just heard good things so I wanted to stock up. But ya test, npp, and mast. Keeping the test lower and letting the npp handle the growth while the mast helps with estro, libido, and staying a bit dryer. Hoping it works out as planned
Not quite sure if I'll run the tbol, I've just heard good things so I wanted to stock up. But ya test, npp, and mast. Keeping the test lower and letting the npp handle the growth while the mast helps with estro, libido, and staying a bit dryer. Hoping it works out as planned

Love Tbol
I've gone 80mg ish ED
Nice for raw strength and very easy on my body (Other than lipids lol)
Ran Pareto var before the lockdown for a show that is now cancelled :(

It was unreal!

hey, had a question about women and gear, I have been looking around for my GF, I'm familiar with my self as a male but unknowledgeable with women on it
Care to uh. Elaborate what you're trying to get at?
He's joking about your thankfully this is only for personal use comment as it's clearly personal amount, the joke is you are Pareto himself with that sizeable stockpile you got there.

The joke just woooshed right over you though no biggy.
He's joking about your thankfully this is only for personal use comment as it's clearly personal amount, the joke is you are Pareto himself with that sizeable stockpile you got there.

The joke just woooshed right over you though no biggy.
Just a touch haha. I've seen sooooo many new guys accused of being shills on other boards. I was like seriously. I didn't even say how great it was and how you feel the test in minutes
Hello Meso,

we are looking for some feedback from the community regarding new products. Are there any items that you would like for us to take into consideration for the future? We've gotten feedback for things such as injectable l-carnitine, telmisartan, and priligy. If we got enough interest for a certain product, we would gladly take it into consideration for the future.
Hello Meso,

we are looking for some feedback from the community regarding new products. Are there any items that you would like for us to take into consideration for the future? We've gotten feedback for things such as injectable l-carnitine, telmisartan, and priligy. If we got enough interest for a certain product, we would gladly take it into consideration for the future.

Inj. L carnitine is only really offered by one UGL lab atm and it's only gaining in popularity. IMO it's an easy win for customers and the lab itself due to how cheap as hell it is. Your guys Anabolic lineup is already stacked at this point I think the only route is fleshing out the exotic stuff, I'd be interested in:

- Inj. L carnitine brewed at 500mg+
- Tretinonin for Skin
- Albuterol is always a good option with Clen being so harsh
- copper peptide ghk-cu
- telmisartan