Canadian Domestic: Pareto Pharmaceuticals 2020

Hello Meso,

we are looking for some feedback from the community regarding new products. Are there any items that you would like for us to take into consideration for the future? We've gotten feedback for things such as injectable l-carnitine, telmisartan, and priligy. If we got enough interest for a certain product, we would gladly take it into consideration for the future.
-L Carnitine 500mg/ml especially if you can beat the current prices set by the lab currently producing it

That would save shopping from multiple labs
I would love to see test undecanoate

Test U is becoming a popular choice.
I personally love the 1 day a week TRT/Cruise schedule.
Stable bloods etc.
Just keep your TRT levels and add a different ester for blasts while maintaining your Test U dosage

Not to mention, it's a great compound for cocktailing hugh PIP solutions like DHB, cut your high mg primo or DHB with Test U, zero pip... since it's such a tolerable compound.
Huh? You used the spray and the pens are clean.....what? What sides did you get, how bad were the heart palpitations and what dose?
I think one spray is equal to around 33mg , but its straight into the blood stream under the tongue, clen has a longer half life and I learned to keep my doses lower never more than a couple sprays , I ran clen many occasions and water intake and taurine and potassium supplements help , I have a higher tolerance to stimulants and each individual has there points with clen , just a touch to much you can be vibrating and sweating out of control for hours , also I learned running tren and clen for me is not good , lots of water and be active on clen its not something you want to be sitting around on , even if you don't feel it you should once you start workout and cardio excetra you will notice your body heating up , I used benadryl also at night on clen, I experimented over the years and I like no more than 50 to 75 mg a day , some can tolerate much higher but the higher you go the more sides , once your on it you just have to ride it out if the doses are to high, if you have heart issues and not stimulant friendly I wouldn't recommend running clen, t3 cytomel with clen is a nice fat burning tool, if your lethargic stack some mondafinal in there to keep your body energy-efficient and at its highest calorie burning capacity, and of course clean diet and maybe a little calorie deficit will assist you depending on how much you are burning training and your daily activities , start with a low dose and see how you react, clens longer half life will cause a build up after a few days so be observant not to go nuts with higher doses , hope this helps you brother.
I was just looking at a pareto sustanon 250 mg I forgot I had , it contains test prop, test phenylpropionate , test isocaproate, test deconate, 4 different esters eh , looks good I never knew till I looked closely at the different test esters , guess I will use it up lol
We don't have FBI up here lol no worries bro
Test U is becoming a popular choice.
I personally love the 1 day a week TRT/Cruise schedule.
Stable bloods etc.
Just keep your TRT levels and add a different ester for blasts while maintaining your Test U dosage

Not to mention, it's a great compound for cocktailing hugh PIP solutions like DHB, cut your high mg primo or DHB with Test U, zero pip... since it's such a tolerable compound.
I normally do that but with my new work schedule I would be out of the city for 7-8 days and I would just like that peace of mind that I pinned once and not have to carry around my syringe and vial ahaha! plus I am less paranoid
I normally do that but with my new work schedule I would be out of the city for 7-8 days and I would just like that peace of mind that I pinned once and not have to carry around my syringe and vial ahaha! plus I am less paranoid
Test U would work great for you, there's an article going around about how to jump from Test E/C to it, it takes awhile to reach peak so you don't wanna just drop it completely into Test U. Then you could easily do a shot every 7-8 days and be stable.
Test U would work great for you, there's an article going around about how to jump from Test E/C to it, it takes awhile to reach peak so you don't wanna just drop it completely into Test U. Then you could easily do a shot every 7-8 days and be stable.

When switching (I'm only switching right now.. because I had a TONNE of cyp lying around and I didnt want it going bad.)

Start Test U at double TRT dose (Front load)
Continue Cyp at TRT dose
Continue Test cyp for 2 weeks at TRT dose alongside TestU

I mean, you could theoretically taper up the Undecoanate and taper down the cup to match.
But that's just too much fucking math,
Pin the oil

I've always felt fine from that protocol.
In the future, I'll just continue running TestU on blast, and add Prop or Cyp to get my Test total.
Test U would work great for you, there's an article going around about how to jump from Test E/C to it, it takes awhile to reach peak so you don't wanna just drop it completely into Test U. Then you could easily do a shot every 7-8 days and be stable.
Interested in this idea. What about blasting? Just go back to test e or just add more U?

Nevermind, someone just answered it. I'm interested in one cruise shot a week so I'll look into tapering in test U
Interested in this idea. What about blasting? Just go back to test e or just add more U?

Nevermind, someone just answered it. I'm interested in one cruise shot a week so I'll look into tapering in test U
Blasting I would just stick to test E or C the way I look at test U is it's more of when you are cruising/trt dosage just to keep things going! Maybe some of the more experienced users might chime in if I am wrong
Blasting I would just stick to test E or C the way I look at test U is it's more of when you are cruising/trt dosage just to keep things going! Maybe some of the more experienced users might chime in if I am wrong

Continue with the TestU and add your other compound to reach desired levels.

I cruise at 150mg TestU weekly.
If I want to hit 500mg total
I add 350mg Test Cyp (Or prop for a short run)
This gets you to 500mg total.

End of cycle, cease 350 cyp or Prop

You'll return to your standard 150mg within a few weeks and will avoid unnecessary hormonal fluctuations that are inherent with switching esters.

Now I gotta find some nebido.

Nebido.. damn
Half life is like fucking 60 days or some shit lol. (Nebido states 90 days.. but whatever.
Waaaaay too ling for me.
Wheras TestU in MCT is around 20
GSO is around the same as sesame oil around 23.

That's plenty

Fuck pinning that goop called castor oil and having s lump in my delt for so long.
Continue with the TestU and add your other compound to reach desired levels.

I cruise at 150mg TestU weekly.
If I want to hit 500mg total
I add 350mg Test Cyp (Or prop for a short run)
This gets you to 500mg total.

End of cycle, cease 350 cyp or Prop

You'll return to your standard 150mg within a few weeks and will avoid unnecessary hormonal fluctuations that are inherent with switching esters.

Thanks bro. Greatly appreciated. Now I gotta find a test U source. Pareto doesn’t do business in the states I think.
Nebido.. damn
Half life is like fucking 60 days or some shit lol. (Nebido states 90 days.. but whatever.
Waaaaay too ling for me.
Wheras TestU in MCT is around 20
GSO is around the same as sesame oil around 23.

That's plenty

Fuck pinning that goop called castor oil and having s lump in my delt for so long.
I thought nebido was test U
Dam that’s crazy. Never heard of castor oil as a carrier.
Nebido is Test U in Castor Oil that is adminstered in a giant ass 4ml bolus dose screw that. It's also shown to not last as long as they say and your levels are fucking all over the place.

Test U in something else administered more frequently is much, much better. I had never seen the numbers but that's good to know @Silentlemon1011 so 20 days half-life in GSO for Test U?