Canadian Domestic: Pareto Pharmaceuticals 2020

Clen is just nasty to me but to each their own. So bad for the heart among other things.

Highest I'd go is EC stack or Albuterol.
With the correct protocol you can make Clen almost side effect free, basically pair it with a beta blocker of your choice and adjust the dose until your heart rate is only a 20% above of your normal heart rate.
Then take taurine and potassium for the shaking.
With the correct protocol you can make Clen almost side effect free, basically pair it with a beta blocker of your choice and adjust the dose until your heart rate is only a 20% above of your normal heart rate.
Then take taurine and potassium for the shaking.

Having to take a beta blocker to run Clen seems overkill to me. I'd rather just skip the garbage in the first place if I'm having to take propranolol to balance it out. I do not feel the weight loss effects are that that efficacious to warrant even using it.

Diet / Cardio and other things are way up on my list and clen is at the bottom.
Having to take a beta blocker to run Clen seems overkill to me. I'd rather just skip the garbage in the first place if I'm having to take propranolol to balance it out. I do not feel the weight loss effects are that that efficacious to warrant even using it.

Diet / Cardio and other things are way up on my list and clen is at the bottom.
Clen just isn’t worth it compared to an EC stack, IMO.

To each their own, but I’m not willing to put my heart through hell to lose maybe an extra five pounds on a cut.
I actually havnt been able to find information on GSO
Its RELATIVE consistency to TSO (Tea seed oil)
Leads me to believe its AROUND 21 days (Most likely PLUS a few days)
I can only find consistent information on TSO and MCT
Even CO (Castor oil) has conflicting reporting
Nebido claims 90 days half life on the 4ml Bolus dose, wheras information on the actual ester chain relates that TestU in CO ... actually SHOULD be around 30 days elimination half life.

I've been doing a lot of research on Carrier oils and how they react to us as individuals, as well as how they actually effect release and how that impacts the ester chain

But it's a lot of fucking reading and I have a long way to go before I throughly understand it.

One Youtuber explains it well, I can share a link if anyone is interested. (Even then, he leaves a lot out) especially on the topic of Ester/Carrier related release.

So much to fucking learn, I realize how ignorant I am of anabolics every day
Hey brother I'd definitely be interested in that link. I agree it's a never ending list of things to learn about. I keep intending to start a note book to write down bits of info to recite if I need it. Even that's a lot of work
Could be different reps or one is a rep and the other is the main site. Prices are typically more on websites compared to the email reps as well.

Ie. John Doe buys in bulk bulk prices and makes his own site to make a profit, you will often get steep discounts if you wanna buy hundreds of vials etc.
I don't think Pareto ships to the United States, there domestic
Anyway I'm happy with Pareto , none of my business where they ship , have a great spring and summer, I'm working outside in construction, fucking noisy dusty and working with lippy young guys lol glad I got my test and deca , my productivity is up I trained hard right through this pandemic, I like deca I lay blocks , heavy stone , brick all day and without the deca my back would be feeling like I got body slammed onto the concrete, won't be running anything else
Anyway I'm happy with Pareto , none of my business where they ship , have a great spring and summer, I'm working outside in construction, fucking noisy dusty and working with lippy young guys lol glad I got my test and deca , my productivity is up I trained hard right through this pandemic, I like deca I lay blocks , heavy stone , brick all day and without the deca my back would be feeling like I got body slammed onto the concrete, won't be running anything else
Out of curiosity regarding the comment about your back, how much work do you do for your posterior chain? Glutes hips etc. I ask because I used to get back pain when I worked a lot on my feet. Talked to my friend who is a PT and he had me work on my glutes and hips. Back pain vanished. Took a few weeks as I was majorly weak in those areas. Just .02$
Clen is just nasty to me but to each their own. So bad for the heart among other things.

Highest I'd go is EC stack or Albuterol.
If I remember correctly clean is actually cardiotoxic, like cocaine. Meaning it causes death to cardiac tissue merely by contact.

I mean it's not the 80s or 90s anymore, clean is outdated. Primatene tablets and vivarin as a combo is winning.
You can contact a rep in this thread, he post

and cheaper. Those website prices are heavy
I went back over ten pages and no rep email to be found. Lots and lots of posts from munky though...poor guy must be lonely. I've been there, all depressed and spending too much time online, trying to forget the pain...

Anyway I'd give a testicle to get pareto I have little confidence in us domestics regarding gear. Never know what you are actually gonna get. Pareto seems world class I def want to try their products. Fingers toes and eyeballs crossed.
I went back over ten pages and no rep email to be found. Lots and lots of posts from munky though...poor guy must be lonely. I've been there, all depressed and spending too much time online, trying to forget the pain...

Anyway I'd give a testicle to get pareto I have little confidence in us domestics regarding gear. Never know what you are actually gonna get. Pareto seems world class I def want to try their products. Fingers toes and eyeballs crossed.
No one will guide or spoon feed you here brother maybe if you were depressed , lonely or spend too much time online like you assume munky does you would of found what your looking for lol.

Just keep searching and take the time and once you do you will be in good hands with Pareto. Great rep and top notch products.