Canadian Domestic: Pareto Pharmaceuticals 2020

With out ANY of the negative side effects?????
Lol only a liar and a fool will tell you MENT has zero sides. It is notorious for being an estrogen monster. Great for gains etc, but a monster to keep Estro under control with guys who typically dont run any or much anti-e having to yam Asin daily or even letro.

But it definitely does deliver on the gains side.
Lol only a liar and a fool will tell you MENT has zero sides. It is notorious for being an estrogen monster. Great for gains etc, but a monster to keep Estro under control with guys who typically dont run any or much anti-e having to yam Asin daily or even letro.

But it definitely does deliver on the gains side.
Hows the mental sides compare to Tren? Anxiety/severe mood swimgs/insomnia?
Hows the mental sides compare to Tren? Anxiety/severe mood swimgs/insomnia?

Can't give you my personal experience, but from all the stories I've read and people I know who have ran it, it seems to have gotten this amazing rep because it's "being tested as a male hormone replacement" and also provide great results, but as soon as you start running it any decent dose it damn well provides results but Gyno/Estro are a fucking bitch.

I would assume it doesn't even touch the neurological over stimulation and mind fuck that Tren delivers though. But then again I'm one of those "you have zero reason to run tren unless you're prepping for a show" guys due to all the negatives.
I have been doing Pareto's MENT for a while now ever since they started the first batch.
I can tell you one thing, this AAS is very strong but be careful with the dosae, it will fuck with you blood pressure and might give you heart palpitations if you over do it.

Keep it at 50mg EOD and no more than 250mgs per week, at least for me I noticed if I go over that I start getting BP issues.

The past few days I started stacking it with DHB not a good idea, even at a low dose on both. I would NOT stack MENT and DHB, I would say MENT plus PRIMO which I have done for a while works great.

DHB in general is very good but also very strong, so I would only stack DHB with a mild steroid like Primobolan or an oral such as Turinabol or Anavar.

Just my personal opinion, DHB and MENT are very very strong compounds so careful with the dosage.

Now replacing test with MENT not good for the sex drive and erections, not sure why, but once I stopped the test and started the MENT, my sexy drive went down hill. Could be Estro related, but I never ever get Estro sides as in Gyno, and never ever used any Serms to control estrogen.

All in all, MENT and DHB are best stacked with a mild Anabolic for a longer period of time.
For the best sex drive personally I found that Test plu Masteron kept me hard and horny all day every day.
I have been doing Pareto's MENT for a while now ever since they started the first batch.
I can tell you one thing, this AAS is very strong but be careful with the dosae, it will fuck with you blood pressure and might give you heart palpitations if you over do it.

Keep it at 50mg EOD and no more than 250mgs per week, at least for me I noticed if I go over that I start getting BP issues.

The past few days I started stacking it with DHB not a good idea, even at a low dose on both. I would NOT stack MENT and DHB, I would say MENT plus PRIMO which I have done for a while works great.

DHB in general is very good but also very strong, so I would only stack DHB with a mild steroid like Primobolan or an oral such as Turinabol or Anavar.

Just my personal opinion, DHB and MENT are very very strong compounds so careful with the dosage.

Now replacing test with MENT not good for the sex drive and erections, not sure why, but once I stopped the test and started the MENT, my sexy drive went down hill. Could be Estro related, but I never ever get Estro sides as in Gyno, and never ever used any Serms to control estrogen.

All in all, MENT and DHB are best stacked with a mild Anabolic for a longer period of time.
For the best sex drive personally I found that Test plu Masteron kept me hard and horny all day every day.
So you didnt notice any of the neuro/mental sides like anxiety/secere mood swings/ insomnia?
I liked the ment , it's a great plateau breaker, 5 stars , androgenic/anabolic ratio is insane, I run armosin eod never had estrogen problems, if you want to get big this product is for you, I would not use for cutting personally, sex drive and appetite were higher than normal, right up there with tren esters/ superdrol/ halotestin for strength and muscle building capacity, no need to stack ment I believe it shines best alone, just a estrogen blocker I would suggest, I ran one vial it was a nice blast. Not many labs carry ment anymore , thankyou Pareto for putting it on the list !
So you didnt notice any of the neuro/mental sides like anxiety/secere mood swings/ insomnia?
I would attribute the heart palpitations to anxiety. Insomnia, possible but I always bad sleep regardless. Very strong compound.
I liked the ment , it's a great plateau breaker, 5 stars , androgenic/anabolic ratio is insane, I run armosin eod never had estrogen problems, if you want to get big this product is for you, I would not use for cutting personally, sex drive and appetite were higher than normal, right up there with tren esters/ superdrol/ halotestin for strength and muscle building capacity, no need to stack ment I believe it shines best alone, just a estrogen blocker I would suggest, I ran one vial it was a nice blast. Not many labs carry ment anymore , thankyou Pareto for putting it on the list !
Come on man 1 vial?
You talk all that with 1 vial experience? From all the posts I've read from you, you seem to be just writing shit to praise. Yeah Pareto has nice products but to have done only 1 vial and talk like you are Mike Arnold is a bit too much everyone can see this shit. You sound like you are a young inexperienced AAS user.
Nothing beats or even compares to Tren ! Its just has too many terrible side effects.
Nothing will ever beat Trenbolone acetate. It's bar none the best drug to get you in the best shape of your life, with an insane sex drive, and a total disregard for fidelity in many relationships.

I love and I hate it.
Come on man 1 vial?
You talk all that with 1 vial experience? From all the posts I've read from you, you seem to be just writing shit to praise. Yeah Pareto has nice products but to have done only 1 vial and talk like you are Mike Arnold is a bit too much everyone can see this shit. You sound like you are a young inexperienced AAS user.
I cant post what you expect to hear , I just grabbed a little to try out , and that's my experience, I eat super clean and I dont party and I meditate and mind my business, if you have serious side effects you are abusing the product or your body doesn't like it , if I had time I could give you a 20page essay , go Google ment there are all your answers than plagiarism them if you like to put out cheap reviews, you have no idea the quantity I go through or the number of years I been with pareto, you are making comments and conclusions based on your personal opinions which are ignorant and have no proof whatsoever, maybe I work in a industry oil field and I could only run one vial because there is no gym in the middle of nowhere, your credibility in judging comments is not credible either, you certainly are no doctor or endocrinologist, where is your blood work when you ran ment if your so all that post it
What's everyone's view on superdrol was thinking of adding that when gyms open up 10-20mg a day pre workout
It's worth the money, its a little harsh on the liver I found, I noticed its power immediately, but apparently I'm an inexperienced ass hole lol actually brother it's a great compound you can either cut or bulk , wouldn't run more than 4weeks , 10mg preworkout, 8hrs later 10mg post workout, maybe on a heavy lifting day pop the whole 20mg preworkout, I found you can use it just a few times a week even to get through those days you feel tired
Are you saying Superdrol gives you energy or pumps? I used to do the same with dbol /anavar. Took 1/2 the daily dose right before gym and it gave me crazy pumps
Are you saying Superdrol gives you energy or pumps? I used to do the same with dbol /anavar. Took 1/2 the daily dose right before gym and it gave me crazy pumps
Superdrol makes you look pumped even outside the gym when you aren't working out, increased gains , increased strength endurance, increased libido, zero armotization, vascularity, more intensity in the gym , half life is 8 to 12 hrs , yes you will get crazy pumps, if you are vascular already you will look like a freak veins popping out everything, muscle hardening as well , you will look great on superdrol, once again thou its harsh on the liver and only ran short periods, you can pack on 10 to 15 pounds in a short period depending on your condition and diet and training, I ran it 4 weeks and I made nice gains then I jumped on ment for a blast , like I needed it eh lol I ran test enthanate 1ml every 7 days on superdrol, if I felt lethargic I used a eca stack or a tab or 2 of pareto helios which contains yohimbe, albuterol, caffeine, the yohimbe and superdrol with pareto superman's a cialis/viagra combination probably made me the best pumps ever, I experimented with lots and I don't advise anyone to do this, just my insane experience and my girlfriend loves it lol
Superdrol makes you look pumped even outside the gym when you aren't working out, increased gains , increased strength endurance, increased libido, zero armotization, vascularity, more intensity in the gym , half life is 8 to 12 hrs , yes you will get crazy pumps, if you are vascular already you will look like a freak veins popping out everything, muscle hardening as well , you will look great on superdrol, once again thou its harsh on the liver and only ran short periods, you can pack on 10 to 15 pounds in a short period depending on your condition and diet and training, I ran it 4 weeks and I made nice gains then I jumped on ment for a blast , like I needed it eh lol I ran test enthanate 1ml every 7 days on superdrol, if I felt lethargic I used a eca stack or a tab or 2 of pareto helios which contains yohimbe, albuterol, caffeine, the yohimbe and superdrol with pareto superman's a cialis/viagra combination probably made me the best pumps ever, I experimented with lots and I don't advise anyone to do this, just my insane experience and my girlfriend loves it lol
Yeah Sdrol is crazy for pumps and gains. Lethargy sets in at 3 weeks in on 20mg daily. It’s a crazy oral but likely harsh as hell. Not a feel good compound that’s for sure. Need lots of water every day when on Sdrol. Use it but respect it.