Canadian Domestic: Pareto Pharmaceuticals 2020

Stoked af to start Var to finish of my current blast being that everything has been nothing shy of on point from Pareto so far. Would anyone recommend hitting 10mg pre and then 10mg at night or 20mg pre workout?
10 mg pre workout won't do anything it's a very low dose. You'd be better off to up it to 40 mg divided in 4 doses I assume they're 10mg. If it's your first time using Var, 40 is still low but it's a good starting point.
Forgot to write earlier but made an order in January and it was at my door within the week! Been on for just over a month now and am beyond satisfied with their products.
Anyone else try Pareto's MENT? I'm on 25mg/day and it gives me low e2 sides which doesn't make sense, especially since I'm pairing it with 875mg/week test c.
Anyone else try Pareto's MENT? I'm on 25mg/day and it gives me low e2 sides which doesn't make sense, especially since I'm pairing it with 875mg/week test c.
Yeah I've ran quite a bit of it, More than likely just a you thing lol.. It definitely gave me some itchy nips but I took probably 2 vials of it and was dosing 50mg EOD and It wasn't immediate, Took some buildup and was also running 500mg Test E. It was fantastic for strength/size but it made my hair thicker in a pretty short period of time.. Wasn't a fan of that :p - How long have you been running it now?
Yeah I've ran quite a bit of it, More than likely just a you thing lol.. It definitely gave me some itchy nips but I took probably 2 vials of it and was dosing 50mg EOD and It wasn't immediate, Took some buildup and was also running 500mg Test E. It was fantastic for strength/size but it made my hair thicker in a pretty short period of time.. Wasn't a fan of that :p - How long have you been running it now?
Been running at either trt or blast levels for the last 8 months. This latest blast has been 14 weeks now at 25mg/day. I love it otherwise but I have no idea why I would be getting low E2 sides when everybody says it should give you insanely high E2
Holy fuck, impressive DHB from this source, I have tried 3 other sources and thought this one would be the same old pipfest. I was delightfully wrong, It is like injectable superdrol with less bloat. My face seems slimmer, veins in abs, my quads have veins like a mf aswell. No sides at all, if I didn't get the retarded fat loss and vascularity with fullness I'd think it were bullshit.
Litterally like TREN without the sides? I'm running dhb for every cycle from now on.

If you pin DHB by itself, minimal pip will follow but it's pretty manageable because it's 100mg/ml and made with EO.

If you want to avoid PIP I recommend the following >>>

Mix up the following in one syringe and pin Every other day.

0.5ml DHB
0.4ml Test E

350mg Dhb/wk
350mg Test/wk

DHB IS ONLY $65 A VIAL ATM LOL, I'm stocking up that's forsure. I bought one vial at first to test it out, and then realized recently that it's like a secret super drug that nobody talk about? decided to break bank.
DHB sides confirmed, I'm retarded with poor maths, Sorry about that. It's actually 1ml DHB every other day mixed with 0.4ml test. Awkward... 350mg DHB/ 350mg Test
What sides did you get? Did your acne get worse before it got better?
I had to discontinue it after about 3-4 weeks as my lips started drying out and splitting. I already get split lips but this was just too much. Aside from that no noticeable sides. Acne got better without getting worse, even helped a stye I'd been dealing with.


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