Canadian Domestic: Pareto Pharmaceuticals 2020

Has anyone ran the Accutane? I picked some up and just started 20mg eod. Curious as to what others have experienced and what to expect. I’m sure it’s A1 considering how solid the rest of Pareto’s lineup is.
Just dropping in. Been running Pareto exclusive for what? 3-4 years now? Best lab in Canada by far dont even hesitate.

Been on 900 test, 900 deca, .25 adex Ed, .25 Caber every 4 days, 5mg cialis every other day.

Never tried deca or test combined this high before. I was terrified for Deca dick tbh. Never been hornier. After 10 years of training FINALLY. Finally I LOOK like a bodybuilder. Having tall ectomorph genetics is such a struggle.

I’ll be running this 16 weeks. Then I’ll be trying 500 test, 500 primo, 100 tren, 40 anavar to cut.

I have never tried primo. Pretty anxious that it won’t be worth the extreme price to be honest. Any experiences with their primo would be appreciated!!
I am certainly biased for obvious reasons, but I believe you will love our primo. The Pareto primo is my favorite compound on a cut and for lean bulks. I try to keep my abs visible year round. Primo absolutely shines at low body fat percentages and is a major staple of mine, alongside testosterone. The pumps and the general feelings of well being really help when I cut calories.
With the cut cycle you are running, I feel that you are going to love this compound as well!
Thank you for your loyalty and the kind words. I will ensure our shipping department adds a free bottle of primo to your next order for the loyalty and fantastic review!
I am certainly biased for obvious reasons, but I believe you will love our primo. The Pareto primo is my favorite compound on a cut and for lean bulks. I try to keep my abs visible year round. Primo absolutely shines at low body fat percentages and is a major staple of mine, alongside testosterone. The pumps and the general feelings of well being really help when I cut calories.
With the cut cycle you are running, I feel that you are going to love this compound as well!
Thank you for your loyalty and the kind words. I will ensure our shipping department adds a free bottle of primo to your next order for the loyalty and fantastic review!

Outstanding I really appreciate it. People probably think I am a shill, but every order you guys send something as a random gift.

Fucking incredible!
Has anyone ran the Accutane? I picked some up and just started 20mg eod. Curious as to what others have experienced and what to expect. I’m sure it’s A1 considering how solid the rest of Pareto’s lineup is.
I am very biased on this product, being that I am a repsresentative of Pareto, but I use 40mg when on cycles with dht compounds, with excellent acne prevention results. I would recommend 10mg a day, and bump it up to 20mg a day after a month if liver enzymes on your blood work are in the normal range. You can contact me if you have any other questions related to this or any other questions you may have.
Another order done with pareto. Just PCT things though but 10/10 service.

Got some injectable helios anyone got experience with it?
I really appreciate the kind words @CanadianJasonGenova . Go easy on the injectable helios when you start it. I normally start it at around .2 cc, once daily. Draw it with an insulin syringe and inject sub-q into the belly. See how you tolerate it at that dose and you can move it up from there as you continue to use it.
If you have any questions regarding the product please contact me at
Quick note. The other week I asked my dr for cialis. He gave me a sample pack of 14 5mg.

I swear Pareto's daily cialis is better and a script in Canada for Cialis, not covered by bennies, is outrageous. Thx pareto!
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Hello Meso,


Metribolone is a new product that was recently added to our line-up. For the month of December, we will run a promo on it. It won't be a generic, run of the mill type of promotion either. We will do this on an order by order basis, but keep in mind that the larger the order the better the promo deal we can do.


Metribolone (250mcg x 50 tablets) by PARETO

Metribolone is an extremely potent Oral Steroid which is commonly referred to as Oral Trenbolone. It has earned this nickname because it is very similar to Trenbolone structurally. The main difference is that Metribolone contains a 17-alpha-methyl group, which makes it absorbable in oral form. As with all Oral Steroids, this steroid is liver toxic, and as such as it should not be used for a prolonged period of time. Much like Trenbolone Acetate and Trenbolone Enanthate, Metribolone does not aromatize into estrogen, so water retention is not a concern when using this compound. It is also very anti-catabolic, which makes an extremely effective compound when it comes to cutting and dieting. It is quite important for Steroid users to recognize the difference between Bulking Steroids Vs Cutting Steroids. Metribolone is definitely one of those steroids that is better suited for cutting.

Much similar to Trenbolone Acetate/Enanthate, this compound is extremely androgenic, so extreme strength gains are common. Users should be careful to not injure themselves while using this Steroid, as getting too strong, too fast can lead to muscle tears. Impressive muscle gains are also common with this compound, as it is also highly anabolic. Users can expect to grow lean while using this compound, while not adding much water retention at all. The biggest downside of this compound is that it is liver toxic, so it is wise to take liver support compounds such as Ursodiol when using this compound. Users should also limit their use to 4-6 weeks at max with Metribolone.

To make things simple, this steroid is very effective at adding both muscle and strength, but users should take extreme caution with this particular powerful oral steroid.
Anyone try their primo? Edit:wrong spelling.
Used 3 vials with them. Got nothing but "feelz" to report but I'm on a super modest cruise (100 mg test/200 mg primo) so make of that what you will. Zero pip and test levels 2 days after last was at 660 2 months in to the cruise. Rep was super responsive and helpful. I know none of this means jack in terms of accuracy and/or potency but that's all I have to offer at the moment.
Thanks man, ya I've used there gear. Ran the test in the summer no blood work but felt like test. I'm curious about the banter on here regarding northern muscle/ Canadian brawn owner being affiliated with pareto?
Just received my first order from Pareto, it’s a bit early to comment on how effective their products are but I was quite happy with their response and shipping time. Packaging was discreet and well thought out so no complaints there either.

I’ll be blasting 500 test and some RAD-140 using their ancillaries if estrogen gets too crazy. Looking forward to the gains!
Thanks man, ya I've used there gear. Ran the test in the summer no blood work but felt like test. I'm curious about the banter on here regarding northern muscle/ Canadian brawn owner being affiliated with pareto?
I can put that rumour to bed right now. Pareto has zero affiliation with that forums' owners, and that individual has nothing to do with our organization. If they run a different lab, I can also say that that lab has no affiliation whatsoever with us.

Any eta on the lcarn?

It's unfortunate to say this, but I do not have an eta on that product at this time.
Sorry, I forgot to post that I received an order the very next day last week with Pareto (12 week cycle of Test, Var, Proviron, hCG, and RU-58841).

I honestly feel great and my heavy depression that I was feeling has already dissipated with this stack; I'm never doing a cycle without periodic hCG dosing from the very start of the cycle.