Canadian Domestic: Pareto Pharmaceuticals 2020

Huh well I'm going to have to look into this.
Only downside is the extra administration of aqeuos based stuff but I've had zero issues delts only.

Now it's not magic but the fact that its not fucking up your endocrine system and still providing benefits to me puts it up there. You can google around for the androgen sensitivity stuff but a few have touched on this, anything that allows me to use a "less is more" approach is great.

Lil Test, lil GH, lil Carnitine @500mg daily, baby you got a "healthy" stack stew goin'
Only downside is the extra administration of aqeuos based stuff but I've had zero issues delts only.

Now it's not magic but the fact that its not fucking up your endocrine system and still providing benefits to me puts it up there. You can google around for the androgen sensitivity stuff but a few have touched on this, anything that allows me to use a "less is more" approach is great.

Lil Test, lil GH, lil Carnitine @500mg daily, baby you got a "healthy" stack stew goin'

If water based injects are made properly then they should not cause any issues.
Just wanna give this rep some praise. Been using Pareto for a few years and just recently ran into some issues with my past supplier. Decided to hop back on her to find this new thread for Pareto.

He agreed to take me on as a new client, and was beyond quick with his responses emails.
Hello meso,


Ketotifen is a new product that was recently added to our line-up. For the month of November, we will run a promo on it. It won't be a generic, run of the mill type of promotion either. We will do this on an order by order basis, but keep in mind that the larger the order the better the promo deal we can do.


Ketotifen (1mg x 50 tablets) by PARETO

Ketotifen is an antihistimine that inhibits down regulation of beta-receptors, which are often degraded by fat-burners such as Albuterol and Clenbuterol.

It can be used in combination with these other drugs in order to keep feeling their fat-burning effects for longer periods of time with out the need for periods of on and off cycling. Side effects can include drowsiness, irritability, nosebleeds and dry mouth. Ketoifen increases appetite; therefore another side effect is typically weight gain. Ketotifen also (potentially) improves insulin sensitivity within muscle tissue.

So what will ketotifen do with regards to research that no other compound will? Well when administered with a beta 2 adrenergic agents such as clenbuterol or albuterol it will allow the compound to remain effective for a longer duration, at a lower effective dose. This eliminates the need for dangerously administering very high doses to research subjects, which may come along with higher risks and undesirable side effects. It also allows a user to administer the beta 2 agonist continuously without a reduction in effectiveness. This will lead to the user observing much faster results in our research than if we were required to stop administration or adapt a 2 week on, 2 week off protocol to our research subjects.

Ketotifen has 2 primary effects. First off it is an h1 antihistamine. There are 2 types of antihistamines, h1 and h2. A primary difference is h1 antihistamines cross the blood brain barrier in research subjects and are known to induce drowsiness as a result of this. Ketotifen, being an h1 antihistamine is known to induce this effect. Secondly it is a mast cell stabilizer. Mast cells are cells that are rich in histamine. They are activated via calcium channel transfer; ketotifen blocks this calcium channel transfer. This is of particular note as clenbuterol , via cAMP, activates this calcium channel transfer.

The synergy between clenbuterol and ketotifen in research subjects is complicated to say the least. In all reality they BOTH exhibit antihistamine effects, yet while displaying a synergy at making the other more effective. Just as ketotifen prevents the down regulation of beta 2 receptors, clenbuterol prevents the very same effect in histamine receptors! Luckily for our purposes there is a definitive study which proves that the addition of ketotifen increases the effectiveness of clenbuterol in research subjects. There is also a study which proves its effects on prevention of down regulation of b2 adrenergic receptors. Sometimes science makes it a bit easier. Published, peer reviewed studies proving the effectiveness and synergy of 2 research compounds.
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Just wanted to come here and say I finished a cycle of your primo/test/var and man did I make some nice clean gains with minimal side effects. Will definitely do another one in the spring. I used RU58841 as part of my hair loss protocol and maybe that's why I didn't notice hairless too badly.
Very minimal pip with this being first cycle on Test-E, all around quality product. Rep is on point with quality service as well. Being a longtime lurker in doing my research, glad I went this route. Will definitely be returning in the future.
Just dropping in. Been running Pareto exclusive for what? 3-4 years now? Best lab in Canada by far dont even hesitate.

Been on 900 test, 900 deca, .25 adex Ed, .25 Caber every 4 days, 5mg cialis every other day.

Never tried deca or test combined this high before. I was terrified for Deca dick tbh. Never been hornier. After 10 years of training FINALLY. Finally I LOOK like a bodybuilder. Having tall ectomorph genetics is such a struggle.

I’ll be running this 16 weeks. Then I’ll be trying 500 test, 500 primo, 100 tren, 40 anavar to cut.

I have never tried primo. Pretty anxious that it won’t be worth the extreme price to be honest. Any experiences with their primo would be appreciated!!