Canadian Domestic: Pareto Pharmaceuticals 2020

Hi All,
Thank you all for your input.
As I mentioned earlier I have been using for more than 3.5 years.
I would like to say that I have never had any problem with
I always get my packages on time.
His service is really good in terms of replying and shipment. has messaged me and it seems everything is ok.
He explained that he is much more busier than usual.
I still consider him as a reliable source.
Thank you.
Had to mention that e-mail 3 times?

Nice plug on someone else's thread..
Had to mention that e-mail 3 times?

Nice plug on someone else's thread..
Sorry what do you mean?
Yes, I messaged him couple of times and did not get responses.
But he came back with response and explanation.
So I am not trying to put some one down or promote anyone here.
I honestly was concerned. I sent messages and I did not get a response on the next day. So I suspected that the email may be compromised.
That is why I asked here if anyone has the same issues with representative.
I dont want to make looks bad, because he came back with response and explanation.
So I think it is my obligation to tell everyone how my issue was resolved to avoid any misunderstandings and to keep his reputation intact.
I dont have any hidden agenda.
Everything is simple.
Hi All,
Thank you all for your input.
As I mentioned earlier I have been using for more than 3.5 years.
I would like to say that I have never had any problem with
I always get my packages on time.
His service is really good in terms of communication and shipment. has messaged me and it seems everything is ok.
He explained that he is much more busier than usual.
I still consider as a reliable source.
Thank you.
I've read and replied to your post earlier but I can't remember who your rep was that you had a little issue with. Hummmm was it Nordic, was it Syn or was it Genetec. I found it its you have to mention it more often so we know and we can follow your thread
You just shot yourself in the foot my friend by pushing another rep hard on someone else's tread. Next time try to be less obvious. It's shit like that pisses me off like were idiots and can't see right through you
I've read and replied to your post earlier but I can't remember who your rep was that you had a little issue with. Hummmm was it Nordic, was it Syn or was it Genetec. I found it its you have to mention it more often so we know and we can follow your thread
You just shot yourself in the foot my friend by pushing another rep hard on someone else's tread. Next time try to be less obvious. It's shit like that pisses me off like were idiots and can't see right through you
I am sorry if I broke rules of the forum.
That the first time I have issue with rep thats why I asked for help here.
I would say more.
To get my issue resolved I wrote to
as I thought that he is the boss of
I mean I thought that he works directly from Pareto and all other reps get stuff from him.
He helped me with the issue I had with
I really appreciate that looked into my problem and helped me.
Moreover, I did not know that each rep has own tread.
I thought that here we can discuss all Pereto reps.
I apologise if I broke any rules.
I dont mind if all my posts will be deleted.
Please don't be so suspicious.
I am sorry if I broke rules of the forum.
That the first time I have issue with rep thats why I asked for help here.
I would say more.
To get my issue resolved I wrote to
as I thought that he is the boss of
I mean I thought that he works directly from Pareto and all other reps get stuff from him.
He helped me with the issue I had with
I really appreciate that looked into my problem and helped me.
Moreover, I did not know that each rep has own tread.
I thought that here we can discuss all Pereto reps.
I apologise if I broke any rules.
I dont mind if all my posts will be deleted.
Please don't be so suspicious.
Honest mistake just be more mindful as it looked bad on your end. Now you know it was explained to you really well by our rep here. That was good of you to ask questions and educate yourself it's the best way to learn.All labs follow the same protocol.
I still use him, just email him again. He I am not sure what the other guy is going on about.
I am going on about pareto1 being the worst experience with pareto I ever had. That rep has terrible customer service skills. He did not answer my emails in a timely fashion. Eventually I heard back from my multiple emails on a Friday, after they shipped it on a Thursday, and paying the previous Sunday is acceptable? I do not think that is reliable!
Ok guys, thank you for everyone's contribution to this matter but it is a dead matter. I ask resepectfully that we keep discussion about other reps, whether good or bad, out of my thread. I also have a request that we not post emails of reps or website adresses in my thread. It is completely unneceesary that a member would post someone elses emails in every message they post. I realize this is somewhat harmless, but I also request that they respect my thread. I am the rep for meso and if anyone has concerns with other reps or websites they can private message me here, or they can email me at
Ok guys, thank you for everyone's contribution to this matter but it is a dead matter. I ask resepectfully that we keep discussion about other reps, whether good or bad, out of my thread. I also have a request that we not post emails of reps or website adresses in my thread. It is completely unneceesary that a member would post someone elses emails in every message they post. I realize this is somewhat harmless, but I also request that they respect my thread. I am the rep for meso and if anyone has concerns with other reps or websites they can private message me here, or they can email me at

Always had great service, definitely probably top for customer service for me and even was very open to discuss any questions I had and was honest and open, never felt like I was just a rushed order no matter what the size with paretomeso.

I float between the big guys in Canada but Paretomeso is great wouldn't send me dick pics tho so only a 4/5 for me.
Hello meso,

we are working on bringing Injectable L-Carnitine 50ml, 500mg/ml to the line up. As soon as it's ready to ship I will alert everyone. I don't have a definitive date, but hoping it will be ready in the coming month

I'm gonna take all the credit for this even though i did absolutely nothing but post on the forum about this when you asked for ideas.

You're welcome.

As someone who uses it daily 50ml's would be great.
I'm gonna take all the credit for this even though i did absolutely nothing but post on the forum about this when you asked for ideas.

You're welcome.

As someone who uses it daily 50ml's would be great.

What benefits do you notice from the stuff?
I've been using it for a bit. I notice a appear leaner, better endurance, vascularity, and possibly enhanced fat loss. Usually take 1g of it with 1-2ius humalog or 40-50g carbs
What Jestopherson said, 500mg-1g if you can handle the annoying daily pins/amount. Usually just 500mg/day for me.

Haven't been tight on the diet but it absolutely has a cardio effect some days it feels like cheating, and you get more of a sweat on. I truly think its one of the criminally underrated compounds with the apparent androgen upregulation/sensitivity as well.
What Jestopherson said, 500mg-1g if you can handle the annoying daily pins/amount. Usually just 500mg/day for me.

Haven't been tight on the diet but it absolutely has a cardio effect some days it feels like cheating, and you get more of a sweat on. I truly think its one of the criminally underrated compounds with the apparent androgen upregulation/sensitivity as well.

Huh well I'm going to have to look into this.
What Jestopherson said, 500mg-1g if you can handle the annoying daily pins/amount. Usually just 500mg/day for me.

Haven't been tight on the diet but it absolutely has a cardio effect some days it feels like cheating, and you get more of a sweat on. I truly think its one of the criminally underrated compounds with the apparent androgen upregulation/sensitivity as well.
Huh well I'm going to have to look into this.
Yeah the one thing Is to make sure you take it with either high glycemic carbs or slin. Otherwise it doesn't get utilized from anecdotes and one study on it.

Yeah I use 600mg/ml so I pin 1.5ish mls pre workout. That paired with 200mg caffeine and 8mg ephedrine..shit I've been purging sweat during cardio. I dropped my cals by 250 this week and I'm already noticing. More vascularity