Canadian Domestic: Pareto Pharmaceuticals 2020

Holy fuck, impressive DHB from this source, I have tried 3 other sources and thought this one would be the same old pipfest. I was delightfully wrong, It is like injectable superdrol with less bloat. My face seems slimmer, veins in abs, my quads have veins like a mf aswell. No sides at all, if I didn't get the retarded fat loss and vascularity with fullness I'd think it were bullshit.
Litterally like TREN without the sides? I'm running dhb for every cycle from now on.

If you pin DHB by itself, minimal pip will follow but it's pretty manageable because it's 100mg/ml and made with EO.

If you want to avoid PIP I recommend the following >>>

Mix up the following in one syringe and pin Every other day.

0.5ml DHB
0.4ml Test E

350mg Dhb/wk
350mg Test/wk

DHB IS ONLY $65 A VIAL ATM LOL, I'm stocking up that's forsure. I bought one vial at first to test it out, and then realized recently that it's like a secret super drug that nobody talk about? decided to break bank.

65 per vial? What is the email you are contacting? I have been buying their DHB for a few years. I am pretty disappointed they upped the price to 85 above 5 months ago.

Also, just curious. Do you get deep, cystic almost bruised acne mid back? I am running their DHB now I seem to always get this wear blood filled acne...
Just putting up a service review for the Pareto Rep. Placed a small order for a few essentials and the Rep was super easy to deal with. Fast email responses, had the tracking info the next AM and package was at my door 2 days later. As usual, the product looks top notch.
Does it matter which site to use? There’s two.
Sites are typically the last line you want to use, they are going to be way more expensive if you buy from clearnet sites. It's like paying an idiot tax. Do you research and find an email rep. The rule is closer to the source, better the prices.

If you're seeing 85 and he's seeing 65 you're most definitely ordering off a clearnet site that has big markup.

YOHIMBINE - For my Canadian brothers, drop that shitty ephedrine that burns out your adrenals, gives you stim dick and try this stuff. I have ran this twice currently on my third cycle of it. 3.5 tablets, FASTED, 20 minutes TIMES, before stair master. Unbelievable. Last cut I achieved my leanest and best look with this stuff. It’s a short half life but I legitimately feels like what we’ve all wanted a fat burner that IMMEDIATELY burns fat.

For me it gives me about 1 hour of some sort of strange ability to endure anything physically and mentally. I can suffer on the stairmaster STARVING TO DEATH. With a hoodie, beanie and track pants on 6am with 140 heart rate for an hour literally staring at the wall like a psychopath with no music. It’s really awesome.

It can make you nauseous first couple of days using it. It’s not like clen, or ephedrine, caffiene or any other stimulant (for me). There is no crash afterwards and it kills appetite for a good 6-8 hours.

OVERALL 10/10.

CLEN - man, idk… this stuff is just way too strong. It might just be me, but a CRUMB of a tablet, a fucking CRUMB almost killed me lol… .25 of a tablet fasted.. makes me go instant hypo, insane heart rate increase for HOURS, loss of appetite, but no energy increase. It exhausts me. But I mean, I guess it works?

For me personally 20 40mcg MAX for maybe 1-2 weeks at the beginning of a cut just to really get into suffer mode, get the diuretic effect to drop some quick pounds to increase motivation.


CABER - 1000% g2g on 1000 test, 900 deca half a tablet was all I took. I was legit having sex 3-5 times per day… no ED issues BUT THIS COULD BE GENETIC.


Cardarine - mmm. Idk about this one. I’ve cycled it twice now and I feel absolutely nothing. No increase in energy in the gym nothing. I can however feel my blood sugar levels are 100% stable at all times which allows me to eat less carbs and crave less carbs. The first time I ran this I ran it with berberine and it made me extremely nauseous. I’m not sure I can recommend this to be honest. My muscles were extremely flat as well…

OVERALL 4/10 only because it helped stabilize blood sugar

DBOL - I’ve tried dbol is the past at least 5 times. Always an instant headache, lethargic, loss of appetite moon face, water retention, bloated. 20mg of dbol, with .25mg adex, pre workout on a cut, low carb with test below 400 finally after 11 years of lifting made me feel like I was on steroids.. chest striations (I’ve never had before), insane pumps within 3 days the girl I was seeing kept saying (wtf you look huge) even though I had been on cycle the last 2 months without dbol… man with low test, controlled estrogen and 20mg per day with a lean bulk 5 days on 2 days off would change your life if you could eat properly.


DECA - I’m a 6’1 extomorph started lifting 11 years ago at 142 pounds. Deca is the key for me. Point blank period. It’s something I can rub year round 150mg, bridge with 300mg and blast 700-900 mg without side effects. This could be genetic but FINALLY for the first time ever people approached me this bulk and asked if I compete or if I’m a body builder. I got up to 220 around 15% body fat 1000 test 900 deca. I fucked up my insulin sensitivity eating English muffins but it was the most successful bulk of my life other than. My first year of lifting. I’ve never had ED issues, I run Caber just in case at 300mg + and throw in DHB to help modulate estrogen without much AI. So many people are afraid of this compound, if you eat 75% clean like a body builder it’s the answer… SERIOUS R E A L. Muscle tissue gains.


YOHIMBINE - For my Canadian brothers, drop that shitty ephedrine that burns out your adrenals, gives you stim dick and try this stuff. I have ran this twice currently on my third cycle of it. 3.5 tablets, FASTED, 20 minutes TIMES, before stair master. Unbelievable. Last cut I achieved my leanest and best look with this stuff. It’s a short half life but I legitimately feels like what we’ve all wanted a fat burner that IMMEDIATELY burns fat.

For me it gives me about 1 hour of some sort of strange ability to endure anything physically and mentally. I can suffer on the stairmaster STARVING TO DEATH. With a hoodie, beanie and track pants on 6am with 140 heart rate for an hour literally staring at the wall like a psychopath with no music. It’s really awesome.

It can make you nauseous first couple of days using it. It’s not like clen, or ephedrine, caffiene or any other stimulant (for me). There is no crash afterwards and it kills appetite for a good 6-8 hours.

OVERALL 10/10.

CLEN - man, idk… this stuff is just way too strong. It might just be me, but a CRUMB of a tablet, a fucking CRUMB almost killed me lol… .25 of a tablet fasted.. makes me go instant hypo, insane heart rate increase for HOURS, loss of appetite, but no energy increase. It exhausts me. But I mean, I guess it works?

For me personally 20 40mcg MAX for maybe 1-2 weeks at the beginning of a cut just to really get into suffer mode, get the diuretic effect to drop some quick pounds to increase motivation.


CABER - 1000% g2g on 1000 test, 900 deca half a tablet was all I took. I was legit having sex 3-5 times per day… no ED issues BUT THIS COULD BE GENETIC.


Cardarine - mmm. Idk about this one. I’ve cycled it twice now and I feel absolutely nothing. No increase in energy in the gym nothing. I can however feel my blood sugar levels are 100% stable at all times which allows me to eat less carbs and crave less carbs. The first time I ran this I ran it with berberine and it made me extremely nauseous. I’m not sure I can recommend this to be honest. My muscles were extremely flat as well…

OVERALL 4/10 only because it helped stabilize blood sugar

DBOL - I’ve tried dbol is the past at least 5 times. Always an instant headache, lethargic, loss of appetite moon face, water retention, bloated. 20mg of dbol, with .25mg adex, pre workout on a cut, low carb with test below 400 finally after 11 years of lifting made me feel like I was on steroids.. chest striations (I’ve never had before), insane pumps within 3 days the girl I was seeing kept saying (wtf you look huge) even though I had been on cycle the last 2 months without dbol… man with low test, controlled estrogen and 20mg per day with a lean bulk 5 days on 2 days off would change your life if you could eat properly.


DECA - I’m a 6’1 extomorph started lifting 11 years ago at 142 pounds. Deca is the key for me. Point blank period. It’s something I can rub year round 150mg, bridge with 300mg and blast 700-900 mg without side effects. This could be genetic but FINALLY for the first time ever people approached me this bulk and asked if I compete or if I’m a body builder. I got up to 220 around 15% body fat 1000 test 900 deca. I fucked up my insulin sensitivity eating English muffins but it was the most successful bulk of my life other than. My first year of lifting. I’ve never had ED issues, I run Caber just in case at 300mg + and throw in DHB to help modulate estrogen without much AI. So many people are afraid of this compound, if you eat 75% clean like a body builder it’s the answer… SERIOUS R E A L. Muscle tissue gains.

7.25/10, technically.

YOHIMBINE - For my Canadian brothers, drop that shitty ephedrine that burns out your adrenals, gives you stim dick and try this stuff. I have ran this twice currently on my third cycle of it. 3.5 tablets, FASTED, 20 minutes TIMES, before stair master. Unbelievable. Last cut I achieved my leanest and best look with this stuff. It’s a short half life but I legitimately feels like what we’ve all wanted a fat burner that IMMEDIATELY burns fat.

For me it gives me about 1 hour of some sort of strange ability to endure anything physically and mentally. I can suffer on the stairmaster STARVING TO DEATH. With a hoodie, beanie and track pants on 6am with 140 heart rate for an hour literally staring at the wall like a psychopath with no music. It’s really awesome.

It can make you nauseous first couple of days using it. It’s not like clen, or ephedrine, caffiene or any other stimulant (for me). There is no crash afterwards and it kills appetite for a good 6-8 hours.

OVERALL 10/10.

CLEN - man, idk… this stuff is just way too strong. It might just be me, but a CRUMB of a tablet, a fucking CRUMB almost killed me lol… .25 of a tablet fasted.. makes me go instant hypo, insane heart rate increase for HOURS, loss of appetite, but no energy increase. It exhausts me. But I mean, I guess it works?

For me personally 20 40mcg MAX for maybe 1-2 weeks at the beginning of a cut just to really get into suffer mode, get the diuretic effect to drop some quick pounds to increase motivation.


CABER - 1000% g2g on 1000 test, 900 deca half a tablet was all I took. I was legit having sex 3-5 times per day… no ED issues BUT THIS COULD BE GENETIC.


Cardarine - mmm. Idk about this one. I’ve cycled it twice now and I feel absolutely nothing. No increase in energy in the gym nothing. I can however feel my blood sugar levels are 100% stable at all times which allows me to eat less carbs and crave less carbs. The first time I ran this I ran it with berberine and it made me extremely nauseous. I’m not sure I can recommend this to be honest. My muscles were extremely flat as well…

OVERALL 4/10 only because it helped stabilize blood sugar

DBOL - I’ve tried dbol is the past at least 5 times. Always an instant headache, lethargic, loss of appetite moon face, water retention, bloated. 20mg of dbol, with .25mg adex, pre workout on a cut, low carb with test below 400 finally after 11 years of lifting made me feel like I was on steroids.. chest striations (I’ve never had before), insane pumps within 3 days the girl I was seeing kept saying (wtf you look huge) even though I had been on cycle the last 2 months without dbol… man with low test, controlled estrogen and 20mg per day with a lean bulk 5 days on 2 days off would change your life if you could eat properly.


DECA - I’m a 6’1 extomorph started lifting 11 years ago at 142 pounds. Deca is the key for me. Point blank period. It’s something I can rub year round 150mg, bridge with 300mg and blast 700-900 mg without side effects. This could be genetic but FINALLY for the first time ever people approached me this bulk and asked if I compete or if I’m a body builder. I got up to 220 around 15% body fat 1000 test 900 deca. I fucked up my insulin sensitivity eating English muffins but it was the most successful bulk of my life other than. My first year of lifting. I’ve never had ED issues, I run Caber just in case at 300mg + and throw in DHB to help modulate estrogen without much AI. So many people are afraid of this compound, if you eat 75% clean like a body builder it’s the answer… SERIOUS R E A L. Muscle tissue gains.

You’re not wrong about the Clen, 4 years ago I was lazy and stupid and decided to do 100mcg a day and instead of cutting it into 2 I would just take the whole pill, chest tightened up and I collapsed first two weeks of starting it. Wish they would lower the dosage on the pills to 50mcg so now when I start out with 25mcg I’d be able to try and cut it into halves. Once you try to cut the 100mcg into a quarter it’s just in crumbs at that point lol. Strong ass shit tho, seems stronger than the Clen pump. Might even be over dosed lol
Hi, I heard buying from reps was cheaper and easier, and I was wondering if anyone was willing to get me signed on to their rep? If so I'd appreciate that. Cheers
Hi, I heard buying from reps was cheaper and easier, and I was wondering if anyone was willing to get me signed on to their rep? If so I'd appreciate that. Cheers
I mean..

You did wait about 12hrs after being signed up here to make this first post.. so what could be the issue with someone giving you a personal referral to their rep?
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