Canadians talk domestic

Thanks bro. Appreciate it.

Hey man. Yeah, that’s what I was thinking. How do you suggest I approach this? I know fat loss is unavoidable, but I would want to minimize it as much as possible. Would 300-500 calories over maintenance be a good start? Thanks.

And here’s my routine:


Incline Bench 3-5 sets

Flat Dumbbells 3-5 sets

Decline Machine 3-5 sets

Peck Deck 3-5 sets


Deadlifts 3-5 sets

Tbar Rows 3-5 sets

Pulldown 3-5 sets

Pullovers 3-5 sets

Bent Over Rows 3-5 sets


Squats 3-5 sets

Leg Press 3-5 sets

Leg Extension 3-5 sets

Leg Curl 3-5 sets

Calves 3-5 sets


Military Press 3-5 sets

Front Raises 3-5 sets

Side Raises 3-5 sets

Rear Delts 3-5 sets

Shrugs 3-5 sets


Headcrusher 3-5 sets

Barbell Curl 3-5 sets

Pushdown 3-5 sets

Hammer Curl 3-5 sets

Forearms 3-5 sets

Repeat chest Sat

Repeat back Sun


Everyday if possible, 20 minutes of HIIT
Your case remember myself year ago a lot, hehe

I will suggest you few things, but more than 2500 cal for sure
You guys are a real helpful bunch. I greatly appreciate it! Glad I found Meso... every other forum I’ve been on they would tell me one thing everytime I would ask for advice: “buy this seams, but this supplement, try this sponsor” bunch of salesmen pushing sponsors junk shit.

I’m here to stay.
Posted my routine above. With regards to diet on a bulk, should I increase my carb intake or just follow the same diet as I did on my cut but just more calories. I was thinking 300-500 cslories over maintenance? I get at a minimum 1g+ protein per lb of bw.

It all depends on what you want to do. A lean bulk or a bulk? If you're bulking you'll gain muscles but fat as well. If you're lean bulking to gain less muscles, but also less fat and could even keep losing fat.

Keep your protein high. Go up to 1.5x your bodyweight in pounds if needed. Keep carbs at a moderate level and fats too. The less carbs you eat, which is the easiest energy to burn, the more you'll force your body to burn another type of energy which is the fat.

Keep in mind that you need to rest to grow, it seems that you're working out 7x a week and doing cardio 7x a week? I'd cut at least your 2 extra lifting days off. 20 mins of HIIT is a great habit to have, I don't see any reason to change this for now.

I'd also hit some muscles twice a week... train in hypertrophy, make your muscles grow man.

There's also something pretty basic to know... if you want to grow you have to eat more. Start at 200 cals over maintenance and go from there. How many cals are you at right now? I'd assume around 2000? Maybe go up to 2400.

Others will chime in and will give you their input which might be the same as mine or totally different. I'm not the most knowledgable but I think I've got this part somwhat covered up?
You guys are a real helpful bunch. I greatly appreciate it! Glad I found Meso... every other forum I’ve been on they would tell me one thing everytime I would ask for advice: “buy this seams, but this supplement, try this sponsor” bunch of salesmen pushing sponsors junk shit.

I’m here to stay.

From everything you say. Hire a trainer that knows what he's doing.
You will get a diet, workout plan and everything you need.
If you are serious.
I can recommend a couple online trainers. (Hate saying this, as I'm not advertising just telling you the truth)
Look for bodybuilders who will help you shape, grow and teach you what you need to know.

Once you have that down, you can look at juice.
From everything you say. Hire a trainer that knows what he's doing.
You will get a diet, workout plan and everything you need.
If you are serious.
I can recommend a couple online trainers. (Hate saying this, as I'm not advertising just telling you the truth)
Look for bodybuilders who will help you shape, grow and teach you what you need to know.

Once you have that down, you can look at juice.

First off congrats on losing a lot of fat.
@Steve84 is correct a good trainer can do wonders for you. I also know a great guy that produces monsters out of the states.
As much fat as you have lost I would continue to try to get leaner. To bulk and put even a small amount of fat back on is shooting yourself in the foot. Everyone’s body is different and if you get a good trainer that gets you to send in weekly and even 2x weekly updates he can learn your body and get you where you want to be. At this point I think most good trainers would want you to recomp. You have done well so make sure you keep going in a forward directikn
Do you guys have an idea about how much would something like that cost, a trainer to gives you guidance and follow up weekly or something like that?

I was thinking about find someone to help me
That's a lot of money he'd be "throwing" away. The basic knowledge about nutrition and training (regimen/methods) could be found here.

What he could do is just hire a (good) private trainer for a training or two and ask him what ever is up his mind when they meet. If he also gets a diet he'd have an idea of what to work with (macros) and just needs to count his calories from there on.
Do you guys have an idea about how much would something like that cost, a trainer to gives you guidance and follow up weekly or something like that?

I was thinking about find someone to help me
The guy I know is about $100 usd a month and up
Depending on how long you sign up for
That's a lot of money he'd be "throwing" away. The basic knowledge about nutrition and training (regimen/methods) could be found here.

What he could do is just hire a (good) private trainer for a training or two and ask him what ever is up his mind when they meet. If he also gets a diet he'd have an idea of what to work with (macros) and just needs to count his calories from there on.

I disagree. A lot of this stuff here is regurgitated nonsense people read somewhere else. Not to say that there isn’t useful info here but a lot of people don’t have a faking clue. When people say I read this or I heard that it means they really don’t know and are just recycling info.

As far as counting macros it’s not quite that simple either. Some people can do it but most haven’t taken the time to learn and u deratand what’s going on with their body. There will be days or weeks where you need more carbs, you flatten out. You may need a cheat meal. You may need more fat or less in your diet. Your body will change on you all the time and just when you think you have it figured out it will throw you a new mystery. A good trainer (they need to be good) can recognize these things. They deal with many clients and have done this so many times. They can leapfrog you ahead in knowledge quickly
The guy I know is about $100 usd a month and up
Depending on how long you sign up for
That's doable, can you send me the contact, here or pm, up to you, if anyone wants to send me contacts for trainers I appreciate as well, want to take a look on that for myself

Do you guys have an idea about how much would something like that cost, a trainer to gives you guidance and follow up weekly or something like that?

I was thinking about find someone to help me

I did PT before I joined the military, I have 18 years under my belt in service and I was always the "go to guy" at our traveling gyms when overseas so if you would like some advice or whatnot I'll help you out for FREE brother. I got the golden ticket so to speak(Disability) so I have a lot of free time lol. If you are game just shoot me a message.
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We can agree that he can get some help. I'd suggest he gets in contact with someone in RL instead of someone on the internets. Just because he could ask directly how he should feel or lift or anything else on his mind.
met someone at the gym who's praising international pharmaceutical has a Holo fancy logo, after their original bust couldn't find any info on this after the original busted.
has it on hand, anyone have any info?
yes he does otherwise wouldn't consider it, then again what he's pushing might not even be ehat he's using lol

Never heard of that one before...guess a guy could try a bit of test and see.

I would never get gear from some random at the gym. But that's just me.
yes he does otherwise wouldn't consider it, then again what he's pushing might not even be ehat he's using lol

That's very possible.

He may have gotten stuck with some underdosed/bunk shit and is devious enough to try and recoup his money, maybe even make a profit.

There was a member a while back that posted a picture of a vial he bought from a guy at the gym.

Believe it was Pcom Deca... Anyway, the vial cap had been removed and the rubber stopper had puncture marks and this mother fucker still bought it!

Never underestimate the ingenuity of your local gym rats.


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