I’m also waiting for a PM from
So, sorry, you remember me when I was younger, you did a great job loosing all that fat, first of all you should think you took more than you have 20 years to screw your body and one to try to save it, so patience, you did great, but your body will need time to acomodate all the changes, anyway
So, I mostly agree with what everybody said here, but I wouldn't suggest you to add gear to your equation now, first get to your best Natty, then play with gear or else you will throw money away and every time we use gear is a gamble, one day we all can end up fucked up, by a bad gear, LE, health issues, so many things can go bad
Anyway at your age and after done what you did I would suggest;
1 increasing your calories intake
2 keep your cardio
3 add core training to your routine, maybe more hiit exercises aiming the areas where your body retains more fat
4 play around with your training routine, try alternate to less reps aiming failure
Compare the results and find what fits best your goals, read, watch videos, pay more attention in your form and do functional exercises
Don't give up, go more 2 or 3 years Natty at least, play with supplements, maybe sarms
Find a trainer is a good idea if you have money, talk to the guys in your gym, look the guy a with the body type that you would like to see yourself in and ask for help, most of the big guys are willing to help and give advices
You may find a trainer in your own gym, and definitely don't do long term agreements with your trainer, if you don't like the way it goes just change it
Well that's are my advices to you, hope they help, this forum is great, and also there are lots of bs like everywhere else, so, do your homework and read as much as you can, in the end of the day that's your body and results that will reflect that
Good luck and again, congratulations só far