Cat Café EU & US domestic

What a shit rule. Bitpanda said "sorry for the inconvenience, please check the website later for country updates." I can show mail to confirm it (but it's in German)
Just got my first order in from Liska,
Everything looks good and promising, shipping was fine,
Package was solid and tight, vials with the oil based products look good, the orals look firm, can't wait to give it a go.

you can tell this crazy catlady does everything with care, not a single cat hair found its way into my pack.
Short answer, yes.
It's my first cycle, so I still haven't sorted out exactly what my limit is, so I erred on the side of caution and bought enough to blast up to 60mg ED for 10 weeks, which is probably overkill.
If you will allow me to advise you, I used trest ace to 20mg ED on cut, I was great
@Liska unfortunately every platform has this rule. I can't even sell my current bitcoins or send them without verification lol can't even send coins from my exodus wallet to any other platform.
I recommend Cake Wallet or relai, both are phone apps. They work very well and don't require you to verify your identity.
Hey all, do packages arrive through letterbox or does somebody have to be home to collect it?
This depends on your order size and letterbox dimensions, as I'm not sure they're standardized in EU. Feel free to make a note about this when placing an order and I'll be able to tell you what the smallest parcel dimensions for your order would be!
Ordered Thursday for a friend of mine, normally he uses other testE but they are out of stock and he is really satisfied with the cat primo E, wo why not cat testE. (cat is always better)

Communication fast and friendly as always, even with BTC troubles (my fault), Liska always been friendly and helpful with everything.
Yesterday I got the tracking code and I bet on Tuesday/Wednesday my friend gets his stuff.

Thanks liska!
Could be intolerance to MCT carrier itself (as IA uses GSO) or not tolerating higher concentrations well (no idea what IA tests at these days, last labs on their website are dated 2020) - the amount of oil per injection seems moderate so I'd rule that out unless you're injecting subq. BB won't be the culprit either. Test E 250mg or 350mg?
Sorry for the late reply, not too active here atm.

Test E is 250mg and total amount of oil is moderate so I agree with you there.

Would suck to realize that I'm just intolerant to MCT. For the past couple weeks PIP has been getting better with more frequent injections, shoulders and quads seem to do fairly well now but fuck, pecs killed me every time.

I think I'll try pecs again when my blast is done and I'm going back to TRT.

Thanks for your response (and the others who replied).
Tried to pin lats Monday. Holy money pip. Still sore to touch. Whole lat top to bottom. Think I must have an MCT intolerance i swell no matter where I inject
Tried to pin lats Monday. Holy money pip. Still sore to touch. Whole lat top to bottom. Think I must have an MCT intolerance i swell no matter where I inject
Give me a rundown of which product is causing said PIP, whether you've used MCT products before & which other carrier oils you've used before with no issue, anything that'll help isolate the problem.

I'll offer at least one alternate carrier sometime later this year, until then I want to collect as much information specifically from customers having issues to determine whether the cause truly is the carrier or something else.
Im interested in how u will use the s-drol.
Everything i heard it is super strong and super bad for your liver etc.
Maybe you can give some insides!

I don't use orals anymore, as i said it was for a friend, sdrol I used it in the past, It gave me heartburn and kills my appetite like all orals such as dbol and oxy, sdrol is like a clean oxy, no water retention, increase of strengh and mass.
One week in update: at 20mg/day Liska's MENT is crazy strong. I have had a noticeable uptick in vascularity, I have gained around 3 pounds (1.5kgs) (and if I can trust the plicometer, they're not fat), and I haven't got any pip, even when trying pec pinning
Ya no uso orales, como dije que era para un amigo, sdrol lo usé en el pasado, me dio acidez estomacal y me quita el apetito como todos los orales como dbol y oxy, sdrol es como un oxy limpio, no retención de agua, aumento de fuerza y masa.
I only use stano or oxa for pre workout 25mg
One week in update: at 20mg/day Liska's MENT is crazy strong. I have had a noticeable uptick in vascularity, I have gained around 3 pounds (1.5kgs) (and if I can trust the plicometer, they're not fat), and I haven't got any pip, even when trying pec pinning
watch your BP. MENT can put you in stage 1 hypertension after 1 pin.