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Iv heard this before. Would it make sense to rotate between HGH brands or is this pure broscience / speculation?
I read this in a pfizer genotropin leaflet so its not broscience for sure it happens with pharma gh also but more so with generics.
Its a small percentage of users really small but it sucks if it happens !
In the medical world if this happens they continue the treatment with igf.
As for rotating i head that to but cant give an answer as i simply don't know.
I read this in a pfizer genotropin leaflet so its not broscience for sure it happens with pharma gh also but more so with generics.
Its a small percentage of users really small but it sucks if it happens !
In the medical world if this happens they continue the treatment with igf.
As for rotating i head that to but cant give an answer as i simply don't know.
I showed this topic to someone specialized in researching peptides who returned with these two studies:
Forty-seven children were treated for up to 6 months with recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH-Novo), 0.1 IU/Kg body weight, subcutaneously, three times weekly.
Four patients developed serum antibodies against growth hormone.
Endocrinological evaluation revealed a partial growth hormone deficiency (GHD) and GH therapy was started at a dosage of 0.25 mg/kg/week. During the first 3 years, she showed an increase in growth rate and experienced pubertal development onset. Then a poor growth rate (2 cm/year=0.43 SDS) was observed, notwithstanding an increase in GH dosage (0.35 mg/kg/week) and good compliance. We found a positive anti-GH antibody titre (1:1850, cutoff 1/100), confirmed 6 months later (1:2035); the antibodies had low binding capacity (0.63 μg/mL) and were only partially capable of inhibiting the GH effect. However, GH treatment was discontinued, and after 3 months the antibody titre decreased (1:950).

1.Autoantibodies don't fully decrease the effect of GH
2. Autoantibodies dropped after 3 months of stopping rHGH even tho she took it for 3 years

It's a topic worth exploring albeit with scientific evidence at every step and perhaps in its own thread as to catch the attention of others particularly knowledgeable in this field like @Type-IIx
I showed this topic to someone specialized in researching peptides who returned with these two studies:

1.Autoantibodies don't fully decrease the effect of GH
2. Autoantibodies dropped after 3 months of stopping rHGH even tho she took it for 3 years

It's a topic worth exploring albeit with scientific evidence at every step and perhaps in its own thread as to catch the attention of others particularly knowledgeable in this field like @Type-IIx
Its definitely possible but rare I'm just pointing in a possible direction as im way over going down the growth hormone rabbit hole again :))
I showed this topic to someone specialized in researching peptides who returned with these two studies:

1.Autoantibodies don't fully decrease the effect of GH
2. Autoantibodies dropped after 3 months of stopping rHGH even tho she took it for 3 years

It's a topic worth exploring albeit with scientific evidence at every step and perhaps in its own thread as to catch the attention of others particularly knowledgeable in this field like @Type-IIx
Yes, antibodies to GH can arise (up to 2.8% prevalence with the standardized E. coli methods of synthesis), but have no demonstrable clinical relevance (i.e., effects on growth).
View attachment 165593
Its definitely possible but rare I'm just pointing in a possible direction as im way over going down the growth hormone rabbit hole again :))
Very interesting read! I dont mean to high jack this thread and Iv already read the other meal timing HGH thread, but does the empirical data suggest waiting 2 full hours before injecting HGH due to BC? How do yall handle it with all the calories?
Very interesting read! I dont mean to high jack this thread and Iv already read the other meal timing HGH thread, but does the empirical data suggest waiting 2 full hours before injecting HGH due to BC? How do yall handle it with all the calories?
Continuous BG monitors like the freestyle libre 2 or 3 are really comfy for tracking this - not sure if the strips can still be purchased at a discount from diabetics selling their surplus online however.
Very interesting read! I dont mean to high jack this thread and Iv already read the other meal timing HGH thread, but does the empirical data suggest waiting 2 full hours before injecting HGH due to BC? How do yall handle it with all the calories?
Me i don't really bulk any more and fast 12-14 hr a day plus eat healthy and don't have problems.
Before when i bulked my BG did get high but got back to normal when cutting.
Metforim , Slin are options to.
Also drugs like var and primo seem to help my body handle blood sugar better.
Yes because your body knows which manufacturer the HGH is made by, Jesus Christ man.
Yes and no.How i understood the discussion some gurus said that the supposed hgh is not exactly 22 kdalton some is 22,1832 other might be 22,4743 so rotating them might be good against binding proteins but of course this was speculation and no evidence to prove this so who knows and i ain't trying to figure it out i just do what works and don't care any more why it works.
It was a Guru ameen video where he compared leaflets of growth hormones and they're molecular weight with Norditropin being the closest to 22 Kdalton.
If somebody is interested i think the video is still up . Also it was discussed on the Leo Longevity podcast.
Sono alla 4 settimana di testo enantato e trenbolone . Mi dispiace Lisca ma i tuoi prodotti sono stati una delusione, il testosterone ha un po aumentato la mia libido . Il trenbolone invece non lo sento proprio addosso, nessuna spinta, nessuna carica e anche sul fisico non si vede niente. Cambierò fornitore
i inject my genotropin 2 hours after my last meal bevor i sleep. never check my bg. is that a bad time? or should i go post workout??
i inject 2 iu. but damn boy do i feel it. Its the first time i take gh and my dreams and sleep is from a another dimenson. thinking about adding 1-2 iu generic or liskas gh. then better in the morning or post workout? when i wake up i breakfast after 30-40 min. should i wait longer like 1 hour before injecting in the morning?
@Liska if one takes gh and igf is low does that mean that the body doesnt get any benefits of the gh? wondering about the dude whos igf is low even tho he takes 4-6 iu
Voglio sottolineare che ho usato 500 mg di trenb enantato e non ho visto nessun cambiamento sul mio fisico
Molto probabilmente hai fisico davvero molto mal
Messo, per non sentire 500 mg di Tren sei talmente grasso Che addosso non ti si può vedere nessuna durezza, graniticità e vascolarita. I prodotti di Liska sono perfetti e dosati alla perfezione. Se tu fai schifo fisicamente cambiare fornitore non ti darà nessun cambiamento, anzi diventerai ancor più pessimo, dato che i prodotti di liska sono i migliori che ci siano
Sono alla 4 settimana di testo enantato e trenbolone . Mi dispiace Lisca ma i tuoi prodotti sono stati una delusione, il testosterone ha un po aumentato la mia libido . Il trenbolone invece non lo sento proprio addosso, nessuna spinta, nessuna carica e anche sul fisico non si vede niente. Cambierò fornitore
Il prodotto è stato testato da me tramite Janoshik per ogni lotto e testato alla cieca dai clienti, confermando anche che è stato dosato correttamente. Ci sono molti bodybuilder seri che lo hanno utilizzato con successo per gare di bodybuilding o lo stanno attualmente utilizzando e hanno pubblicato recensioni positive al riguardo, anche solo pochi giorni fa su Meso France. Posso dire con assoluta certezza che il prodotto è esattamente quello che dice sull'etichetta e sei libero di confermarlo inviando una fiala chiusa a Janoshik per il test. Non posso parlare del motivo della tua esperienza ma considera che sei il primo a segnalare un'esperienza negativa con il mio Trenbolone in centinaia, se non più di mille clienti, e che la causa della tua delusione potrebbe risiedere altrove.

@Leansamuel IGF-1 score is a result of all the aforementioned factors and very individual, so you'd always have to compare against the baseline score in the exact same conditions, which is unfortunately quite difficult to set up proper testing for. While the difference between those scores may be used as as a gauge for said benefits, they are very noticable at 4-6iu in regards to sleep, recovery and inhibiting lipogenesis amongst others, so I would dive deeper only if you are not experiencing these to a significant/satisfying degree. I've been planning to publish a properly researched article including guides on usage and testing for HGH - while all this information is out there, it's unfortunately scattered about and it would be nice to have a constantly updated/evolving resource based on community/user feedback, as this may help improving the product on my end as well.
Amico Non offendere. Ho un fisico asciutto. Il trenb non lo sento,ne mi carica in palestra, ne mi stimola la forza e ne ha fatto uscire le vene. Per me è stato un disastro. È questa è la mia esperienza

