Cat Café EU & US domestic

While decent sources on it's precise oral bioavailability are difficult to find, it's likely 30% at best and equally likely less than that, so I originally designed it for women (in terms of tablet dosage and stupidly extensive testing to cut variance close to zero). At a bulk price of 30€ for 100 x 25mg it's at least rather close to the price of the raws at most retail sources, which still doesn't make it cost efficient for men admittedly.
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While decent sources on it's precise oral bioavailability are difficult to find, it's likely 30% at best and equally likely less than that, so I originally designed it for women (in terms of tablet dosage and stupidly extensive testing to cut variance close to zero). At a bulk price of 30€ for 100 x 25mg it's at least rather close to the price of the raws at most retail sources, which still doesn't make it cost efficient for men admittedly.
This is very helpful information. Thank you for sharing. I've heard Broderick Chavez venture 50% oral bioavailability as an estimate, and that's the sum total of information I could find on it.
What type of drug in the arsenal of performamce enhancers is oral primo? I havent seen it anywhere other than with liska.
My wife's preferred drug is oral primo, at around 75mg/day gives her nice lean growth and very little sides, at bodyweight 62kg. Assuming that you're a man, and more than 62kg, you'll need a shitload to see any meaningful results, probably starting point somewhere around 200-300mg/day. Hence its very uncommon for guys.
Plenty of other EU sources have it too. She bought them from Liska last time, the 25mg sizing is just right.
Arrivato il secondo ordine di Lisca. 3 trenboloni, 3 testo. Spero siano legittimi i prodotti . Ho provato anadrol ma sicuramente è sottodosato. Per sentirlo un po ho dovuto prendere 75mg
Arrivato il secondo ordine di Lisca. 3 trenboloni, 3 testo. Spero siano legittimi i prodotti . Ho provato anadrol ma sicuramente è sottodosato. Per sentirlo un po ho dovuto prendere 75mg
È tutto dosato alla perfezione probabilmente sei un no responder con Anadrol capita a molti è un. Aas particolare
Forse. Per questo ho voluto dare una seconda possibilità a liska, per la sua fama. Spero di sentirlo tutto questo trenbolone enantato 250mg
Arrivato il secondo ordine di Lisca. 3 trenboloni, 3 testo. Spero siano legittimi i prodotti . Ho provato anadrol ma sicuramente è sottodosato. Per sentirlo un po ho dovuto prendere 75mg
Puoi sempre inviare alcuni tablet a Janoshik, coprirò l'intero costo in credito del negozio. Considerando quali dosaggi vengono utilizzati in un contesto medico, semplicemente non è così forte un composto mg per mg.
Here's the other half of the above cathlete duo & a new sphynx cathlete carefully planning his cycle!

As there's little hope for the bear market recovering to the point where BTC jumps back up to 37k € / 38k $, the bearish promo seemed like a waste of website space so I removed it and made the promo prices the new default ones for the foreseeable future. As that opens them up to the cat promotion, I'll be giving customized discounts instead of a flat 10% while ensuring you'll not pay any more than before.
My shy Norwegian inspecting the goods :)IMG_20220517_103551_1.jpgIMG_20220517_103615_1.jpg
First time buying from Liska , so far the service was exceptional (replies and shipping was immediate ).
Gear review so far the Cialis seems very good and so is the Melanotan.