Cat Café EU & US domestic

I'm not pro yet but goal is to get the card this year. If not next. Had last year my first season as junior and newcomer, was in a very good shape and at the pro qualifiers always top 3 and regional I won every show, so close enough.
No pic No believe sorry not personal just the nature of the beast .
I'm not pro yet but goal is to get the card this year. If not next. Had last year my first season as junior and newcomer, was in a very good shape and at the pro qualifiers always top 3 and regional I won every show, so close enough.
Pic or it did not happen
Hello Sir, from which location do you send? I just would like to avoid to order from a supplier which sent out from UK or outside the EU. Are you aligned with these conditions?
Hope you get another stuffed beaver trophy!
Hey, he is adorable!
Atm I'm hunting red deer, some bucks and chamois
Crazy! Care to mention what kind of stacks you're running? Not that people should try and mimic an actual competitors stacks. Just curious
Atm 50mg primo e3d, 15mg Oxandrolone/day, 6ui hgh/day

For all other guys here next post are pics from off season

I am not interested in the exact location. Just would like to know of it is eu domesticated and not from UK
EU near u. The UK domestic store has a separate website and inventory for this reason as shipping from EU to UK is without risk but the other way around can be more troublesome I've heard from UK vendors (though it's been working fine so far when I've had to move stock from UK to EU).
Ok im not gonna beat around the bush are you a she?
This pictures make me not get it and your user name dont help.
You have good mass none the less ! Good luck and props for posting
Thanks a lot, yep I'm a girl. Atm near 90kgs, we will see what this season will bring. Last year I had near 80kgs in off season.

For all those veiny guys:

Thanks a lot, yep I'm a girl. Atm near 90kgs, we will see what this season will bring. Last year I had near 80kgs in off season.

For all those veiny guys:

guess that's a pretty big compliment. you've got muscularity to the point people are wondering if you're a dude! i was confused how you were going for a pro card in any mens division looking like that, cos i thought you were just a guy with a decent physique hahaha.
Very impressive physique but I don't see any cats
Pussy is playing hide and seek in my shorts.
If you guys are friendly and nice to me I have a picture of me in front double biceps in underwear.

guess that's a pretty big compliment. you've got muscularity to the point people are wondering if you're a dude! i was confused how you were going for a pro card in any mens division looking like that, cos i thought you were just a guy with a decent physique hahaha.
Thanks a lot. Haha yeah that's true, atm I'm still in the women's Physique division but looking forward to start in women's bodybuilding in 2027