Cat Café EU & US domestic

i don't know why people believe a word of what he says. he literally lives in a little make believe world and invents stories.
Are you talking about me? I've got some people blocked so it's hard to grasp who you are talking about.

You can think whatever you want about me, even though you don't actually know anything real about me at all other than what I choose to project on the internet with members I either trust, or don't trust, so please stop being a prick and talking shit about me.

As far as this thread is concerned..... What's made up that nobody should believe? The fact I hate cats? (duh :rolleyes: ).

So you must think I actually like cats and I've posted saying I hate them because I live in your imaginary "make believe" world???

Listen to yourself and think about what you say before you post !!!
All these pictures of cats in a steroid source thread are just strange and very creepy to me tbh.

I kinda understand the relevance coz the guy chose to brand himself as cat cafe but I hate those stinky little creatures anyway and I'm allergic so it just throws a sense of weirdness over the entire steroid operation in my eyes.

Users seem to like the service so "fair play" to the owner. I prefer dealing with a more "professional" image when buying medicines though so couldn't use anything that had scabby cat pictures on the vials/bottles etc ROFL
You really are an absolute prick and have no life if I ever met you in the street I wouldn’t hesitate to punch you square in t the face GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE.
I've got zero interesting in ordering here but thanks for the lame advice about payment methods which is really really old news now......or should be to anyone that knows my views about crypto/bitcoin. Don't start all that payment shit with me again. It's not necessary. I've sorted all my new sources and don't need anymore !!

Just making an observation about the weirdness of this thread and sorry if you can't accept that I find cats utterly disgusting and the people who own them a bit weird ROFL.

Each to their own though :rolleyes:
Do you like dogs at least ?
Do you like dogs at least ?
I love dogs bro and I've still got photos of the Boerboels I raised and cared for when I was hobby breeding and protection training but dogs, generally speaking, serve a purpose and are not toys.

My ex girl had horses/ponies too and we ran a livery yard from her Mums stables for a while too but , again, the animals served a purpose (horse riding/equestrian training etc).

What the fuck does a scabby stinky cat do? Catch mice and birds now and then and pluck the fabric of all your furniture whilst scent marking your entire home with urine spray ROFL.

They're the most anti social and pointless animals to own in the spectrum of "normal" human pet companions.

You get more fun with chickens and at least they give you eggs in return and you don't need to keep them in the house sleeping on your bed and walking all over your kitchen surfaces spreading bacteria :rolleyes:
I love dogs bro and I've still got photos of the Boerboels I raised and cared for when I was hobby breeding and protection training but dogs, generally speaking, serve a purpose and are not toys.

My ex girl had horses/ponies too and we ran a livery yard from her Mums stables for a while too but , again, the animals served a purpose (horse riding/equestrian training etc).

What the fuck does a scabby stinky cat do? Catch mice and birds now and then and pluck the fabric of all your furniture whilst scent marking your entire home with urine spray ROFL.

They're the most anti social and pointless animals to own in the spectrum of "normal" human pet companions.

You get more fun with chickens and at least they give you eggs in return and you don't need to keep them in the house sleeping on your bed and walking all over your kitchen surfaces spreading bacteria :rolleyes:
Haha you dont own cats you serve them !
I feed stray’s and in return they kill rats on my property and bring them to my door so that i see they are doing something !
I know many people that hate them its a genetic thing they seem ugly and disgusting to some same with pigeons some say they are rats with wings ! At least if you like other animals you must be half decent at least .
Haha you dont own cats you serve them !
I feed stray’s and in return they kill rats on my property and bring them to my door so that i see they are doing something !
I know many people that hate them its a genetic thing they seem ugly and disgusting to some same with pigeons some say they are rats with wings ! At least if you like other animals you must be half decent at least .

Animals fascinate me tbh bro and I love most of them but I think they all need to be kept in their own environments and treated like animals instead of being toys that fill gaps in human emotional weakness.

As soon as they encroach into the human world...that's when they turn into a problem.

Don't get me started on pigeons/birds/seagulls though !!!
Last edited:

Updated some stock and got some new products:

Insulin (Lantus Solostar).
T4 100mcg tablets.
Kamagra Jellies

Restock on: Nebivolol and Raloxifene mainly.

HCG we are struggling to get, we won't sell indian hcg as it has notoriously poor quality. We are hoping to fix the hcg in the next few weeks.

Ideally going to add peptides like BPC,MT2 and TB500.

We've had a few requests for oral semaglutide 14mg* lately, would this prove popular?
*We don't see much point in offering 3 or 7mg semaglutide as it nearly the same purchase price, feel free to email us if interested*


As always, stay purrfect
Animals fascinate me tbh bro and I love most of them but I think they all need to be kept in their own environments and treated like animals instead of being toys that fill gaps in human emotional weakness.

As soon as they encroach into the human world...that's when they turn into a problem.

Don't get me started on pigeons/birds/seagulls though !!!
you better be getting payed for the amount of time you spent posting all this nonsense
you better be getting payed for the amount of time you spent posting all this nonsense

I'm getting paid exactly the same as you're getting paid for the time you're spending replying with hostility to a post I made about not liking cats !!!

To avoid confusion...that means I'm getting paid fuck all/nothing to say I don't like looking at cat photos and I think they're weird in a steroid source thread.
I'm getting paid exactly the same as you're getting paid for the time you're spending replying with hostility to a post I made about not liking cats !!!

To avoid confusion...that means I'm getting paid fuck all/nothing to say I don't like looking at cat photos and I think they're weird in a steroid source thread.
What exactly are you hoping to achieve by announcing that you don't plan on ordering or that you don't like cats?

No one cares dude. If you've got nothing useful to add then please shut up so this thread doesn't get filled with useless bickering.
What exactly are you hoping to achieve by announcing that you don't plan on ordering or that you don't like cats?

No one cares dude. If you've got nothing useful to add then please shut up so this thread doesn't get filled with useless bickering.

STFU and read the recent replies.
If you don't care, don't respond.
All I did was answer a few posts that were aimed in my direction just coz I said I hate cats.

This thread is full of proper feline weirdos tbh ROFL
Brief preliminary feedback on Liska's BPC and TB Peptides. Due to a special form of a dorsal labrum lesion in my shoulder, I am currently using the peptides. The labrum lesion was diagnosed by MRI. Since the pain only occurs with some pulling exercises, I have ignored it for the last 3-5 years. Been using both peptides for 1 1/2 weeks. After 6 days of training, there was suddenly no pain in the exercises that had previously caused pain. This is my preliminary feedback. As soon as the TB and BPC "cycle" is over and a few weeks have passed I will write a final feedback. Still, I wanted to share the preliminary feedback here.
You should write a book called "the worlds dumbest proverbs written by a sensitive girly-man" ROFL.

Have you got any more dipshit "1 liners" that don't make any sense bro ?"

Here's some literary help to put you on the right path.

1. If you don't like the smell of the bakery, don't eat the cakes.

2. If you want an exciting adventure holiday in a jungle, get fucking lost.

No need to thank for me the help. You're welcome :)

Have a great day bro.
Proven meathead right there. Go away, nobody likes you here. You obviously doesn't have fantasy enough to imagine that quotes can be altered. How can you be that fucking stupid? Get lost fucktard
@Liska if I place an order the HgH doesn’t count right? If i order 3x cat tropin which costs 360€ together doesn’t mean that I only have 140€ left to reach the minimum order amount of 500€? Right ? I still have to buy orals or injectables worth of 500€
@Liska if I place an order the HgH doesn’t count right? If i order 3x cat tropin which costs 360€ together doesn’t mean that I only have 140€ left to reach the minimum order amount of 500€? Right ? I still have to buy orals or injectables worth of 500€
Good observation about the HGH rule and the bank transfer rule having a weird interaction. In this case you'd just have to reach the regular 250€ minimum on top of the 360€ for HGH as that suffices to reach the 500€ bank transfer minimum (which is imposed onto me - I've no power to change that yet but working on it).