Cat Café EU & US domestic

Good observation about the HGH rule and the bank transfer rule having a weird interaction. In this case you'd just have to reach the regular 250€ minimum on top of the 360€ for HGH as that suffices to reach the 500€ bank transfer minimum (which is imposed onto me - I've no power to change that yet but working on it).
Okay last question

Do you accept crypto voucher?

Theoretically it’s the same as Bitcoins
New batch of HGH is on sale starting today (a couple of customers that ordered yesterday have been notified that they'll receive this one already). Prices will remain the same:
1-3 kits = 120€ each
4-5 kits = 115€ each
6-7 kits = 110€ each
8-11 kits = 105€ each
12+ kits = 100€ each
20+ kits = 95€ each

PS: Let's all appreciate how quickly my hopes got crushed:
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New batch of HGH is on sale starting today (a couple of customers that ordered yesterday have been notified that they'll receive this one already). Prices will remain the same:
1-3 kits = 120€ each
4-5 kits = 115€ each
6-7 kits = 110€ each
8-11 kits = 105€ each
12+ kits = 100€ each
20+ kits = 95€ each
View attachment 165148

PS: Let's all appreciate how quickly my hopes got crushed:
View attachment 165151
Dont worry liska btc will be up again in a couple of years.
But on the up side you hgh is becoming better with time like a good vine.
Brief preliminary feedback on Liska's BPC and TB Peptides. Due to a special form of a dorsal labrum lesion in my shoulder, I am currently using the peptides. The labrum lesion was diagnosed by MRI. Since the pain only occurs with some pulling exercises, I have ignored it for the last 3-5 years. Been using both peptides for 1 1/2 weeks. After 6 days of training, there was suddenly no pain in the exercises that had previously caused pain. This is my preliminary feedback. As soon as the TB and BPC "cycle" is over and a few weeks have passed I will write a final feedback. Still, I wanted to share the preliminary feedback here.
How do you cycle this, i´m also struggling with tennis elbow and bicep tendonitis, The HGH by it self has helped a lot in a very short period of time but i was thinking in giving these 2 a try since i have heard wonders on them, my HGH protocol is 2 IUs on training days, just wondering how to use these 2, what are the reommended dosages, ty
How do you cycle this, i´m also struggling with tennis elbow and bicep tendonitis, The HGH by it self has helped a lot in a very short period of time but i was thinking in giving these 2 a try since i have heard wonders on them, my HGH protocol is 2 IUs on training days, just wondering how to use these 2, what are the reommended dosages, ty
Basically the rationale was 500 mcg BPC 157 per day and 5 mg TB 500 per week. Since the BPC is 9 mg per vial and TB is 8 mg per vial I made it easier for myself by choosing the dosages 600mcg BPC per day and 6 mg TB per week. This means my current regimen is BPC 300mcg each 2x per day (morning/evening) and TB 3mg each (Mondays/Thursdays). Both are injected locally near the painful area. I also go for a massage 1-2 times a week. At the start of the "Cycles" I put in 4 rest days to optimally initiate the regeneration.

HGH alone didnt help me . I am between 4-6 IU the whole time and the pain was there .

TB and BPC aren't miracle cures, but I think it's definitely worth a try. Provided you are ready to invest the money.

Overall, I planned about 10-12 weeks for TB 500th Approximately 5-6 weeks are planned for BPC 157.
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Liska as echo un gran trabajo siempre todo este tiempo,con toda esa precisión en tus productos y trato al cliente, imposible mejorarlo mas ,me preguntaba porque esta faltando tantas cosas de tu lista,algo deve estar pasando ,ojala que no sea nada y podamos seguir comprando tus productos son lo mejor !!!!!un saludo!!!!!
Liska as echo un gran trabajo siempre todo este tiempo,con toda esa precisión en tus productos y trato al cliente, imposible mejorarlo mas ,me preguntaba porque esta faltando tantas cosas de tu lista,algo deve estar pasando ,ojala que no sea nada y podamos seguir comprando tus productos son lo mejor !!!!!un saludo!!!!!

¡Estoy actualizando todo el laboratorio porque aún hay mucho que se puede mejorar! He calculado mal la demanda de los productos populares, por lo que algunos estarán agotados por un tiempo.

~Liska la gatita jugosa~
Liska as echo un gran trabajo siempre todo este tiempo,con toda esa precisión en tus productos y trato al cliente, imposible mejorarlo mas ,me preguntaba porque esta faltando tantas cosas de tu lista,algo deve estar pasando ,ojala que no sea nada y podamos seguir comprando tus productos son lo mejor !!!!!un saludo!!!!!
yea.. liskas primo has never disappointed me and 200mg/ml saves a lot of volume if ur running a gram of primo.. lol. Can’t wait
I'm not pro yet but goal is to get the card this year. If not next. Had last year my first season as junior and newcomer, was in a very good shape and at the pro qualifiers always top 3 and regional I won every show, so close enough.
Hope you get another stuffed beaver trophy!
I'm not pro yet but goal is to get the card this year. If not next. Had last year my first season as junior and newcomer, was in a very good shape and at the pro qualifiers always top 3 and regional I won every show, so close enough.
Crazy! Care to mention what kind of stacks you're running? Not that people should try and mimic an actual competitors stacks. Just curious