Cat Café EU & US domestic

Can some1 help me regarding bulk product catagory - can you mix like 5eq 5 tren 5 deca 5 mast and get the 20+ discount, or should it be 20+ of same products?

Any1 who tried the eq 500mg and can comment on whether it has pip?

Btw @Lisasam You look great! What compounds you use in offseason? My friend wants to compete in womens physique too, but still need to put on some size, so far she mainly used a little var+primo, as she isnt too sure whether to increase doses of those or to look into stuff like wins or low dose mast.
Thanks for reply, Have you had any feedback on the EQ500 if it has pip? If no1 commented I guess it means its fine. Havent tried that high concentration eq
I've only gotten feedback of it having no PIP, so I'd imagine light PIP is the worst case scenario. I wouldn't necessarily say 500mg/ml is a high concentration compared to what's potentially doable with EQ but there's no good reason to go there.
I've only gotten feedback of it having no PIP, so I'd imagine light PIP is the worst case scenario. I wouldn't necessarily say 500mg/ml is a high concentration compared to what's potentially doable with EQ but there's no good reason to go there.
Yeh I have no idea of brewing so I wouldnt nkow what a high concentration is for eq. I like the 500mg/ml dose, might give it a go.
Anyone ordering from Denmark? If so, please get in touch with me in DMs, I have a few questions.
Yes but if you can find your way to this thread surely you can scroll through the thread aswell. Dont expect people to be summoned to your will.
Yes but if you can find your way to this thread surely you can scroll through the thread aswell. Dont expect people to be summoned to your will.
I told him to post because I forgot what the place for picking up goods outside of DK was named and I'm not sure any scandinavians posted it either.
Can some1 help me regarding bulk product catagory - can you mix like 5eq 5 tren 5 deca 5 mast and get the 20+ discount, or should it be 20+ of same products?

Any1 who tried the eq 500mg and can comment on whether it has pip?

Btw @Lisasam You look great! What compounds you use in offseason? My friend wants to compete in womens physique too, but still need to put on some size, so far she mainly used a little var+primo, as she isnt too sure whether to increase doses of those or to look into stuff like wins or low dose mast.
She's fine with that. If she wants she can add some hgh too but if she is just at the beginning, not necessary, better add it a year later than. Taking more gear doesn't mean you're growing faster.

After competition season I'm "natty" for like 3 months, so I can recover. In off-season I'm running Oxandrolone 15mg/day, primo e 50mg/e3d, 6ui hgh/day. Last season same but only 4ui hgh/day.
She's fine with that. If she wants she can add some hgh too but if she is just at the beginning, not necessary, better add it a year later than. Taking more gear doesn't mean you're growing faster.

After competition season I'm "natty" for like 3 months, so I can recover. In off-season I'm running Oxandrolone 15mg/day, primo e 50mg/e3d, 6ui hgh/day. Last season same but only 4ui hgh/day.
She is not your size, so if you can get good results on that, she definetly should stay on just low dose var+primo. You running catcafé 10mg anavar? I know its out of stock, but she will probably make an order when/if the primo and var will be back.
She is not your size, so if you can get good results on that, she definetly should stay on just low dose var+primo. You running catcafé 10mg anavar? I know its out of stock, but she will probably make an order when/if the primo and var will be back.
You don't have to increase the dose if you're having good results, stay as long as it works on a low dose, it's better for your health.

Yes, the var is from cat cafe, it's 25mg but it's easy to break them in halves.
You don't have to increase the dose if you're having good results, stay as long as it works on a low dose, it's better for your health.

Yes, the var is from cat cafe, it's 25mg but it's easy to break them in halves.
Var from Liska is so good! Still got some left which i use 25mg pwo on heavy days. Hopefully will last me till he gets some more.
You don't have to increase the dose if you're having good results, stay as long as it works on a low dose, it's better for your health.

Yes, the var is from cat cafe, it's 25mg but it's easy to break them in halves.
Exactly, she never gone higher than 10mg var, which werent even labtested, so if running liska's tested gear 10mg should be more than enough. Nice of you to help, and gl to you, as I said, you look great!
Exactly, she never gone higher than 10mg var, which werent even labtested, so if running liska's tested gear 10mg should be more than enough. Nice of you to help, and gl to you, as I said, you look great!
10mg is enough yes.
Liskas gear is the best I've ever had and I tried many brands (even some with lab test, but they were bunk).
Thanks a lot and always feel free to ask if you have any questions!
Anyone used oral primo along with injectable primo? Currently using Var alongside primo E but tempted to give oral primo a bash with the injectable version. Worth it or stick with Anavar?
What type of drug in the arsenal of performamce enhancers is oral primo? I havent seen it anywhere other than with liska.
I have tried it ! Its a feel good drug like Var.
It has low bioavailability most of it gets broken down in the liver as its not 17a-Alkylated so most of it does not survive the first pass making it not cost efficient. You have to take lots and its not cheap.
I did it sublingually to make it more efficient but i do this wirth all oral aas !
Maybe it would make sense for woman or supper rich dudes not wanting to inject.
All i noticed from it was a boost in my mental state.