Cat Café EU & US domestic

All these pictures of cats in a steroid source thread are just strange and very creepy to me tbh.

I kinda understand the relevance coz the guy chose to brand himself as cat cafe but I hate those stinky little creatures anyway and I'm allergic so it just throws a sense of weirdness over the entire steroid operation in my eyes.

Users seem to like the service so "fair play" to the owner. I prefer dealing with a more "professional" image when buying medicines though so couldn't use anything that had scabby cat pictures on the vials/bottles etc ROFL
I hate those stinky little creatures
All these pictures of cats in a steroid source thread are just strange and very creepy to me tbh.

I kinda understand the relevance coz the guy chose to brand himself as cat cafe but I hate those stinky little creatures anyway and I'm allergic so it just throws a sense of weirdness over the entire steroid operation in my eyes.

Users seem to like the service so "fair play" to the owner. I prefer dealing with a more "professional" image when buying medicines though so couldn't use anything that had scabby cat pictures on the vials/bottles etc ROFL
dont worry, this source doesnt accept bank transfer for 80€ orders. So it is not suitable for you anyway, regardless of the cats. (and my beautiful cat is one of them on the pictures of the web)
dont worry, this source doesnt accept bank transfer for 80€ orders. So it is not suitable for you anyway, regardless of the cats. (and my beautiful cat is one of them on the pictures of the web)

I've got zero interesting in ordering here but thanks for the lame advice about payment methods which is really really old news now......or should be to anyone that knows my views about crypto/bitcoin. Don't start all that payment shit with me again. It's not necessary. I've sorted all my new sources and don't need anymore !!

Just making an observation about the weirdness of this thread and sorry if you can't accept that I find cats utterly disgusting and the people who own them a bit weird ROFL.

Each to their own though :rolleyes:
No tengo ningún interés en hacer un pedido aquí, pero gracias por el poco convincente consejo sobre los métodos de pago, que ahora es una noticia muy antigua... o debería serlo para cualquiera que conozca mis puntos de vista sobre criptografía/bitcoin. No empieces toda esa mierda de pago conmigo otra vez. No es necesario. ¡He ordenado todas mis nuevas fuentes y no necesito más!

Solo hago una observación sobre la rareza de este hilo y disculpe si no puedo aceptar que los gatos me parecen absolutamente asquerosos y las personas que los poseen son un poco raras, ROFL.

Aunque cada uno a lo suyo: Rodar l
Vienes aqui a meterte con los animales puto anormal ,los gatos son lo mejor del mundo,no molestes,nadie necesita tu opinion negativa de nada
Todas estas imágenes de gatos en un hilo fuente de esteroides son simplemente extrañas y muy espeluznantes para mí, tbh.

Entiendo un poco la relevancia porque el tipo eligió calificarse a sí mismo como café de gatos, pero de todos modos odio a esas pequeñas criaturas apestosas y soy alérgico, por lo que me da una sensación de rareza sobre toda la operación de esteroides.

A los usuarios parece gustarles el servicio, así que "juego limpio" para el propietario. Prefiero tratar con una imagen más "profesional" cuando compro medicamentos, así que no podría usar nada que tuviera imágenes de gatos con costras en los viales/botellas, etc. ROFL

All these pictures of cats in a steroid source thread are just strange and very creepy to me tbh.

I kinda understand the relevance coz the guy chose to brand himself as cat cafe but I hate those stinky little creatures anyway and I'm allergic so it just throws a sense of weirdness over the entire steroid operation in my eyes.

Users seem to like the service so "fair play" to the owner. I prefer dealing with a more "professional" image when buying medicines though so couldn't use anything that had scabby cat pictures on the vials/bottles etc ROFL
You do that, by all means. I my self find it cool and Liska is way more professional than most on this forum, just sayin'. If you don't like the smell of the bakery, then get fucking lost
Liska is the hero we need, not the hero we deserve.
Package came within 2 days to northern country. Stealth was +A as usually.
Id like to make an honorable mention and say that even tho I didnt ask for a discount, Liska remembered i posted a cathlete picture waaaay back, and even tho his discount politics have changed since then, he gave me a 15% off. So nice.
He also waited a couple of days with shipping my package due to it containing several hgh kits and he being a forward thinking individual assumed correctly that storing them over the weekend in a shipping facility wouldnt be ideal for the kits. Amazing service.

I'll be back...


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just sayin'. If you don't like the smell of the bakery, then get fucking lost

You should write a book called "the worlds dumbest proverbs written by a sensitive girly-man" ROFL.

Have you got any more dipshit "1 liners" that don't make any sense bro ?"

Here's some literary help to put you on the right path.

1. If you don't like the smell of the bakery, don't eat the cakes.

2. If you want an exciting adventure holiday in a jungle, get fucking lost.

No need to thank for me the help. You're welcome :)

Have a great day bro.
You should write a book called "the worlds dumbest proverbs written by a sensitive girly-man" ROFL.

Have you got any more dipshit "1 liners" that don't make any sense bro ?"

Here's some literary help to put you on the right path.

1. If you don't like the smell of the bakery, don't eat the cakes.

2. If you want an exciting adventure holiday in a jungle, get fucking lost.

No need to thank for me the help. You're welcome :)

Have a great day bro.
This is the same guy that put me on ignore for asking him to clarify a post and he said I was being rude and off topic:rolleyes: