Cat Café EU & US domestic

Con 100 ui di gh vanno bene 10ml di acqua batteriostatica?

Lo è, ma di solito consiglio di mescolare ogni fiala da 12 UI con 1,2 ml, quindi 0,1 ml = 1 UI e di utilizzare siringhe BD Microfine da 0,3 ml o 0,5 ml a seconda di quante UI si intende iniettare contemporaneamente.
Lo è, ma di solito consiglio di mescolare ogni fiala da 12 UI con 1,2 ml, quindi 0,1 ml = 1 UI e di utilizzare siringhe BD Microfine da 0,3 ml o 0,5 ml a seconda di quante UI si intende iniettare contemporaneamente.
I do not know if you have access to BD ultra-fine which are 31g 6mm in Europe, but the Micro-fine ones available are just 30G, I would recommend getting 31G 0.3ml and 0.5ml for water based peptides, and rHGH. They come in 8mm lenght in order to be able to be used with vial extractions. And this brand is available in several countries, including Spain and Italy.

Unfortunately I have not managed to find 32G fixed needle syringes in Europe, I guess because they are already too thin and necessary lenght to extract from vials will make it super easy to bend and break, but just pen needles replacements. By the way I am going to try some new 33g 4mm pen needles, which sound amazing for pens like Ozempic and insulin, etc.



The newly released extremely thin for pens:

Anyone tried their Boldenone Cypionate? How's the pip?
For me the pip was a bit too much and it generally lasted for a few days. But I might add that im relatively sensitive when it comes to pip.

So if you are a pussy like me, I wouldn't recommend it. If you usually don't really experience pip, its probably fine.
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but also:
I purposefully avoided asking you for this reason, Liska. Also, this isn't your website.
Running the Norwegian forest Catropin at 4iu a day. Split 2iu am and pm. Already sleep has improved massively - sleeping like a baby. This stuff feels more potent than the genXtropin I was using.
Hey Liska. How come the UK catcafe has all sorts of cool ancillaries? The prices are also crazy low. I dont suppose you have any saying in this from your EU shop? Would love to add them onto my next EU order if even possible.
Hey Liska. How come the UK catcafe has all sorts of cool ancillaries? The prices are also crazy low. I dont suppose you have any saying in this from your EU shop? Would love to add them onto my next EU order if even possible.
Shipping bulk stock from India to UK & US is very easy, shipping anything from India (and Turkey) to my location is an absolute nightmare because of a certain customs location that processes this route being complete Nazis. Rerouting was an option but then came the war.
I am quite often in German and once i shipped my package from turkey to germany. Package seized. But at the airport one of the laziest people i have ever seen. And i am taking about Munich. 20 genotropin and 5 packages Turkish anapolon and i just went to my taxi

But it was dumb and not worth the risk imo
I am quite often in German and once i shipped my package from turkey to germany. Package seized. But at the airport one of the laziest people i have ever seen. And i am taking about Munich. 20 genotropin and 5 packages Turkish anapolon and i just went to my taxi

But it was dumb and not worth the risk imo
Ah yeah, the AntiDopingG... it ended up pinning on more amateur bodybuilders than it originally intended: professional athletes.

My German Bundesland rarely want to press charges on people on that now, but Bavaria is still pretty Nazi about it... no surprise there being Texas of Germany.
Anyone tried their Boldenone Cypionate? How's the pip?

Dealing with the long ester Equipoise is a nightmare for me perso
I did 3 subq injections of 260mg ( 1.3ml) I will continue doing 60mg (0.3ml) daily since this was frontloading, so far I only got 3 big lumps ( that was expected since it is subq) the pip that I got from it lasted only 1-2 mins tops but that is due to the compound taking is space under the skin otherwise the subq depot lumps are painless to touch. I haven't done IM injections.
I did 3 subq injections of 260mg ( 1.3ml) I will continue doing 60mg (0.3ml) daily since this was frontloading, so far I only got 3 big lumps ( that was expected since it is subq) the pip that I got from it lasted only 1-2 mins tops but that is due to the compound taking is space under the skin otherwise the subq depot lumps are painless to touch. I haven't done IM injections.
Why Subq and how does it differ from IM? Wouldnt a sudden weight loss (fat) result in the oil being prematurely absorbed and causing a spike?