Cat Café EU & US domestic

He does sell test, but right now looks like is not available. Send mail to Liska
Don't send mail to Liska, just read my website please, specifically the third sentence: "Please do not ask about products not on the website, nor when or if a product will be (back) in stock. If no information is posted here, information is not available at all."
He does sell test, but right now looks like is not available. Send mail to Liska
Hoping to see DHB in the next restock, people say DHB is like a stronger primo but in my experience, DHB is way more gentle with my hair and also it impacts my Libido in a positive way, Primo has 0 effects on my libido and find it harsher with my hair even at a lower dose than DHB.
I am running out from the last vial left from pharmasource
Stocked up on some Deus Medical Test E (MCT carrier now) and Oxandrolone 10mg to bridge the gap, Test C, Sustanon, MK-677 incoming soon as well. Caber should be back next week hopefully.
Why Subq and how does it differ from IM? Wouldnt a sudden weight loss (fat) result in the oil being prematurely absorbed and causing a spike?
I haven't done IM, I prefer Subq since there is no scar tissue formed, I use 26G 12 or 16 mm needles the oil flows really fast and it is painless, the subq space is less vascularised so the depo formed releases slower and the blood levels are a lot more stable.
The big minus is that you have those lumps under the skin that don't look cosmetically appealing, if the compound injected has a high amount of solvents and benzyl alcohol, and other inflammatories the lump might even look like you have been bitten by an insect.
I don't think increased energy expenditure will lead to faster metabolization of the depo, even if this is the case the depo in the muscle should be metabolized even faster since there are more blood vessels in the muscle and it will be easier for the fat to be released into the circulatory system. Either way, let's say you lose a lot of body fat in a short period of time and somehow the depo gets metabolized faster you will not get something like a freebase injection because the compound will still be esterified and it will take some time for the enzymes to cleave the ester and release the active substance.
0 pip from Liskas Bold Cyp, very smooth.
What is the main difference between nadrolone and boldenone and why would some one prefer Bolde over Nandro, i only listen not too good things about Bolde, i have never tryed it tho, NPP increases my libido since i use Finasteride but i´d like to try Bolde cyp, mg per mg is nandro more anabolic or more andorgenic?
Hoping to see DHB in the next restock, people say DHB is like a stronger primo but in my experience, DHB is way more gentle with my hair and also it impacts my Libido in a positive way, Primo has 0 effects on my libido and find it harsher with my hair even at a lower dose than DHB.
I am running out from the last vial left from pharmasource
hope to have chance to give it a try in the near future, heard good things bout it. Did you experience any aromatase inhibition from DHB? I experience strong AI effect from primo and boldenone too.
hope to have chance to give it a try in the near future, heard good things bout it. Did you experience any aromatase inhibition from DHB? I experience strong AI effect from primo and boldenone too.
Im on DHB atm. Holy S... it makes me strong unlike anythign else
hope to have chance to give it a try in the near future, heard good things bout it. Did you experience any aromatase inhibition from DHB? I experience strong AI effect from primo and boldenone too.
That is good point as well, no i did not experience too much of an antiestrogen effect from DHB as i experince from Mast, Provi and Primo, this is why i think this compund is unique
Im on DHB atm. Holy S... it makes me strong unlike anythign else
A thing of beauty, having already tryed everything else, i can say it is my favourite and i don´t get crazy sides, no sweats, no hairloss, no irritability and dry solid gains
150mg e4d. It is the brand Catcafe sold way back. I bought 80ml of the vials but back then the pip was too much to handle. By diluting it in a 3CC shot with other compounds the pip went completely away. Iv never experienced anything strength-wise like this. Maybe only from high orals, which i dont do anymore, or "high"'ish tren, which is uncomparable due to trens sides.

@cadafi @TheBulkerOnTheRoof I cant speak for bloodwork. I bloodwork about 2-3 months ago and only went on cycle 1 month ago. I honestly dont see a point in doing bloodwork during blasts unless you are blasting for months on end. Iv read it has certain liver toxicity but also read it was caused by a lack of estrogen from not aromatizing. Personally I have no clue.
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150 mg e4d. Es la marca que Catcafe vendio hace mucho tiempo. Compré 80 ml de los viales, pero en ese entonces la pepita era demasiado para manejar. Al diluirlo en un trago de 3CC con otros compuestos, el pip desapareció por completo. Nunca experimenté nada en cuanto a fuerza como esto. Tal vez solo de orales altos, que ya no hago, o tren "alto", que es incomparable debido a los lados de los trenes.

@cadafi @TheBulkerOnTheRoof No puedo hablar por análisis de sangre. Hice un análisis de sangre hace unos 2-3 meses y solo seguí el ciclo hace 1 mes. Sinceramente, no veo el sentido de hacer análisis de sangre durante las explosiones a menos que estés explotando durante meses. Leí que tiene cierta toxicidad hepática, pero también leí que fue causado por la falta de estrógeno por no aromatizar. Personalmente no tengo ni id
Interesante compuesto,, ojala este disponible en algun momento ,gracias por la info
150mg e4d. It is the brand Catcafe sold way back. I bought 80ml of the vials but back then the pip was too much to handle. By diluting it in a 3CC shot with other compounds the pip went completely away. Iv never experienced anything strength-wise like this. Maybe only from high orals, which i dont do anymore, or "high"'ish tren, which is uncomparable due to trens sides.

@cadafi @TheBulkerOnTheRoof I cant speak for bloodwork. I bloodwork about 2-3 months ago and only went on cycle 1 month ago. I honestly dont see a point in doing bloodwork during blasts unless you are blasting for months on end. Iv read it has certain liver toxicity but also read it was caused by a lack of estrogen from not aromatizing. Personally I have no clue.
do not agree that much on this, bloods are extremely important during blasts.
That's the only moment where you can really see which markers are going to get fucked and avoid those compounds (well if u care about ur health) use lower doses or either switch compounds.

After seeing my bloods while on Tren I stopped using it forever for example, but this is just my opinion.

The fact is that bloods are extremely important in any phase, pre, during and post cycles.
For strength, do people think DHB beats tren? My diet and cycle coach wants me to use tren for the next competition, but I'm wondering if DHB might not be better, less sides, etc..