Cat Café EU & US domestic

My doctor prescribed me nebido (Bayer 1000mg) at the beginning (after testogel) , the administration was 1000mg every 12 Weeks. After 7 weeks i noticed that my test levels are under reference range. After 2 years and several blood tests i can say that the standard 1000mg every 12 week TRT is shit for me .
After 12 Weeks my test levels are under 100 (ng/dL).
So in my opinion and experience the Nebido standard protocol with every 12 weeks doesnt work for me .
I thinks its possible if i use 1000 mg nebido from Bayer every 6-7 weeks but the doctor said its to risky to try this .
It doesn't work for almost everyone, look up the study. Your experience and my findings seem correlate. If like study says hl is ~30 days on average, then it makes total sense what you're experiencing.
Another smooth and rapid order from Liska. 3 days to UK! Will run 150mg a day on top of my test/primo/hgh cycle.

Sorry, don’t have a cat to show off the goods :D
The other way around its the total opposite. Interesting.
That's really become a complete nightmare, even heard about an outbound customs seizure at Langley recently whereas this usually happens at inbound customs in the recipient country.
How about?

The castor oil preparation had a longer half-life than TU in tea seed oil (33.9+/-4.9 vs 20.9+/-6.0 days (mean pm S.E.M.)).

Nebido claims BS and if you dig around the net you will see people say they experience too low T in their blood work, even when taking shbg in to account, it still doesn't make any sense. 90 days my ass!

P.S. try plotting steroid cycle with undecanoate
Like Nebido Sustanon was also claimed back in it's day to be the ultimate TRT med only needing once a month injection. But as we know actual users reported crashing libido and other negative symptoms after only 2/3 weeks, sometimes even less. Pharma trial data showing sustained testosterone levels on both products didn't match the real life experience & blood work in the field.
Still have further tests to do, specifically degradation testing probably 45 & 60 days post reconstitution at 2-8 degrees celsius but here's a sneak peak. As usual, not taking any questions.
Test Report #20725 - Liska.png
I got Cyp and ace from Pharmasource the Cyp no PIP, the ACE insane PIP, i always mix it with my testosterone, same syringe i mean
Exact same experience
Would like to see DHB cypionate and test / tren no ester in oil someday in your offer please Liska!!
tne /trne in oil needs heavy solvents like guaiacol.. i dont think most ppl are interested in that.. thats just asking for systemic inflammation bro
Whats the injection frequency for test U for relatively stable blood levels? E14d?
And how does undeconate and undecyclonate (spelled) esters differ? Thought of doing a travel stack with liskas test u and EQ
Whats the injection frequency for test U for relatively stable blood levels? E14d?
And how does undeconate and undecyclonate (spelled) esters differ? Thought of doing a travel stack with liskas test u and EQ
I have read that once weekly should suffice.
Still have further tests to do, specifically degradation testing probably 45 & 60 days post reconstitution at 2-8 degrees celsius but here's a sneak peak. As usual, not taking any questions.
View attachment 166563
I had some hcg from sp labs laying around already reconstituted with saline and more than 90 days after that, pregnancy test came positive in seconds, i begun using it and balls got bigger and ejaculation increased, no issues with infection nor anything else.
I limit the use of hcg to only once a week since i notice high E2 like symptoms if i inject more frequently