Cat Café EU & US domestic

I had some hcg from sp labs laying around already reconstituted with saline and more than 90 days after that, pregnancy test came positive in seconds, i begun using it and balls got bigger and ejaculation increased, no issues with infection nor anything else.
I limit the use of hcg to only once a week since i notice high E2 like symptoms if i inject more frequently
Pregnancy tests indicate any presence of HCG within their detection range, so you'd get a positive even if it had degraded by 90%+ which is arguably the reason why underdosed HCG had maintained a market presence as well as decent reputation on Meso for so long. I'm blessed that my cat café has a loyal customer base that appreciates testing all the things, which allows me to pay for evermore testing to hopefully resolve some longstanding community questions for good in the future!
Whats the injection frequency for test U for relatively stable blood levels? E14d?
And how does undeconate and undecyclonate (spelled) esters differ? Thought of doing a travel stack with liskas test u and EQ
At the very least if you really want stability, I'd say 7-10 days is the best. Allows you plenty of freedom and take a break from pinning.

Given that cat cafe's TU is made with castor oil, you might be able to get away with few more days, yet the original poster didn't even know that hl is indeed shorter than expected and what nebido claims I assume, judging by his/her/it (no disrespect, but maybe it's really a cat?) lack of response.

All in all, I would personally never would inject less frequently than every 21 days, given the half life, I would be safer than sorry and assume that it's still closer to 21 days it would result same as TE/TC once per week on paper, in reality we are all different!

Also take in to consideration your own personal response to exogenous testosterone and how it affects your shbg, how fast do you metabolize drugs and what previous protocols you were on where you felt at least decent, but preferably good, that is going to be your reference point.

As an example I'm fast responder and my body clears drugs faster than usual, so typical enanthate once per week for me results in 2/3 loss of the drug, on paper it doesn't make sense yet it is how it is. I have to inject TE/C thrice per week to maintain respectable levels of T, FT and also not to spike my e2.

P.S English is not my native language as you know it, so please understand that I try to make myself as clear as possible, but sometimes language barrier makes it harder to do so!
Given that cat cafe's TU is made with castor oil, you might be able to get away with few more days, yet the original poster didn't even know that hl is indeed shorter than expected and what nebido claims I assume, judging by his/her/it (no disrespect, but maybe it's really a cat?) lack of response.
I'm not going to spoonfeed people by roleplaying google as this creates an undesireable feedback loop resulting in further avoidance to DYOR, which includes individual bloodwork in this case anyways.

Here's really a cathlete excellently mimicking both the colour palette of my tablet containers as well as oils!
Pregnancy tests indicate any presence of HCG within their detection range, so you'd get a positive even if it had degraded by 90%+ which is arguably the reason why underdosed HCG had maintained a market presence as well as decent reputation on Meso for so long. I'm blessed that my cat café has a loyal customer base that appreciates testing all the things, which allows me to pay for evermore testing to hopefully resolve some longstanding community questions for good in the future!
Once i got it from euronpharmacies and what i am presuming bunk “pregnyl” and pregnancy test didn’t show crap so i’m assuming it was even under 10% then lol, thanks for clarifying that
Once i got it from euronpharmacies and what i am presuming bunk “pregnyl” and pregnancy test didn’t show crap so i’m assuming it was even under 10% then lol, thanks for clarifying that
If the concentration of HCG in the solution is too high it can result in a negative result due to being above the range of the pregnancy test, especially cheap ones.

@Hardcoreboy I want to say no but I'll receive a selection of high purrity cathlete pictures from Finland any day now, so there's a specific ruleset for scandinavian customers you can mail me about.
Suupp everyone!!! Just wanna try this source as it really looks appealing, and I was wondering, for those who have been here for a longer time, wheter Liska offers some discounts some times of the year such as other brands!!!
Suupp everyone!!! Just wanna try this source as it really looks appealing, and I was wondering, for those who have been here for a longer time, wheter Liska offers some discounts some times of the year such as other brands!!!

Cat discount
Bulk discount (if available)
All other discounts are posted here or on the cat cafe website
Also take in to consideration your own personal response to exogenous testosterone and how it affects your shbg, how fast do you metabolize drugs and what previous protocols you were on where you felt at least decent, but preferably good, that is going to be your reference point.

As an example I'm fast responder and my body clears drugs faster than usual, so typical enanthate once per week for me results in 2/3 loss of the drug, on paper it doesn't make sense yet it is how it is. I have to inject TE/C thrice per week to maintain respectable levels of T, FT and also not to spike my e2.

Wait, people can clear drugs faster too? I didn't knew that.
Wait, people can clear drugs faster too? I didn't knew that.
Not only drugs, but many other things. We are not gonna get in to that, but when it comes it comes to our topic of interest it's testosterone.

Lower than normal shbg pretty much means you hyper excrete exogenous testosterone. Think of shbg like regulating mechanism that binds T and holds it in for delivery when it's needed. Higher androgen load at once usually drives shbg down, for example 150mg TC once per week = spikes up to unnatural levels, then in case of low shbg hyper excretes out since it's not binding well, results in possible lower than desired testosterone levels mid week (my case) or at day 5. Which is not good if you ask me.

So in my case, for people like me, I can confidently say that it's best for us to inject more often like 3x week or even better eod when we are talking about E and C esters. I have done bloods and I have experimented almost every way for quite a long time (I don't blast anymore). That's why I'm considering undecanoate ester, to reduce the injections frequency to a minimum and to also benefit from it by manipulating shbg.
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Hypersponders to AAS:

Some people metabolizes testosterone faster than other, thus those who metabolize it slower will have more abaliable test in their body whereas those who metavolize it faster will end up with less concentration. That kind of people need a higher dose of AAS (or slow them down) in order to have the same amounts as the slow metabolizers. To test that gen use 29andme to check the CYP enzime --,+-,++
Estrogen, bioperin, may speed up the CYP enzime

Hypersponders to AAS:

Some people metabolizes testosterone faster than other, thus those who metabolize it slower will have more abaliable test in their body whereas those who metavolize it faster will end up with less concentration. That kind of people need a higher dose of AAS (or slow them down) in order to have the same amounts as the slow metabolizers. To test that gen use 29andme to check the CYP enzime --,+-,++
Estrogen, bioperin, may speed up the CYP enzime


The CYP Enzymes also are responsible for detoxification of orals. If you are a slow metabolizer you want to take that in consideration regarding oral use.
It is mostly used for TRT (high concentration makes it more difficult to use)
I'd still use it for trt, it would just mean even less oil to inject and with a much more steady blood level.

0.1 - 35mg
0.2 - 70mg
0.3 - 105mg and so on..

I can understand for those doing a recovery pct between there courses the long ester fucks shit up but for anyone on blast and cruise it looks pretty nice when you pump it into steroid plotter
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