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I get test-mixes like sustanon but why would you combine cyp and enth? They seem very similiar.
Combining different esters of the same compound results in a less uniform crystaline structure which makes the finished product less prone to crystalize/crash (pre- and post injection) so you can brew higher concentrations without causing (much) PIP or standard concentrations with less solvents.

Sustanon on the other hand is a less than ideal combination of esters for its intended purpose and was grandfathered into the BB industry. Look at this curiousity! Polytestosterone phloretin phosphate - Wikipedia

@Mechanic It's just one product, called T400.
Combining different esters of the same compound results in a less uniform crystaline structure which makes the finished product less prone to crystalize/crash (pre- and post injection) so you can brew higher concentrations without causing (much) PIP or standard concentrations with less solvents.

Sustanon on the other hand is a less than ideal combination of esters for its intended purpose and was grandfathered into the BB industry. Look at this curiousity! Polytestosterone phloretin phosphate - Wikipedia

@Mechanic It's just one product, called T400.
Thanks for the insight into the brewing site, always interresting.
Combining different esters of the same compound results in a less uniform crystaline structure which makes the finished product less prone to crystalize/crash (pre- and post injection) so you can brew higher concentrations without causing (much) PIP or standard concentrations with less solvents.

Sustanon on the other hand is a less than ideal combination of esters for its intended purpose and was grandfathered into the BB industry. Look at this curiousity! Polytestosterone phloretin phosphate - Wikipedia

@Mechanic It's just one product, called T400.

A lab used to do a 150 enan, 150 cyp test blend and it was consistently the smoothest test 300 I've ever had. Cranking that up to 400mg/ml and being comparable to a 300mg/ml test e would be a beautiful thing
Sustanon on the other hand is a less than ideal combination of esters for its intended purpose and was grandfathered into the BB industry.

Is this from a formulating/crashing perspective? Because biologically, blends like sustanon more closely mimic the natural scenario of peaks and troughs... not bathing your cells in androgens at a high level 24/7.

Higher peaks and at least some downtime till the next ester phases in. I don't know if that's better for bodybuilding, but seems more "natural," for whatever that's worth.

@Mechanic @17Alpha @godsgifttoearth
Is this from a formulating/crashing perspective? Because biologically, blends like sustanon more closely mimic the natural scenario of peaks and troughs... not bathing your cells in androgens at a high level 24/7.

Higher peaks and at least some downtime till the next ester phases in. I don't know if that's better for bodybuilding, but seems more "natural," for whatever that's worth.
I did link to what I think of as ideal for said HRT purpose, which is not what Sustanon is used for in BB the majority of the time nor is it prescribed for HRT in most countries over E, C or U but I haven't looked into the history of and reasons for that. As injection intervals are important when talking about natural release patterns, I looked this up for Sustanon at Sustanon 250, 250mg/ml solution for injection - Summary of Product Characteristics (SmPC) - (emc) :
Sus said:
Usually, one injection of 1ml per 3 weeks is adequate.

At supraphysiological dosages you would want to avoid these natural peaks and troughs regardless as with the total mg fluctuations between them, side effects may scale up as well.

I don't want this discussion to turn into a Derek video however so let me close by saying I don't have a particularly strong opinion about any of it.
What are your thoughts on injectable orals, Liska? Mainly from the perspective of reducing side effects.

I ran your tbol recently for 2 weeks and had to drop it cus of the stomach cramps, lack of appetite and lethargy. I know this is a common side effect from orals so I'm not doubting the quality of the product for one second. It was my first time running orals so I knew it was a possibility.

Coming from a powerlifting background it's frustrating to think I won't be able to tolerate some of these drugs that traditionally come in oral form. Do you think it's worthwhile trying other oral aas? Or do you think this will likely be the same story.
What are your thoughts on injectable orals, Liska? Mainly from the perspective of reducing side effects.

I ran your tbol recently for 2 weeks and had to drop it cus of the stomach cramps, lack of appetite and lethargy. I know this is a common side effect from orals so I'm not doubting the quality of the product for one second. It was my first time running orals so I knew it was a possibility.

Coming from a powerlifting background it's frustrating to think I won't be able to tolerate some of these drugs that traditionally come in oral form. Do you think it's worthwhile trying other oral aas? Or do you think this will likely be the same story.
It's worth trying another oral take me for example I react very bad to dbol and var and winstrol , stomach cramps , heartburn etc all sides but anadrol is great for me if anything I'm hungrier
What are your thoughts on injectable orals, Liska? Mainly from the perspective of reducing side effects.

I ran your tbol recently for 2 weeks and had to drop it cus of the stomach cramps, lack of appetite and lethargy. I know this is a common side effect from orals so I'm not doubting the quality of the product for one second. It was my first time running orals so I knew it was a possibility.

Coming from a powerlifting background it's frustrating to think I won't be able to tolerate some of these drugs that traditionally come in oral form. Do you think it's worthwhile trying other oral aas? Or do you think this will likely be the same story.
I'd like this topic to receive more attention, could you make it as a standalone thread on Meso to gather more anecdotes on injectable vs oral versions, specifically for compounds like Turinabol that are not known for being significantly hepatotoxic? While tablets are vastly superior from a business perspective (much better sales for various reasons, easier to ship safely etc.) if there's a reasonable demand for injectable versions that isn't catered to presently, I'd rather focus on solving that problem.
It's worth trying another oral take me for example I react very bad to dbol and var and winstrol , stomach cramps , heartburn etc all sides but anadrol is great for me if anything I'm hungrier

I have a tub of cat cafe dbol too. Logic is telling me it wouldn't be worth trying but curiosity is tempting me to try 25mg ED.

@Liska yes of course no problem. I'll compose a thread later when I'm not on the move and can properly focus.
También tengo una tina de cat cafe dbol. La lógica me dice que no valdría la pena intentarlo, pero la curiosidad me tienta a probar ED de 25 mg.

@Liska sí, por supuesto, no hay problema. Redactaré un hilo más tarde cuando no esté en movimiento y pueda concentrarme correctamente.
Todo lo que probe de liska guiándome por sensaciones y resultados es pura calidad ,la trembo acetato para mi la mejor sin duda,si no te importa inyectar ed ,a la espera de las reposiciones de stock de su marca cat cafe