Cat Café EU & US domestic

Real, accurately dosed primo will crash that e2. I don’t promote cycle advice, but I’d try to bring that number up.

Really nice free test and total test multipliers.

Thanks, and store credit is noted.



My dog used TestE/Primo (175/200 weekly), E2 after 10 weeks E2 was down by 50%. He used EU source Primo E.
Dog has pretty low SHBG levels and therefore higher amounts of free test to aromatize - dog does not get any E2 related issues (water retention, RR etc.) even with ~80pg/ml.
In this case may be 1:1,5 TE/Primo ratio could be tolerable without getting some E2 increasing agents in to fix that issue if one is not willing to up the test.

So yes, at least for my dogs body Primo will crash E2 to a certain level. Id personally always go for bloodwork to find out the individual response.

Dogs libido also is insane - I am pretty sure Primo itself is the reason for that, he also tried out AI in the past to check libido changes on Test only by bringing E2 down, but there was not much of a difference. On the other hand, libido increased significantly week by week after the first dose (even before reaching the pmax concentration - obviously no front load).

Dogs is not prone to hair loss, cannot be judged, at least no visible shedding even after 14 weeks.
No skin related issues in terms of acne even if highly prone to it (puberty).
Body hair growing more quickly - obviously.
Sweating increased, especially during nights.

No PIP issues - some days have been a little painful, but not every pin day is perfect. No product related issue regarding this source (TE250/350 and Primo E used).

Always go for bloodwork to see whats going on and keep an eye on your lipids, RR and especially your heart (frequently checkups regarding LVH).
My dog used TestE/Primo (175/200 weekly), E2 after 10 weeks E2 was down by 50%. He used EU source Primo E.
Dog has pretty low SHBG levels and therefore higher amounts of free test to aromatize - dog does not get any E2 related issues (water retention, RR etc.) even with ~80pg/ml.
In this case may be 1:1,5 TE/Primo ratio could be tolerable without getting some E2 increasing agents in to fix that issue if one is not willing to up the test.

So yes, at least for my dogs body Primo will crash E2 to a certain level. Id personally always go for bloodwork to find out the individual response.

Dogs libido also is insane - I am pretty sure Primo itself is the reason for that, he also tried out AI in the past to check libido changes on Test only by bringing E2 down, but there was not much of a difference. On the other hand, libido increased significantly week by week after the first dose (even before reaching the pmax concentration - obviously no front load).

Dogs is not prone to hair loss, cannot be judged, at least no visible shedding even after 14 weeks.
No skin related issues in terms of acne even if highly prone to it (puberty).
Body hair growing more quickly - obviously.
Sweating increased, especially during nights.

No PIP issues - some days have been a little painful, but not every pin day is perfect. No product related issue regarding this source (TE250/350 and Primo E used).

Always go for bloodwork to see whats going on and keep an eye on your lipids, RR and especially your heart (frequently checkups regarding LVH).
Ah yes, dogs. Takes me back to my youth when SWIM was up to no good.
I think I'm just prone to PIP... have Test E from Liska own brew (350) and DeusMed (250) both give me PIP at 90% and 80% of the time respectively.

What did I do wrong... or what did I do right on the 10-20% when there's no PIP :/

usual pin:
delt 27G 3/4"
glute 26G x 1"
Test E 350 from liska gives me crippling PIP and I am not exaggerating, if I pin my delt even with just 0.2ml I cannot lift my arm for 2 days. I ordered just one bottle to try it out I hoped it would be ok and the high concentration would help with inj volume...
It is not the carrier as deca from liska is smooth... and I have experienced PIP from 2 other brands of test E but not test cyp from the same brands so it is the enanthate that is causing this but this is not the full story as Test E from Deus does not give me any pain... so there you go... I basically gave up on trying test E I only ordered this last time cause test cyp was not in stock and was curious about liskas test e.

PS. I also tried thinning the test 1:1 with MCT oil and still the PIP is there maybe 90% BUT when I mix the test 0.3ml and 0.2ml of deca there is no PIP !! I also heat up the syringe before injecting and mix the oils well as in the past that has helped.
Test E 350 from liska gives me crippling PIP and I am not exaggerating, if I pin my delt even with just 0.2ml I cannot lift my arm for 2 days. I ordered just one bottle to try it out I hoped it would be ok and the high concentration would help with inj volume...
It is not the carrier as deca from liska is smooth... and I have experienced PIP from 2 other brands of test E but not test cyp from the same brands so it is the enanthate that is causing this but this is not the full story as Test E from Deus does not give me any pain... so there you go... I basically gave up on trying test E I only ordered this last time cause test cyp was not in stock and was curious about liskas test e.

PS. I also tried thinning the test 1:1 with MCT oil and still the PIP is there maybe 90% BUT when I mix the test 0.3ml and 0.2ml of deca there is no PIP !! I also heat up the syringe before injecting and mix the oils well as in the past that has helped.
It's a complex problem that's highly individual (I've had brothers draw from the same vial with one being crippled and the other completely fine) but it's rather certainly related to compound age as these reports were very sparse when the batch was fresh (10/21 was the latest one) and increased with the age of the batch. There's a couple of ways to resolve this for future batches that I'll be using and I'll be replacing a lot of old product as well for the customers that suffered these issues and have a bunch of unuseable product in storage. It was difficult to tell in advance whether the raws would have this issue but from now on I'll just assume all of them do just to be safe.
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It's a complex problem that's highly individual (I've had brothers draw from the same vial with one being crippled and the other completely fine) but it's rather certainly related to compound age as these reports were very sparse when the batch was fresh (10/21 was the latest one) and increased with the age of the batch. There's a couple of ways to resolve this for future batches that I'll be using and I'll be replacing a lot of old product as well for the customers that suffered these issues and have a bunch of unuseable product in storage. It was difficult to tell in advance whether the raws would have this issue but from now on I'll just assume all of them do just to be safe.
So this applies only to test E ? or was the cyp affected as well?
So this applies only to test E ? or was the cyp affected as well?
Just Test E and in my case just at higher concentrations, at least I cannot remember there being any reports about significant PIP from 250mg/ml, just 350mg/ml later on in its lifespan.
Just Test E and in my case just at higher concentrations, at least I cannot remember there being any reports about significant PIP from 250mg/ml, just 350mg/ml later on in its lifespan.
The test E from other sources that I was talking about earlier was at 250mg/ml and 275mg/ml and gave me about 70% the inflamation and pain as your 350mg so it seems that it is somewhat correlated and the carrier was GSO in that case.
The test E from other sources that I was talking about earlier was at 250mg/ml and 275mg/ml and gave me about 70% the inflamation and pain as your 350mg so it seems that it is somewhat correlated and the carrier was GSO in that case.
At this point in time I believe the problem can be identified latest at the precursor stage and no longer post synthesis in the raw material or the finished product - all of those would/should show up in regular testing but they didn't. I'm not sure what causes it to show up at concentrations as low as 250mg but it didn't seem specific or related to carrier oils.
Test E 350 from liska gives me crippling PIP and I am not exaggerating, if I pin my delt even with just 0.2ml I cannot lift my arm for 2 days. I ordered just one bottle to try it out I hoped it would be ok and the high concentration would help with inj volume...
It is not the carrier as deca from liska is smooth... and I have experienced PIP from 2 other brands of test E but not test cyp from the same brands so it is the enanthate that is causing this but this is not the full story as Test E from Deus does not give me any pain... so there you go... I basically gave up on trying test E I only ordered this last time cause test cyp was not in stock and was curious about liskas test e.

PS. I also tried thinning the test 1:1 with MCT oil and still the PIP is there maybe 90% BUT when I mix the test 0.3ml and 0.2ml of deca there is no PIP !! I also heat up the syringe before injecting and mix the oils well as in the past that has helped.
A friend of mine uses test E 350 mg from liska he only uses 150 mg per week, no PIP at all, he does glute only 27 G 25 mm very smooth, deltoid and quad injections are more of a problem
For what it's worth, I've been using 350mg/ml Test E from Liska the last few weeks and I haven't been getting any pip. I only do VG and glute injections however. I am coming off of a run of DHB though, so maybe my tolerance to pip is elevated.
Does anyone have info on why test e seems to cause pip. I've seen tons of people across several different vendors/forums complaining about test e and pip. Is there something different between test e and test cyp that would cause such a significant variance in pip or is it more likely that vendors are sourcing raws from the same sources and there is something going on at that end of things?
Cat pack just landed.! Made it to my door faster than Amazon prime. Great service! I’ll start my test cyp, primo, and Anavar cycle next Monday. This is my first time running primo and man am I stoked! Can’t wait.
I wish 23andme would add a test for being prone to PIP from Test E and tolerance to various carrier oils as well.
Are there any SNP related to this or are you just hoping for some research towards that?
It seems to be genetic indeed ...but it is interesting that in VG no PIP while other areas give PIP..might try it myself but need to get bigger needles ...using 29g 1/2" currently..
Are there any SNP related to this or are you just hoping for some research towards that?
It seems to be genetic indeed ...but it is interesting that in VG no PIP while other areas give PIP..might try it myself but need to get bigger needles ...using 29g 1/2" currently..
There's no hope regarding the former of course with the cause being unknown but there's a lot of research regarding tolerance of carrier oils used in pharmaceutical preparations.

Shallow IM injections can definitely contribute to PIP!
There's no hope regarding the former of course with the cause being unknown but there's a lot of research regarding tolerance of carrier oils used in pharmaceutical preparations.

Shallow IM injections can definitely contribute to PIP!
Agreed about the shallow IM, BUT and inch needle in the glute is just as shallow as a 1/2" needle in the delt( I have no fat there).
IDk what I was thinking when I said about SNP as the type of ester is clearly not the issue as you have said it's more about something that degrades the ester... ( as I've said I have no issues with test e from deus)
Awesome serum score in this thread for cat cafe, like a 51-

Awesome serum score in this thread for cat cafe, like a 51-

you are making an even bigger fool out of yourself if you now think that not only @Liska and @janoshik are affiliated with each other but me too