Cat Café EU & US domestic

To anyone interested,

I had a request that I was finally able to get around to making and it is one that I believe might be very popular.

Primo E 200/ Test C 200, 400mg/mL

This in particular was made in gso and turned out very smooth with one condition, a slight amount of EO.

I would like some feedback on if people would be interested in this product.


For anyone who might be interested in this product I am the one who requested this batch to be made. I injected my delt last night and this morning so far I can’t even tell I have pinned there. I’ll update if there is any change

I am going to have to leave town late today and I may not be back until right before the weekend. All placed orders will be shipped and any incoming orders can be placed, but I cannot promise a 2-3 day TA when they will be shipped 3-4 days later.

Sorry for the inconvenience,

@CCUSA hello,

Things are going well cycle wise. I switched things up and am pinning 100mgs TREN ace/ ~50mgs prop / ~500mgs t400 eod. Having kind of a bad gyno flare up which aromasin @25 eod and .5 caber weekly seems to be just barely keeping at bay. Technically, my body is perfectly balanced from a bodybuilding perspective. I gain as fast as I can eat basically. So I decided to mix things up and see what happens.

Also running 12ius growth eod and log with most of my meals but honestly I seem to only pin it three times a day at most consistently. Right about 12-14 ius at a time, seems to be perfect for my meal sizing.

God Bless
Pulled bloods on 350/350 Test/Primo from CCUSA. Didn’t have any doubt about authenticity, just wanted to see if I was one that got the AI effect from primo. Clearly I do and will adjust my dosage going forward. Great lab with an amazing T/A and top tier packaging. C0478A62-FCA7-4424-BE10-70BAFC74B1AC.jpeg
Pulled bloods on 350/350 Test/Primo from CCUSA. Didn’t have any doubt about authenticity, just wanted to see if I was one that got the AI effect from primo. Clearly I do and will adjust my dosage going forward. Great lab with an amazing T/A and top tier packaging.

Real, accurately dosed primo will crash that e2. I don’t promote cycle advice, but I’d try to bring that number up.

Really nice free test and total test multipliers.

Thanks, and store credit is noted.


Tired as shit son. Weirdly enough I thought I was having high e2 issues, anxiety/sleepy/no libido. Surprised to see it’s low. Zero joint issues surprisingly.
Tired as shit son. Weirdly enough I thought I was having high e2 issues, anxiety/sleepy/no libido. Surprised to see it’s low. Zero joint issues surprisingly.
How’s the water retention? And how long have you been on ?
Pulled bloods on 350/350 Test/Primo from CCUSA. Didn’t have any doubt about authenticity, just wanted to see if I was one that got the AI effect from primo. Clearly I do and will adjust my dosage going forward. Great lab with an amazing T/A and top tier packaging. View attachment 169980
How do you go about ordering bloods like this? What do you say and what's the test called?
I think I'm just prone to PIP... have Test E from Liska own brew (350) and DeusMed (250) both give me PIP at 90% and 80% of the time respectively.

What did I do wrong... or what did I do right on the 10-20% when there's no PIP :/

usual pin:
delt 27G 3/4"
glute 26G x 1"
I think I'm just prone to PIP... have Test E from Liska own brew (350) and DeusMed (250) both give me PIP at 90% and 80% of the time respectively.

What did I do wrong... or what did I do right on the 10-20% when there's no PIP :/

usual pin:
delt 27G 3/4"
glute 26G x 1"
Do you have other injectable products for comparison? Consistent PIP would suggest a correlation with the product (carrier oil or compound) whereas inconsistent PIP (is it independent of injection site and amount?) may be caused by the process or other variables indeed.
Pulled bloods on 350/350 Test/Primo from CCUSA. Didn’t have any doubt about authenticity, just wanted to see if I was one that got the AI effect from primo. Clearly I do and will adjust my dosage going forward. Great lab with an amazing T/A and top tier packaging. View attachment 169980
I wonder how some guys can run low test high primo... seems like 1:1 ratio lowers estrogen too much for most people
That's fortunate. What were your E2 levels?
Didn’t get bloods done back then unfortunately. However my e2 was in a good range im sure of that. Joints felt good, no itching and most importantly libido was raging. Good way to know if e2 is in a decent range is when you have a hard one when waking up. Usually when mine is whack that never happens.