Cat Café EU & US domestic

Anyone ran trestolone? If so how are the results?
Depends what you’re looking for. It’s a good replacement for trt without any increase in RBC or HCT. It’s also a good addition if you’re looking to add mass. But if you combine it with too much test, or dose it too high, the e2 issues get hard to handle very quickly. It’s not the gyno bomb people made it out to be years ago, but it’s also not nearly as easy to manage as testosterone or nandrolone. I’ve seen a handful of guys get mythical levels of recomp from it, which is interesting. I’ve also got what seems to be permanent BP problems just from using a low dose for what turned out to be too long. So, you know, mixed bag.
Depends what you’re looking for. It’s a good replacement for trt without any increase in RBC or HCT. It’s also a good addition if you’re looking to add mass. But if you combine it with too much test, or dose it too high, the e2 issues get hard to handle very quickly. It’s not the gyno bomb people made it out to be years ago, but it’s also not nearly as easy to manage as testosterone or nandrolone. I’ve seen a handful of guys get mythical levels of recomp from it, which is interesting. I’ve also got what seems to be permanent BP problems just from using a low dose for what turned out to be too long. So, you know, mixed bag.
High e2 and water retention will kick your blood Pressure threw the roof. Im always running low test or no test when using ment or i cant handle it.
High e2 and water retention will kick your blood Pressure threw the roof. Im always running low test or no test when using ment or i cant handle it.
E2 and water retention can absolutely be the cause of BP issues. But in this case those were not the cause. The drug itself has some wonky effects on aldosterone and downstream you get high BP. It’s a problem even at low dose for some of us. It’s a shame because I saw the potential in MENT but my body just hates it. I’ll still experiment it again because I’m an idiot, but I can’t go over 5mg/d unless I want to start including nebivolol as one of my macros.
what if you run it w high test and letro?
Actually not tried it because i dont wanna run on letrozole for longer time.
E2 and water retention can absolutely be the cause of BP issues. But in this case those were not the cause. The drug itself has some wonky effects on aldosterone and downstream you get high BP. It’s a problem even at low dose for some of us. It’s a shame because I saw the potential in MENT but my body just hates it. I’ll still experiment it again because I’m an idiot, but I can’t go over 5mg/d unless I want to start including nebivolol as one of my macros.
Ah okay thank you. So maybe running telmisartan as an arb blocker could be a go to there. Im gonna experiment next month again with ment a. Lets see
Actually not tried it because i dont wanna run on letrozole for longer time.

Ah okay thank you. So maybe running telmisartan as an arb blocker could be a go to there. Im gonna experiment next month again with ment a. Lets see
I’ve been on valsartan since about four months into using MENT and it definitely helped. Telmisartan should do the same for you. ARBs are lifesavers, literally and figuratively.
i am using cat trest e (used a first to judge effects) as a trt substitute for test since my HCT/HB and RBC were way too high (happens fast for me due to my heart condition and oxygen supply issues)
i went from 20mg test cyp dail to 7-8mg test cyp + 3-4mg trest E.
tbh, i love trest, even at this low dosage.
as @Iron_Yuppie said, water retention even at that dosage is noticeable (was around 2 pounds for me). Also. in increases heart rate, even at my 3mg daily (around 3-4 bpm).
i would advise anyone who wants to use it to something like nebivolol or entresto, esp. if dosages are higher.
Im Guessing you’ll see it arrive no later than Thursday but prob Wednesday depending on cross country type of delivery. Source is very top notch and will prove it over time.
Hope so, but that's what I like to hear. I have had two great sources in the past, both faded out over time, got stiffed by last guy after a few years of good service, shame really. So hopefully CC will fill the void.
Do you think valsartan is superior to telmisartan? Or why did you choose that?
It’s what my doctor uses for her high BP patients and I was happy to go along with her recommendation. I can’t speak for any other ARB, but I’ve had nothing but good things from valsartan and I get no side effects at all, so I’m loath to switch at this point. But telmisartan is the more commonly used ARB and I have no reason to believe that it isn’t every bit as good (or even better than) valsartan.
Hey, quick question. Have any of you stacked up Cat’s primo enanthate and Anavar? This is my first time running primo ever and I’m gonna let cat pop my cherry. I just placed a nice order of that but I’m curious if any of you have ran it before. What were your experiences like?
TA was exceptionally quick. Two days to my door after ordering. Very secure packaging. All in all very happy with my order. Ordered test-c from CCUSA and everything looks good. Vials are all equally filled. Ready to run that first cycle