Cat Café EU & US domestic

@Liska Im currently looking at the HCG and HGH. What is expected expiration date for these unconstituted and constituted? Need to calculate in accordance with my cycle.
@Liska Im currently looking at the HCG and HGH. What is expected expiration date for these unconstituted and constituted? Need to calculate in accordance with my cycle.
Hello sir,

They last along time in the fridge or freezer. The degradation rate is super slow unconstituted. Once constituted at 2-8c (assuming you aren’t American) they last roughly a month before significant degredation sets in.

Hope this helps,

Hello sir,

They last along time in the fridge or freezer. The degradation rate is super slow unconstituted. Once constituted at 2-8c (assuming you aren’t American) they last roughly a month before significant degredation sets in.

Hope this helps,


That’s fine for the HGH as each vial only lasts a few days but somewhat more problematic with the HCG. 7000 IU with 250 EOD turns out to be around 2 months.
@Stronglift For these products in an unreconstituted state, the best information we have are the mfg. and exp. dates of pharmaceutical products based on the assumption they determined the latter by appropiate testing methods. I'll check the dates on some HCG Livzon boxes later today, and @M@NU could you check the Jintropin mfg. & exp. dates? Should be the closest estimate considering it's powder in vials as well.

In a reconstituted state, I do agree that you'll never reach the exp. date for HGH if running any reasonable protocol, and for HCG I have vials stored at Janoshik's presently for deterioration testing after 30, 45 and 60 days, so we'll have actual data by how much it deteriorates after x days later on this month and next month respectively.
That’s fine for the HGH as each vial only lasts a few days but somewhat more problematic with the HCG. 7000 IU with 250 EOD turns out to be around 2 months.
I think the degradation is vastly exaggerated for the most part . I had a pharma grade 5000 iu HCG vial some years back which I had reconstituted, and never used - Had it in the fridge for abt 3 months - used it then before I had started B and C - ran blood work 6 weeks post cycle ( while on HCG ) and T levels were in the mid - upper range ( bit less than what i had naturally ran at by abt a 150 ng/dl) - and my balls were fuller than a pair of plums .. Now obviously Pharma / UGL - end of the day if the molecule is the same I would expect same / similar outcomes - One thing to note is the diluent used Pharma usually comes with WFI - I tend to prefer BAC water since it preserves the molecule for longer. Just my Anecdotal 2c here..

Even if there is degradation its going to be slow and gradual .. if the product is degraded by even as much as 10 % - You are still gonna get 225 Iu from the 250 you inject. That would be sufficient still
@Stronglift For these products in an unreconstituted state, the best information we have are the mfg. and exp. dates of pharmaceutical products based on the assumption they determined the latter by appropiate testing methods. I'll check the dates on some HCG Livzon boxes later today, and @M@NU could you check the Jintropin mfg. & exp. dates? Should be the closest estimate considering it's powder in vials as well.

In a reconstituted state, I do agree that you'll never reach the exp. date for HGH if running any reasonable protocol, and for HCG I have vials stored at Janoshik's presently for deterioration testing after 30, 45 and 60 days, so we'll have actual data by how much it deteriorates after x days later on this month and next month respectively.
The Jintropin Kits i have from you:
(i know they are expired and i knew when i bought from LIska, just as an info not that you think i got robbed)
MFG 2019.03
EXP 2021.02

Batch i got from Serge
MFG 2021.05
EXP 2024.05

not sure why they are now good for a year longer but ths is what the package says
To anyone interested,

I had a request that I was finally able to get around to making and it is one that I believe might be very popular.

Primo E 200/ Test C 200, 400mg/mL

This in particular was made in gso and turned out very smooth with one condition, a slight amount of EO.

I would like some feedback on if people would be interested in this product.


To anyone interested,

I had a request that I was finally able to get around to making and it is one that I believe might be very popular.

Primo E 200/ Test C 200, 400mg/mL

This in particular was made in gso and turned out very smooth with one condition, a slight amount of EO.

I would like some feedback on if people would be interested in this product.


This will be only available to CCUS? Would love to have something like that in EU.
Guys, stop asking about future products, just be patient please. We're not sending orders from US to EU or vice versa, the purpose of setting up domestic labs is to not put you guys at risk of customs seizures.
@Stronglift For these products in an unreconstituted state, the best information we have are the mfg. and exp. dates of pharmaceutical products based on the assumption they determined the latter by appropiate testing methods. I'll check the dates on some HCG Livzon boxes later today, and @M@NU could you check the Jintropin mfg. & exp. dates? Should be the closest estimate considering it's powder in vials as well.

In a reconstituted state, I do agree that you'll never reach the exp. date for HGH if running any reasonable protocol, and for HCG I have vials stored at Janoshik's presently for deterioration testing after 30, 45 and 60 days, so we'll have actual data by how much it deteriorates after x days later on this month and next month respectively.
Thank you this sounds really interesting.
I got pretty excited there when I noticed i had notifications for 3 whole pages worth of comments from this thread, thought something mega like dihydroprimobolan800 had dropped!

Cheers tank!!!
Domestic order touchdown. Insanely fast communication and TA. I placed order AFTER Friday sometime, pack came in Wed (I'm assuming, I work out of town and was gone Mon Tues wed. Got back Wednesday night and order was waiting for me at home. Don't know that it could have possibly come in Tues, TA would be nuts). Packed very well. Very good with the sneaks. Super pleased.
The Jintropin Kits i have from you:
(i know they are expired and i knew when i bought from LIska, just as an info not that you think i got robbed)
MFG 2019.03
EXP 2021.02

Batch i got from Serge
MFG 2021.05
EXP 2024.05

not sure why they are now good for a year longer but ths is what the package says
you store the products under the right conditions, temperature and dark. you can use them much longer than the best before date, it is a guideline with which the producer is covered ... just like with foods that are not spoiled the day after either.. I recently had a long conversation about this with a bayer producer who explained it this way .. with the larger companies it is also a bit of marketing to bring new trade to the market faster .. the best is of course to keep it during the shelf life date but there is nothing wrong if you keep it well and save it
Domestic order touchdown. Insanely fast communication and TA. I placed order AFTER Friday sometime, pack came in Wed (I'm assuming, I work out of town and was gone Mon Tues wed. Got back Wednesday night and order was waiting for me at home. Don't know that it could have possibly come in Tues, TA would be nuts). Packed very well. Very good with the sneaks. Super pleased.
Good day sir,

I appreciate the review and kind words. Our goal is accuracy, quality and quick delivery. I’m glad you’re happy!


Yes, why not. If you show no respect to drug dealers u might get shot :cool:

Sounds like you need to change your circle of friends and get some better role models bro.

If you don't associate with drug dealers in your personal/private life you won't need to ever show them fake respect or risk getting shot :rolleyes:

They sell drugs so just give them the money for the drugs you want and never owe them anything and don't take the `relationship` any further than that. Simple business :)

Intelligent living 101 ROFL

You are just making yourself look like an incredibily pathetic person if childhish name calling and personal insults are the extent of your conversational skill and maturity to have a discussion/disagreement.

I don't know how you even managed to get the educational qualifications needed to work in such a complex scientific industry as the one you `apparently` work within........but I can only assume that you blagged your way through the exams and you're just a young kid/new graduate working in a professional field with access to specific equipment that your employers aren't aware that you are using.

Your social and communication skills are appalling BTW. You're running a business/service and not talking to your buddies/enemies....
You are just making yourself look like an incredibily pathetic person if childhish name calling and personal insults are the extent of your conversational skill and maturity to have a discussion/disagreement.

I don't know how you even managed to get the educational qualifications needed to work in such a complex scientific industry as the one you `apparently` work within........but I can only assume that you blagged your way through the exams and you're just a young kid/new graduate working in a professional field with access to specific equipment that your employers aren't aware that you are using.

Your social and communication skills are appalling BTW. You're running a business/service and not talking to your buddies/enemies....
I don’t think the guy testing peoples drugs really cares about your rant lmao. He’s running a business, you’re right, but I doubt he gives a fuck if you use him or not. Kinda like the sources’ thread you’re posting in, doubt he gives a shit about you too. That being said Jano has always been reliable for my testing, and CC is top notch. I’ll continue to use both of them.
