Cat Café EU & US domestic

I don’t think the guy testing peoples drugs really cares about your rant lmao. He’s running a business, you’re right, but I doubt he gives a fuck if you use him or not. Kinda like the sources’ thread you’re posting in, doubt he gives a shit about you too. That being said Jano has always been reliable for my testing, and CC is top notch. I’ll continue to use both of them.


I'm not ranting. I'm just (reluctantly) taking a few minutes out of my day to reply to some posts on here when usually I would just block/ignore everyone I can't be fucked talking to..

I respect your view but don't get personal with me bro....
Few things,

Test results will be here end of next week as they have landed softly at their destination.

Secondly, I will be producing 60mL vials of the most common testosterone products for ease of customer purchasing, and use. The stoppers have already been tested to handle this abuse. New things coming!


You are just making yourself look like an incredibily pathetic person if childhish name calling and personal insults are the extent of your conversational skill and maturity to have a discussion/disagreement.

I don't know how you even managed to get the educational qualifications needed to work in such a complex scientific industry as the one you `apparently` work within........but I can only assume that you blagged your way through the exams and you're just a young kid/new graduate working in a professional field with access to specific equipment that your employers aren't aware that you are using.

Your social and communication skills are appalling BTW. You're running a business/service and not talking to your buddies/enemies....
Like I said, go for Energy Control US or someone like that.
They talk sweet enough for your sensitive heart.
You can go project your own failures to their thread. You'd get on well.

I have my record and work speaking for me instead of enticing words.
For a decade now.
Why don’t you guys make a separate website for US domestic. Trying to find out how much things cost in USD is not easy or convenient when your website is all in pounds or whatever the fuck the British use over there
Why don’t you guys make a separate website for US domestic. Trying to find out how much things cost in USD is not easy or convenient when your website is all in pounds or whatever the fuck the British use over there
Click the US flag on their website. That is how you order domestic.
Click the US flag on their website. That is how you order domestic.
I did. But it doesn’t show a price list in USD so I have to convert everything I see in pounds to USD. Not ideal, easy, or convenient. Just make a separate website guys

When I click the USA flag it brings me to this page. No option to convert prices

What do you call this symbol '$'?

edit: use (code)(/code) tags [but in square brackets like these] when posting urls to sites selling products, hotlinking is against Meso rules.
What do you call this symbol '$'?
My mistake. I didn’t realize I had to click the flag to see contact info then the prices would change on the menu if i clicked menu again. Still confusing but you were right….my apologies
My mistake. I didn’t realize I had to click the flag to see contact info then the prices would change on the menu if i clicked menu again. Still confusing but you were right….my apologies
It basically is a completely separate website with a separate inventory (both stores are domestic to their continent), it's only the layout that is the same.
ROFL. Grow up bro.

Just joking but you didn't get it...

You are so agressive and stressed...

Sounds like you need to change your circle of friends and get some better role models bro.

If you don't associate with drug dealers in your personal/private life you won't need to ever show them fake respect or risk getting shot :rolleyes:

They sell drugs so just give them the money for the drugs you want and never owe them anything and don't take the `relationship` any further than that. Simple business :)

Intelligent living 101 ROFL
I, and I'm sure others would like a basic Domestic source with simple, staple products that contain the correct hormone.
For example, Testosterones ,Nandrolones, Primo, Trenbolone. You get the idea.
The larger the Menu, the more room for error.
You could make a Mint. Just selling quality Test Cyp.
I, and I'm sure others would like a basic Domestic source with simple, staple products that contain the correct hormone.
For example, Testosterones ,Nandrolones, Primo, Trenbolone. You get the idea.
The larger the Menu, the more room for error.
You could make a Mint. Just selling quality Test Cyp.
Hello, have you looked at in stock and upcoming items?