Cat Café EU & US domestic

What are your thoughts on injectable orals, Liska? Mainly from the perspective of reducing side effects.

I ran your tbol recently for 2 weeks and had to drop it cus of the stomach cramps, lack of appetite and lethargy. I know this is a common side effect from orals so I'm not doubting the quality of the product for one second. It was my first time running orals so I knew it was a possibility.

Coming from a powerlifting background it's frustrating to think I won't be able to tolerate some of these drugs that traditionally come in oral form. Do you think it's worthwhile trying other oral aas? Or do you think this will likely be the same story.
Let me get to this this evening as I’ve made several injectable orals. They aren’t always the best at holding( sometimes needing reheated) but the definitely help with the stomach issues.
Todays news will be presented by two returning cathletes:
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1a. 10% discount for posting promo pictures like the above is still valid for all cat products (those with a cat label that aren't already discounted in any way) and can now be applied to BPC-157, MT-2 and HCG as well.

1b. To celebrate cat café USA (which should really be named canine café) expanding its inventory later during this week once lab reports arrive, customers submitting promo pictures featuring any of these very good boys get to break various store rules in addition to at minimum the aforementioned discounts: Leonbergers, St.Bernhards, Chow Chows, Newfoundland dogs, all shepherd & sheep dogs, all mountain dogs, all working dog breeds!

2. New/back in EU stock by Deus Medical: Testosterone Enanthate 250mg, Primobolan Enanthate 100mg, Masteron Enanthate 200mg, Turinabol 10mg.

3. Lowered prices for Hilma & Deus Medical Viagra from 12€ to 10€, Enclomiphene Citrate 30/50 x 25mg from 40€/65€ to 35€/60€. Testosterone Undecanoate 250mg/ml is left in scratched up vials only at 20€ each and marked with a * accordingly on the website (details in product description). As batches are close to selling out and having set scratched vials aside, I'll be offering these at a 5-10€ discount soon (Deca, all Trestolone, Masteron Propionate etc.) as I want to move onwards to all new products/batches before end of summer.

4. I'm aware there's no news of upcoming product dates here.
Have you simply switched your business model towards selling Deus Medical stuff? Or are there gonna be your own products back available anytime soon?
Can you maybe tell us if it would make sense to wait for your restock if we wanted some of the out of stock items within the next 2-3 weeks?
My review:
Several weeks ago I brought
-trest enanthate

Packaging: Genius. They will never find your stuff. It looks soo legit. Best stealth I ever got.

Delivery: placed an order on sunday with payment, arrived on Friday.

The trest ena (ment) works like a charm. Zero pip with eod dosing 10mg. I decreased my trt test to 50mg/week and I am recomping (summertime maintenance) and gaining way more muscle then I was on 250mg test ena/week. Probably gonna stop testosterone and just let the hcg fill me with some dht and stuff.

Hair loss is getting better. At least I hope.
Before this I used pharmaq ment, but it had guiaicol in it, which caused me like sun allergy sympoms over 3mg/day. Liska’s stuff is just clean, thin, easy to inject with 29g.

Cialis. Well. Having a semi-boner 24/7 from 5mg eod. Love it. Pill are super small, but I can quarter them in a pill cutter. I am sure next time he’a gonna make the pill slightly larger.

I didnt test the HCG because i still have some left from a different vendor. I am sure it will test positive on the pregnancy strip.

Communication with Liska is effortless. I always get a reply in half an hour.

Catcafe is gonne be my go to place, the only issue is the 250eur limit, but with prices like this I can 100% understand the reasoning behind it.
Communication with Liska is effortless. I always get a reply in half an hour.
This actually made me smile coz Its soooo true haha .. sometimes I wonder if the guy even sleeps! Don't even get that quick of a reply from Amazon support xD ... It's evident to me liska really puts it all in this ...
@yeahthatsm4 Thank you, I really appreciate each and every review. Pregnancy tests will detect any presence of HCG within their detection range so kind of like a labmax test, not great - I'll post something on HCG degeneration tonight. Issues like tablet size and order minimum are on the long list of things to fix!

@exilol Catnaps only.

In the most important news of 2022, I've finally updated the cathlete gallery with about 100 new pictures in various categories and added a summer cats gallery to see only the latest submissions - here's a small preview:

I've also received new blessings from her Majestea (videos and kitten pictures are subscribers only!):
A little late posting this but ordered Liskas Test E, Adex & Nolva in march. Emailed on a Sunday and got a reply in 5 minutes, comms were great. Shipped Monday arrived Friday with some great stealth to UK.

1st Bloods are 500mg test (250x2p/w) trough w/ Nolva
Test did as expected and Nolva fended off spicy nips a treat, also gave me the highest LH reading I've ever had since starting TRT

2nd bloods i dropped the Nolva and added 0.25 adex 2xp/w to lower E2 and worked a treat. Great experience overall.


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