Cat Café EU & US domestic

good morning

anyone have feedback on Trenbolone Acetate / Enanthate?
I've used the 150mg version for the last three meets at 210mg a week/30mg a day and currently at 105mg a week/15mg a day for a 6 week cut, no pip at all, which is fucking rare at this concentration and does exactly what I expect the particular doses to do.
good morning

anyone have feedback on Trenbolone Acetate / Enanthate?
Brutal i was sweating like crazy, used enanthate, body recomp was also good, unfortunately i´m one of those that gets libido problems on tren, even on a low dose and from the start, seems i respond way better to Trestolone, starting very low along side my TRT, so far no sides like on tren
@Liska BTW i saw a post of you using Trest instead of test for TRT 75 mg per week, you think at that low of a dose an AI is needed?? right now i am at 120 mg TRT and wanted to ADD some Trestolone i pin 3 x per week and i´d like to start at around 30 mg per week (10 mg 3 x per week) and titrate from there, you think that at this low of a those aromatization should be a problem, i already know i aromatize but at the same time only 0.25 mg of arimidex will tank my E2 so i try to microdose it by dissolving it in ethanol and i am doing fine, but worry on how i´d react by adding a little bit of trest
Brutal i was sweating like crazy, used enanthate, body recomp was also good, unfortunately i´m one of those that gets libido problems on tren, even on a low dose and from the start, seems i respond way better to Trestolone, starting very low along side my TRT, so far no sides like on tren
@Liska BTW i saw a post of you using Trest instead of test for TRT 75 mg per week, you think at that low of a dose an AI is needed?? right now i am at 120 mg TRT and wanted to ADD some Trestolone i pin 3 x per week and i´d like to start at around 30 mg per week (10 mg 3 x per week) and titrate from there, you think that at this low of a those aromatization should be a problem, i already know i aromatize but at the same time only 0.25 mg of arimidex will tank my E2 so i try to microdose it by dissolving it in ethanol and i am doing fine, but worry on how i´d react by adding a little bit of trest
I hope I didn't write 75mg Trest per week for TRT, the 30mg you intend to use in addition to Test would likely suffice by itself. Combining both of them creates such a specific and thus highly individual scenario for which I'm not sure there's any scientific literature that it's unfortunately down to experimentation.
Brutal i was sweating like crazy, used enanthate, body recomp was also good, unfortunately i´m one of those that gets libido problems on tren, even on a low dose and from the start, seems i respond way better to Trestolone, starting very low along side my TRT, so far no sides like on tren
@Liska BTW i saw a post of you using Trest instead of test for TRT 75 mg per week, you think at that low of a dose an AI is needed?? right now i am at 120 mg TRT and wanted to ADD some Trestolone i pin 3 x per week and i´d like to start at around 30 mg per week (10 mg 3 x per week) and titrate from there, you think that at this low of a those aromatization should be a problem, i already know i aromatize but at the same time only 0.25 mg of arimidex will tank my E2 so i try to microdose it by dissolving it in ethanol and i am doing fine, but worry on how i´d react by adding a little bit of trest
Hey man If youre planing to inject mwf only it is crucial to use Trest enanthate. Half life of the acetate is a little short. As I only had ace available I pinned 5mg twice daily.
Hey man If youre planing to inject mwf only it is crucial to use Trest enanthate. Half life of the acetate is a little short. As I only had ace available I pinned 5mg twice daily.
same here.
i did 3mg am 1mg pm before i went on liskas trest e.
now i do 4mg trest e daily + 7-9mg test cyp which is my sweet spot.
Ok thanks a lot to you all very informative, i belive there is no Trest E right now, so i guess i´ll have to try ED injections.
Ok thanks a lot to you all very informative, i belive there is no Trest E right now, so i guess i´ll have to try ED injections.
With an acetate each day is suboptimal but certainly doable. I noticed gains whether I did twice daily or only once. If injecting once I always did it like 30-40mins pre workout. When that shit kicks in while working out it feels so incredibly good.
same here.
i did 3mg am 1mg pm before i went on liskas trest e.
now i do 4mg trest e daily + 7-9mg test cyp which is my sweet spot.
Trest E is unfortunately sold out! When it comes back ill get a vial or two. Wanna revisit the Trest again, its really such a great compound.
Trest E is unfortunately sold out! When it comes back ill get a vial or two. Wanna revisit the Trest again, its really such a great compound.
as far as i know Trest E aint sold out just unlisted
@Liska can you shed light on that?
we have discussed this some time ago because i said keep some reserved and you said you have plenty?
as far as i know Trest E aint sold out just unlisted
@Liska can you shed light on that?
we have discussed this some time ago because i said keep some reserved and you said you have plenty?
Oh yeah shit now I remember weren’t these some of the scratched ones?
With an acetate each day is suboptimal but certainly doable. I noticed gains whether I did twice daily or only once. If injecting once I always did it like 30-40mins pre workout. When that shit kicks in while working out it feels so incredibly good.
Any sides from it?
I only used about 10mg daily, on that dosage I didn’t notice any sides.
Nice man thsnks for sharing, i’m also looking for trt type of thing.
How is libido on it
Tren destroys mine
NPP great for the first few weeks ( i take finasteride 3 x per week)
Trest i’ll find out soon but with tren i feel like no connection between brain and penis right away with acetate and enanth
@cadafi Interesting that tren does weird things to your sex drive, my experience has been similar! Everyone else seems to get an increase in libido but mine dropped a lot. Tren makes me feel like garbage though, could be related. I was running quite a lot of tren to be fair... When I run it again I won't go higher than 300.