Cat Café EU & US domestic

Injectable orals are just a pita. I mean they are still toxic, most are painful to inject, you have to be a pincushion and inject ML after ML everyday. Let's be real there isn't almost a place for injectable oral, just take a fucking pill lol
Some people get appetite and stomach issues that put orals out of the question, but still want to use the compounds. I would definitely use injectable orals.
Injectable orals are just a pita. I mean they are still toxic, most are painful to inject, you have to be a pincushion and inject ML after ML everyday. Let's be real there isn't almost a place for injectable oral, just take a fucking pill lol

I get your point. They're definitely for a niche market.

If you

a) get gastric sides that effect your training and diet from the oral version
b) don't care about pinning ED
c) love the positive effects the oral aas give (usually strength athletes)

Inj orals are a god send.

They seem to be a lot more popular in the UK. I know q a few lifters who use them from there.

Only issue for me is shipping from the UK to EU and UK UGLs just don't lab test (apart from titan).
Some people get appetite and stomach issues that put orals out of the question, but still want to use the compounds. I would definitely use injectable orals.
Appetite issue comes from toxicity not from the oral form, stomach issue on the other hand can come from the oral delivery Vs injectable.

Take a stomach protector like omeoprazole or similar stuff.

I mean I'm not against oral injectable I'm just saying that sources have no reason to make it most of the time because they will not sell much of those at all.
300mg Test E per week. Note, I'm not a high responder. Past test multiplers have ranged from 4.5 to 6. Happy with this result knowing my response to Test. @CCUSA

What is that SHBG value, <2?? WTF??
From reading around, I understood it was normal to have low SHBG with high free testosterone. This is actually the only 2 Times I got shbg tested.

I was running Primo for both of these tests. Do you or anyone else know if my shbg results are really a problem?
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From reading around, I understood it was normal to have low SHBG with high free testosterone. This is actually the only 2 Times I got shbg tested.

I was running Primo for both of these tests. Do you or anyone else know if my shbg results are really a problem?
Yeah I have low shbg on TRT as well. I don't think there is anything bad with it IF you know the cause is the testosterone injected (and that is the case).

Your free test is super high lol
Lucky boy. Doesn't primo lower shbg too?
Since y'all talking about injectable orals, have y'all tried injectable proviron?

I've heard that oral proviron is top tier for dick health (doesn't do anything for me) but injecting it simply just out of this world for your dick.
Yeah I have low shbg on TRT as well. I don't think there is anything bad with it IF you know the cause is the testosterone injected (and that is the case).

Your free test is super high lol
Lucky boy. Doesn't primo lower shbg too?
It does for me. Both of these free tests results were from running Primo.
How much Primo?

I'll be interested to see my results, all of my tests I've had SHBG towards the higher end of normal so curious to see if Primo drops it significantly.
Yeah I have low shbg on TRT as well. I don't think there is anything bad with it IF you know the cause is the testosterone injected (and that is the case).

Your free test is super high lol
Lucky boy. Doesn't primo lower shbg too?
Daily injections would work a lot better for you (0.1ml a day injected sub q using a 27” needle) that’s 140mg test a week so likely would need reducing even further but would help with the low shbg.
Daily injections would work a lot better for you (0.1ml a day injected sub q using a 27” needle) that’s 140mg test a week so likely would need reducing even further but would help with the low shbg.
I don't have low shbg problem, I mean they are just slightly lower and that's ok for me, more free test :)

I won't inject ED that's madness for me, I already to ED HGH I ain't pinning more lol

One test U injection a week is more than enough for me.

Coming from twice a week of test E/C injection. I praise the god of steroids for test U now
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Daily injections would work a lot better for you (0.1ml a day injected sub q using a 27” needle) that’s 140mg test a week so likely would need reducing even further but would help with the low shbg.
MCT oil, even a 30G would be more than enough, how ever i tryed everything and i feel the best doing every 72 hours, twice a week to long in between, EOD or ED and i get oily skin, hair loss and some axiety, my SHBG is around 20 (lower normal end) i think having SHBG this low is counter productive and not good, maybe the Primo is to blame but idk
@Liska A while ago I asked what happened to the Trest E, and you said you took them off because you had some testing to do. Whats the current situation with this? I mean personally I had great experience using your trest E so would love to see those come back for sale.
@Liska A while ago I asked what happened to the Trest E, and you said you took them off because you had some testing to do. Whats the current situation with this? I mean personally I had great experience using your trest E so would love to see those come back for sale.
Trest E will be back in November probably, I'm sorry for taking so long to return it to the cat café.

In other news I'm ready to confront the reality that I will never have time to fill all the oral tablets I still have in stock into containers as evermore work keeps piling up. Llabtests on the product pages as always, nothing new here.
500x25mg Anadrol for 100€
500x25mg Winstrol for 125€
300x60mg Raloxifene for 125€
Trest E will be back in November probably, I'm sorry for taking so long to return it to the cat café.

In other news I'm ready to confront the reality that I will never have time to fill all the oral tablets I still have in stock into containers as evermore work keeps piling up. Llabtests on the product pages as always, nothing new here.
500x25mg Anadrol for 100€
500x25mg Winstrol for 125€
300x60mg Raloxifene for 125€
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All good, thx for letting me know! Glad to see anadrol back in stock tho, great price aswell!