Cat Café EU & US domestic

A little bit late , but here is the special box from my last order which i get from liska
I only post it because liska allowed me to post it .
If i saw this , i was really impressed how much work liska had with the packaging .
Best think of my day
Thank you again @Liska and you surprised me really with this .


  • foto_no_exif.jpg
    1.9 MB · Views: 114
A little bit late , but here is the special box from my last order which i get from liska
I only post it because liska allowed me to post it .
If i saw this , i was really impressed how much work liska had with the packaging .
Best think of my day
Thank you again @Liska and you surprised me really with this .
Have to say I am more than a little impressed. Here Liska is just one purrrrson and look at her work! Its fantastic. You get a collectible piece of art, I got 20210710_113408.jpg

But I digress...
A little bit late , but here is the special box from my last order which i get from liska
I only post it because liska allowed me to post it .
If i saw this , i was really impressed how much work liska had with the packaging .
Best think of my day
Thank you again @Liska and you surprised me really with this .
Not gonna lie...I'm jealous.
Hi Liska, is there any possibility/plans to add a higher dose per mg/ml of L carnitine? Not sure if it’s a silly question or not, just pinning 1ml a day for 1000mg instead of 2mls a day would be much more sustainable personally, thanks
Hi Liska, is there any possibility/plans to add a higher dose per mg/ml of L carnitine? Not sure if it’s a silly question or not, just pinning 1ml a day for 1000mg instead of 2mls a day would be much more sustainable personally, thanks
I looked into this originally, Amino Asylum in the US offers 600mg/ml and some users reported it as being slightly too thicc so I found 500mg/ml to be a good compromise.
Hi @Liska, haven't been following this too much because I am in US. Any plans on dom US?
I know you from somewhere else and know you have your shit together.
PS - I am not a cat person but that pic is cute.
@Liska Is your GH back in stock soon? I would love to get the last nabivolol with my next order, but I also need the GH :(
Opti kits will be back in stock in 10 days approximately based on how long previous shipments took, Nebivolol will be restocked aplenty roughly at the same time!
Hi @Liska, I have just made an order around 3 days ago to the UK.
Do you plan on opening a UK domestic source in the coming months?
I know a lot of UK folks would appreciate a quality domestic source.

