Cat Café EU & US domestic

Which are you plans for the near future in terms of adding new products to your stock? I have read that possibly peptides but i wanna know directly from you

I forgot to add Turinabol to that list but otherwise it's still up to date!
Yeah, some fucker left her in a park when she was 1 month old and i took her home shit i didnt take the man to the graveyard
You are a good.person. There aren't enough kind hearted this world.

My mother has 3 border collies. Had 4...but you know the rest...

Tell you a true story. So perhaps 10 years ago I was living with my parents going to college and my.mother had this routine every day at a certain time she would take Moose and Gizelle (his pup) walking up in the hills a couple miles from the house.

So on this trip I elected to come with. My mom and I are sitting there roasting in front of a heat lamp watching TV half asleep and here comes moose and gazelle and they get between us and the TV so I tell get up 5ime to go. But she won't move she's "too tired" or some shit.

Somehow Moose (bless his soul) reads the situation and walks over to the couch and gets a big flat pillow walks over to the heat lamp and.places it over it. Within seconds my mother (apparently freezing) wakes up and says let's go. I unplug the heat lamp not even sure of what I just witnessed and we were on our way.

Never underestimate those animals.

God Bless
You are a good.person. There aren't enough kind hearted this world.

My mother has 3 border collies. Had 4...but you know the rest...

Tell you a true story. So perhaps 10 years ago I was living with my parents going to college and my.mother had this routine every day at a certain time she would take Moose and Gizelle (his pup) walking up in the hills a couple miles from the house.

So on this trip I elected to come with. My mom and I are sitting there roasting in front of a heat lamp watching TV half asleep and here comes moose and gazelle and they get between us and the TV so I tell get up 5ime to go. But she won't move she's "too tired" or some shit.

Somehow Moose (bless his soul) reads the situation and walks over to the couch and gets a big flat pillow walks over to the heat lamp and.places it over it. Within seconds my mother (apparently freezing) wakes up and says let's go. I unplug the heat lamp not even sure of what I just witnessed and we were on our way.

Never underestimate those animals.

God Bless
This animals are incredibly clever, you got blessed with 4 pure souls dude. RIP moose
This animals are incredibly clever, you got blessed with 4 pure souls dude. RIP moose
Moosey moose was literally the best dog I ever came across. His loyalty to my Mother, his lust for life and his heart were like no other.

RIP Moose. Shame I never say goodbye until now.
Says on the website for UK you're on holiday. Is this correct? When will it be back?
I changed the headline to more accurately reflect it being no time soon - I've honestly not made any progress in setting up a UK domestic lab since last posting about it.
Hello Siameso!

I'm Liska and this is my shop:

Since posts can't be edited regularly, I'll focus on points that should remain persistent and will put the temporary info onto the website & replies to this thread.

1. Security

Customer security comes first! I've made stealth shipping a priority and will continually invest lots of research, time and money into improving this aspect. You cannot enter any data into the website and I don't store your information or keep your mails post delivery. For OPSEC I use dedicated machines with Tails and trash & replace them entirely regularly, and get consultation from people specialized in cybersec/opsec. Since offline is potentially a greater risk than online, I've pretty much cut myself off from society entirely.

For stealth purposes, products will never have fancy or bulky boxes, and you can request further stealth options regarding packaging as well.

While the lab is based in the cellar of a popular cat café and completely rat free, this is unfortunately the reason I'll never post any pictures of it. As seasoned readers of Meso know, the size & cost of a lab doesn't necessary reflect the quality of the finished product.

2. Product quality

I'm OCD about product quality and will test every batch of every product of my label ever, and I'm continually looking for better ways to test products. For some orals I've had five samples submitted and tested as well as split tablets to display variance in compound distribution.

Moreso than good results I want accurate results so that I can find out what works and what doesn't and continually improve production to get as close as possible to the label dosage.

You can find most of my raws testing in this thread:

All finished product tests can be found at:

As sources have various ways to manipulate batch numbers and test results, frequent blind testing of products throughout the year by customers is the only way to ensure constant product quality, so I'll offer 100€ + the cost of shipping in store credit for blind samples submitted to Janoshik. Please post results both good and bad to this thread!

3. Known issues (as of June 2021):

1. I switched MCT supplier midway through the Primobolan batch so while some vials are crystal clear, others have a faint yellow colour.

2. A few of the first orals, primarily Oxandrolone, are slightly too thin, causing them to be brittle/break easily - I'm compensating for this by overfilling the containers and will send replacements should there be any issues.

3. The labels for Primobolan Ace and Cialis are slightly taller than their small containers so there's a tiny bit of scrunched up label at the bottom or top of some (I've since adjusted the label size)

4. Much like Meso, not all labels are perfectly straight.

4. Opening Promotion:

As I don't want to sacrifice customer service quality/speed by getting overwhelmed early on, I'm staggering this: Until the 20th of June all products of our own label are 5% off, but if you post a picture of any of our products with your cat (please keep OPSEC in mind!), you get 10% off your next order (also counting: bobcats & big cats, catgirls & tomcatgirls, CAT heavy equipment).

With your permission I'd like to replace the product pictures on my website with these pictures!

Of course a puppy promo is planned as well (15% off for Leonbergers)!

5. How to order: An order guide can be found on the website.

6. Other stuff

I'm fine with certain unspoken Meso rules not applying here: feel free to mention and compare prices to other Meso sources openly, and sources are welcome (by me at least) to post here as well!

No tits because a-cups + very unique tattoo. I'm taking applications for e-mail girls via pictures of a vial jammed between J-cups though.

View attachment 147796
Wait-you have a tattoo across your tits???
So long as not a sleazy tramp stamp like bat wings or cobwebs across your clavicles...

This could be hot spider-web-tattoo-24.jpg

This one notsomuch...images.jpeg
I tend to find most girls want ink but only the really intelligent ones do it and still look hot after. Most just end up looking trashy.

I forgot to add Turinabol to that list but otherwise it's still up to date!
Liska how big of a seller has tbol been for you?