Cat Café EU & US domestic

@broschmo thiccest siameso making that chug jug look natty!

For anyone else intolerant to MCT & interested in said chat, the EU domestic labs I could think of were Mactropin (GSO) & PharmasourceEU, who posted having sesame oil Test E once back from holiday and might still have some really unique hemp oil gear left though I'm not sure.

I just came across this list of carrier oils used in pharma testosterone:

I've been considering a batch of Test E in safflower oil if there's enough interest as well.
hey liska does deus use mct as well?I have had really good experience with them and no pip,so if it is the same in your product i can be sure its good.
hey liska does deus use mct as well?I have had really good experience with them and no pip,so if it is the same in your product i can be sure its good.
Deus Medical uses Miglyol840 - as for what it is, you can read
and compare to MCT on the same website as well.
Crossposting cute cats from Meso FR:
For all the french members unaware, you can take advantage of the 10% Meso FR launch promo until July 20th by pretending that's where you're from.

As they have an entire group setup dedicated to blind testing, I hope to have some more of those in the future as well!
Crossposting cute cats from Meso FR:
View attachment 149665
For all the french members unaware, you can take advantage of the 10% Meso FR launch promo until July 20th by pretending that's where you're from.

As they have an entire group setup dedicated to blind testing, I hope to have some more of those in the future as well!
I like french pussys
PSA: DHL tracking is not updating correctly presently, which doesn't mean parcels have not been sent, I'll post an update as soon as I know what's happening. I apologize for any unease or frustration this is causing.
Which are you plans for the near future in terms of adding new products to your stock? I have read that possibly peptides but i wanna know directly from you