Cat Café EU & US domestic

That's a cop out. Like some glassware, a scale and a table are going to be the thing that gets you busted.

You're on an open forum where anyone can order from you. You probably have fingerprints all over your vials and packaging, but a couple pics of an anonymous workspace that could be in any one of a million homes, yeah, that'll be what skins this cat. :rolleyes:
I read cop are you a cop, MrSuperCop?

I understand your point - I decided long before posting this to put my trust in the advice of bigger labs that have not been busted about what to post and not to post (as I believe they will know best) and will take all the shit I get for this decision. Do keep in mind laws and LE quality differ by country and those who know my current country of residence may understand they're real Nazis about this stuff, hence my paranoia.
Your concern was sterility but you ignored the testing for sterility part of my post entirely and instead implied something I did not say - I would not post a picture of a big quantity of stock either. I do have something to hide, which is myself from LE, who does a decent job at tracking certain items used for production in certain countries. If you read up on the history of the business and its busts, paranoia will rightfully become your permanent state of mind.

I was convinced you were just
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until I saw that you previously bought gear from Iron Anabolics, so now I just feel sorry, but once again, I'll never ever post pictures of any part of my lab.

You have tons of pic of your products in your website, so I just asked what is the difference between posting that, and posting a pic of your autoclave, I didn't imply anything.

I am not asking you to post a pic of your tablet press, that could be really trackable by LE, if I remember correctly a lab was busted when buying that machine and tracked for example.

But an autoclave is used extensibly by dental clinics, podology, tattoo studios, etc... And is certainly not an item tracked by LE.

And then you procede to imply that I am a troll just by asking a legit question? Come on you can do better than that bro.
Come on you can do better than that bro.
You expressed concerns about the sterility of your gear, I offered to pay for any testing service of your choice that can verify said sterility (this offer extends to everyone else of course - blind testing is the only way to be absolutely sure of what you have in every regard), you completely ignored this.

I said no twice already, do you need me to get the british shorthair cat pee filled water pistol out to get my stance across?
Unfortunately this is what Meso's underground has become.
I'll gladly sacrifice my thread to call out your Boomer bullshit. I read back from 24k's source thread to the present in preparation for this, spent at least 5k on labtests before I felt anyway close to comfortable posting here, will have somewhere between 150-200 labtests posted before the year is over and spare no cost to raise the standard of quality to the best of my abilties, but I'll always get backseat bitches from countries where you can buy your entire lab setup on ebay & medlabgear preaching about how LE operates in a country you cannot even import BA/BB nor vials to safely.

My standards when it comes to allowed variance from label dosage are certainly higher than your precious pharmaceutical ones, which you can confirm by comparing labtests.

But yea, Meso has fallen so far from back in your day.

First off flash in the pan. I deleted the post because I wasn't interested in the conversation but since you want to be a typical disrespectful twunt we can have it.

I wasn't here for 24k. I specifically said in my post the time I was here. I also don't believe I was disrespectful to you, I pointed out you being a smartass to a member (which you're not) that was asking for pics that are always asked for but I guess your fake humility goes out the window because people vouch for you. I don't give a fuck about you or your alledged service or variance.

The most telling thing is you got butt hurt about a post I deleted that had 1 part that referred to you and the rest was a general statement about the way other sources have handled themselves recently here vs the way it was handled in older threads. Since you clearly dwelled on the post I deleted feel free to post the part where I said you're a piece of shit bath tub brewer or anything disrespectful to you for that matter. I'll wait.

Your post just reinforced the point though. You're a cocky twunt with a little bit of a following so you think that makes your toilet cleaner then the last failed source here. You're unable or unwilling to take pics of your "lab" for opsec reasons just means your opsec is shit if you're not able to remove anything identifiable. So you're either an opsec retard or your toilets not as clean as you'd have your customers believe.
I deleted the post
which is a bitch move - I don't have your post saved and I respect your deletion of it, but I'll let mine remain or it'll just make this even more incomprehensible for readers.

I agree with you that vetting has become soft in recent years so I actually invited all the grumpiest fuckers to pay my thread a visit because I feel that I had a bit too comfortable of an entrance to Meso previously (EU posters aren't as critical as US folks).

I knew I'd be called out for lack of lab pics - if you're stuck between listening to those actually in this business, whose entire lives/freedom depend on OPSEC and their advice is to absolutely not post any pictures under any circumstances, or a handful of Meso members who have no idea about the reality and an outsiders view of the risk/reward ratio involved, I'll stick to the former.

@shackleford coomer
The only bitch move is your entrance to meso, you did get that part right. Deleting it is simply because I have no interest in you. You definitely should keep this going with yourself because you're continually showing the fake ass motherfucker you've been since jump. So have at it kid, I've got nothing to prove especially to some fake piece of shit like you. You moved through meso threads acting like a member and trying to get some trust. Then you make your source thread and melt at the most minimal vetting ever because you think you're a member.

Respond to yourself moving forward because you've shown the mental midget you truly are.
Recieved products after 5 days. Was given nice stealth due to sketchy customs. No dims in oil. They seems very smooth considering high concentration (350mg/ml). I will report back once iv ran it. Very good prices and fast service. Wont be lab testing it tho
Why he should post a picture of his lab or even his stock ?! What would it change ?? Correct - nothing !!

It’s his decision to post and build up his thread like he want to. If anyone isn’t happy with lab test and good feedbacks from a lot of customers - go and buy your stuff somewhere else.

It’s a shame how some guys act here. If you are acting in that way in public too, i understand why so much people still think bb guys are Gorillaz without a brain ..
Plan on implementing exotic compounds for the future like test no ester?
Not planned so far - I did actually have this on the store until a few weeks ago to check interest and there was none at all.
Why he should post a picture of his lab or even his stock ?! What would it change ?? Correct - nothing !!

It’s his decision to post and build up his thread like he want to. If anyone isn’t happy with lab test and good feedbacks from a lot of customers - go and buy your stuff somewhere else.

It’s a shame how some guys act here. If you are acting in that way in public too, i understand why so much people still think bb guys are Gorillaz without a brain ..
From what I am seeing, it has more to do with this site actually having standards for their vendors to meet (apparently other sites do not vet vendors and people are getting fucked because they don't know better).

I don't think the argument, as a whole, is meant to shit on Liska. But rather that MESO has a standard by which they expect vendors to act and operate and Liska, right, wrong, or indifferent, has not posted pics of his lab, which is a WELL KNOWN part of the MESO vetting process.

MESO seems to be a decent place for vetting vendors, however unorthodox the methods may appear to be. And in my short time here I have seen several shitty vendors run off.

This is a post to neither support, or refute anything that @liksa / catcafe has done right or wrong. I am just speaking objectively

To be fair, when I first started coming here, I argued with @BigBaldBeardGuy a bit because I thought the vetting was over the top, but I have since learned that I was just being naive and that pretty much everything requested/required of vendors has pretty good reasoning behind it.
@Liska, its true you have been here for a while in a member type capacity, as @Sp2.0 said, but I assumed this thread was coming and you were here doing your homework. even though you were making comments and trolling members with cat pics...

...speaking of trolling.. Concern Trolling? Fuck off with that. And Boomer? Same. @MrRoidsen showed you no disrespect when making his inquiries.
...And speaking of cat pics. My suggestion, put them away when its grownup talk. Cause, your a professional, right? or are you going to answer with memes like drooly?

You got testing right. Keeps that up, cause its important, you already know. And you've offered to pay for testing for microbial contamination? Assuming theres a service for that, thats nice. You obviously have a customer base already, good for you. But some guys are going to want more info before making the jump with you.
Kinda see the concern he might have about potentially narrowing down the location of lab by the surroundings etc but also at the same time maybe could place the equipment inside of some box/container that looks generic and remove exif data from images as a potential solution for both parties concerned with privacy and lab equipment used at once?
To be fair, when I first started coming here, I argued with @BigBaldBeardGuy a bit because I thought the vetting was over the top, but I have since learned that I was just being naive and that pretty much everything requested/required of vendors has pretty good reasoning behind it.
Looking at it from the perspective of a source, the vetting could possibly be stricter in some regards, as there are so many ways to manipulate what you see vs what you get (I've recently discussed the problem of not being able to strictly tie a batch number to a given product, or a blind test to the product supposedly tested), but having talked about this openly with some of the smartest guys here, noone has come up with an ideal solution so far - everything leading up to the end product can be faked/manipulated by the source, so my idea was to focus on enabling the community to test what they end up getting more thoroughly because it has to literally be out of the source's hands for genuine results.

@shackleford I quoted Janoshik's response regarding microbial testing/labs in an earlier post which didn't sound too promising unfortunately. Considering recent results of putting up a professional pharma adult act on Meso, I'll rather stick to my unprofessional feline posting style.
Looking at it from the perspective of a source, the vetting could possibly be stricter in some regards, as there are so many ways to manipulate what you see vs what you get (I've recently discussed the problem of not being able to strictly tie a batch number to a given product, or a blind test to the product supposedly tested), but having talked about this openly with some of the smartest guys here, noone has come up with an ideal solution so far - everything leading up to the end product can be faked/manipulated by the source, so my idea was to focus on enabling the community to test what they end up getting more thoroughly because it has to literally be out of the source's hands for genuine results.

@shackleford I quoted Janoshik's response regarding microbial testing/labs in an earlier post which didn't sound too promising unfortunately. Considering recent results of putting up a professional pharma adult act on Meso, I'll rather stick to my unprofessional feline posting style.
So be it. It was merely my suggestion, as stated.