Cat Café EU & US domestic

Is HGH back in supply?
This week I've been shipping out kits to everyone who had preordered - should any remain, potential buyers will be ranked by number of cats owned.

There's another 25 kits incoming someday for which I'll start accepting preorders when I have an approximate idea of their arrival date.

In related peptide news, MT2 will be back in stock today/tomorrow, and if everything goes as planned for once, TB500 will be available in 4-5 weeks, accompanied by an excellent labtest.
I ordered some bpc157 from Catcafe. The vials has no vacuum in them. Is it considered gtg?
If you search "vacuum" on Meso, you get 40 pages of posts, with 5-10 of them being about vacuum seals for peptides/hgh - having skimmed most of them in the past, there's not only none citing any study or article on the topic but noone writing confidently about it at all (which is unusual for Meso).

If I'm not mistaken, the setup to test this properly would require multiple sets of sealed vs non-sealed samples from a singular batch to be tested in multiple ways over time, which explains the absence of a conclusive answer.
This week I've been shipping out kits to everyone who had preordered - should any remain, potential buyers will be ranked by number of cats owned.

There's another 25 kits incoming someday for which I'll start accepting preorders when I have an approximate idea of their arrival date.

In related peptide news, MT2 will be back in stock today/tomorrow, and if everything goes as planned for once, TB500 will be available in 4-5 weeks, accompanied by an excellent labtest.
Approximately, when do you think HGH will be available?
Products are great, I will keep ordering from you :)

I have been using test e 350mg/ml only at 700mg per week and will add primo at 700mg per week when it arrives.

I try to lift more every workout and succeeding so far, a month of 700mg test e per week brought nice ~12lbs on my frame, can't wait to start primo!

Thank you for creating reliable source and I hope you will stay around for a long time.

Today's cathlete purrchases products starting with A only.

1. A limited amount of Opti kits will be available tomorrow and again by the very end of month/beginning of October - I'll post up further details soon, it'll likely be a setup where any amount of kits can be added to an order that exceeds the minimum order amount already, but those ordering nothing but Optitropin will have a minimum of 4 kits.

2. There's currently a number of products going in & out of stock as customers continue to place orders which they never end up paying for, which can make a significant amount of product unavailable temporarily.

3. Finally received the other half of the Melanotan 2 batch so that's back in stock. I moved all peptides to the injectable category for now.
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Received optis from liska today eu to India just 2 weeks which is pretty good and the stealth is something I have never seen in past 7 years .liska's stealth is way top notch than anyone . Thanks liska really awesome work
Anyone tried the test a? Does the low ester chain cause you to really "feel" the test? And has there been a demand for test a before? First time i see it.
Todays cathlete showing off a beautifully asymmetrical fur pattern!

1. Shipping to Scandinavia is suspended until the end of month - there's still one or two shipments left to arrive at their recipients I want to wait out, and with the stealth being custom fit (proud of this dad joke), these can easily cut the number of orders I can fulfill in half or less.

2. Optitropin kits can now be bought for 145€ each under these conditions:
a) add any amount to an order exceeding the minimum order amount of 250€
b) for orders exclusively consisting of Opti kits, the minimum is 4 kits.
c) not shipping outside EU customs union for now

3. If you paid for your order yesterday but have not yet received tracking, please mail me.

4. Please follow this simple flow chart and ensure that you don't skip any of the steps: Knowing that you can acquire cryptocurrency > placing an order.

That said, I'm looking for advice on the most convenient options with minimal fees for customers from Spain, France and Italy to acquire cryptocurrency solely for purrchasing, as it's depressing when I see customers being screwed over by high fees from Binance, Coinbase, Bitpanda or apps I've not even heard of. I've been recommending Kraken but it sure takes a while to get past the verification and 72h lock on the first transfer.

I'd love to have guides written in spanish and french on the website (as I receive a lot of mail in these languages, making me wonder if the english language barrier presents a problem), or maybe a comprehensive pastebin on the topic that all EU vendors can refer their customers to for guidance.
people can just send you LTC or xmr directly from Binance they will not pay much fees
Xmr network fees $0.03
And it’s simple they just go to withdraw and copy past your wallet
I've been recommending Kraken but it sure takes a while to get past the verification and 72h lock on the first transfer.
Not sure about other services but Kraken that I be using myself I've noticed when purchasing BTC charges 8-10% fee from whatever amount you're after, only good part is that when sending money the fee is low and never changes
@Olofmeister I receive screenshots as payment confirmation from Binance, Coinbase etc. where the difference between the amount sent and received can be 5%, at times even for cryptos other than BTC - I've no idea how this occurs though.

@TrenBolognaSandwich I can't find this at a quick glance at

If fees are indeed that high I'll certainly stop recommending it - having used Kraken in the past, I can't recall suffering such substantial losses at any point.