Cat Café EU & US domestic

No not liska, this is PharmaStar.. It's quite potent, however most people say it kicks in late around 4-6 weeks. I run 375mg ew
It's cyp ester after all. I usually pull labs from the website once a product is sold out simply to reduce the load on bandwith, here's the test of it:

DHB ace raws are available but I'm not going there yet - I do have labtested DHB cyp raws but I haven't decided yet what to do with them in terms of recipe/concentration.
Realistically the batch will end up at ~120 vials after adjusting for purity and overfilling vials as usual. It's an experiment whether there's real demand for the product.

Thats why you have to stock up on letrozol, Trest without letro is dangerous asf, it converts very very heavy, very hard to controll it even with Exemestan. Letro is way more effective.
Can anyone who used Catcafés Tadalfil share their experience, was it potent? I have seen the lab test by Jano, but actual feedback from users is always preferred in my book.
@Liska , our closest cat expert.
Why are my kittens eating all my bamboo shrubs?


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That's indeed the implication - no plans on restocking Salbutamol as that's abundantly available by dedicated pharma vendors.
Good stuff. I'd love to just buy all my gear - anabolics, ancillaries and fat burners - from just one source - you - but I guess that won't happen.