Cat Café EU & US domestic

(Before update, just want to say, no it's not about Liskas product, it's just about my body reaction) - Update on 3rd week of using 1st time Primo 200mg/ml from Liska, first week i got crippled (horrible Pip) from Primo (splitted 3 times pw injection) with 200mg rotex test, with slin needles, tought it was from needles being too short and probably leaked into subq, week 2 and 3 gave another go with 1 inch needles, now im not that crippled but pinned muscle get sore (alot of restricted movement) and inflamed (not infection, im perfectly ocd about being clean) just a little bit of redness and got a fever. Now i don't know if i'm allergic to MCT oil that's causing fever and redness or Primo at high dosage, i got 100mg/ml too but im scared to give it another week with it , what do you guys think? MCT allergic reaction or Primo? (First time using Primo so that's why im confused).

have you tried gently heating the oil, find it helps sometimes
do you support cis countries? lots of cat lovers here!
I have. I have not tried trest before, so I cannot compare, but the description I read about how trest works fit, except I have no e problems at all. I actually love being on his trest, my mood is great, my patience is much better and I get stronger every week much more so than just on test.
I am on trt and i have always used hcg. A question, without hcg will sperm production stop permanently?
At some point spontaneous recovery becomes unlikely and you'll likely need HCG and HMG for a chance to naturally become a father. There's some unlucky folks who suffer that fate after a single test only cycle and some become fathers naturally after several tren blasts.
Anyone tried Cat Cafe's Trestolone(MENT) ?

Replied to the wrong post first.

I have. I have not tried trest before, so I cannot compare, but the description I read about how trest works fit, except I have no e problems at all. I actually love being on his trest, my mood is great, my patience is much better and I get stronger every week much more so than just on test.