Cat Café EU & US domestic

"Before update, just want to say, no it's not about Liskas product, it's just about my body reaction"

How can you know? Something is going on with those Primos @ 200mg/ml. I had PIP every time when i was using another vial. Different vial and zero PIP. I have two left so i will keep you updated.
He probably knows that people are quick at jumping to conclussions and pointing fingers

@Liska What about a "Under way" section for future products on your homepage?
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@Radacin That sounds quite severe... I think the culprit is more like the high concentration of Primo than the MCT. Out of curiousity, how are you injecting 200mg of Rotex Test (throwing away the rest of the amp?), and how are you pushing that really thick castor oil through an insulin needle?
Well i have 100mg/ml too, i purchased it just in case if something like this happened, would you say to try 100mg/ml? I mean *(first time primo user here)* ,but as you said it could be high dose of Primo that i don't tolerate rather than MCT, but still kinda scared to take risks again because this has been going for quite a bit time so yeah, about rotex test (250mg/ml) i backloaded insulin needles first week with primo (0.8 rotex,1ml primo, rest of ampule throw it away), always before injecting i heat syringe a bit, not too much because that does even worse, then i inject (with mct it's much easier to push than usual when using only rotex test in castor oil) but yeah its actually not that hard when you heat it up, goes pretty smooth for me. 2nd week i tried 1inch needles not insulin ones, just normal ones, tought it was maybe slins are too short, but again did the same thing even when it was much deeper. So can't put my head around it what's the cause, primo or mct. Would like to give a try to 100mg/ml but im scared of MCT. So in the end you would say it's Primo that i don't tolerate.
@Radacin If it's due to the concentration, 100mg/ml Primo will cause no issues, there has been at least one person in this thread in the same situation for whom 100mg/ml was fine whereas 200mg/ml wasn't tolerable at all. Intolerance to carriers (other than Mig840) is significantly less common than to high concentrations of a compound.
@Radacin If it's due to the concentration, 100mg/ml Primo will cause no issues, there has been at least one person in this thread in the same situation for whom 100mg/ml was fine whereas 200mg/ml wasn't tolerable at all. Intolerance to carriers (other than Mig840) is significantly less common than to high concentrations of a compound.
Appreciate it Liska, gonna give it another week with 100mg primo so will update on it. Thanks for the help.
@Mads As I've had to learn and pay for dearly, this is hardly predictable insofar raws for planned products may never be shipped, be delayed, get lost or seized or not test as hoped for. If everything goes right for once, there should be 15-20 new products this year still.
You all misunderstood. The fuckers were not actually lying. On their label it was clearly written "content equivalent to 50 mg of enclomiphene" which it actually (roughly) is! I had my first suspicion the second I saw the label about some fuckery happening.
The fuckers indeed. So yeah liska hurry up with the enclomiphene!!
@TrenBolognaSandwich A mane I can relion!

In other news, I'm not taking new orders from Switzerland & Scandinavia until the 15th of September. There haven't been any seizures, these just take especially long to stealth and I want to buy myself some time to work on new projects.
Yours is a unique case indeed - considering all three batches of Primo 200mg were made with the same equipment, recipe etc. with the same batch of raws, carrier & BA, with the only difference being the colour of the BB between the latter two batches, I'm unsure what that 'something' might be - if you've any reasonable theory, please post it and I'll see that it's tested for.

It's impossible to give exact numbers, but I would roughly guess that the ~350 vials sold between the three batches so far have been purchased by ~110 unique customers, and there have been about 5 reports of really serious PIP/symptoms of illness so far, which I still believe are inherent to the high concentration of Primo, as you can find exactly the same reports of customers from other labs product at the same/higher concentration.

It's certainly frustrating that some products well tolerated by the majority of people are a nightmare for others, but other than spreading awareness about this potential issue, I'm not sure how to tackle it.

Im not going to speculate because i really don't know. Im just sharing my own experiences because quite many here is asking about the 200mg Primo. I haven't tried Primo before yours so i can't compare it with any other brand. Im not prone to PIP with any other compound and my Primo PIP wasn't severe it was mild discomfort but constant with every pin. Another vial and zero PIP.
After the dreaded fr-mo wait for the packages i got my recent order. As last time instant replies and since i took the "unlabeled and sligthly not perfect" vials i got a great deal. Stealth is a level of its own.
My cats will have to be forced to be fotomodells again. At least they are already naked.
Cant wait to shake my AC cold and start blasting

@nkdozzy thank you for naked teenage (tom)catgirls season 2 - I can't help but notice you inserted your white kit into the opti box all the way to the bottom, that looks painfully tight...
Is that a extra Box? I thought thats how its supposed to be. But worry not, i inserted much larger objects in much tighter places. Sometimes the Box even yells "Wrong Box"
It glided right in and right out again!
edit: added a pic
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In preparation for several new cat products joining the café, I'm hoping to trim the inventory a bit by putting a handful of products on sale until stock lasts or September ends:
Testosterone Acetate 100mg/ml from 20€ to 15€
Teva Anastrozole (Arimidex) 30x1mg from 35€ to 30€
Hilma Biocare: Boldenone 250mg 20€, Masteron E 200mg 30€, Primobolan Ace 50x25mg 40€, Clenbuterol 50x40mcg 16€
Deus Medical: Masteron E 200mg 30€, Winstrol Suspension 50mg 27€
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