Cat Café EU & US domestic

Today I shot 1cc 125mg DHB with 1cc 350mg cat test e in my thigh. I have no pip
For me test E prolongs the PIP while making it less pronounced compared to tren A 150 only. Tren A gives me moderate PIP for a day while test E additionally will give me PIP for maybe 60hrs while making it less pronounced.
For me test E prolongs the PIP while making it less pronounced compared to tren A 150 only. Tren A gives me moderate PIP for a day while test E additionally will give me PIP for maybe 60hrs while making it less pronounced.
Do you have any of the standard concentration variants of the products that cause you PIP for comparison? A difference of 2-4% BB with no products having higher than 22% BB shouldn't be a significant factor, and with no other differences in recipe, the culprit is likely the concentration of the compound itself.

I hope to have more alternatives/solutions available in the future so any feedback is appreciated for data collection.
Do you have any of the standard concentration variants of the products that cause you PIP for comparison? A difference of 2-4% BB with no products having higher than 22% BB shouldn't be a significant factor, and with no other differences in recipe, the culprit is likely the concentration of the compound itself.

I hope to have more alternatives/solutions available in the future so any feedback is appreciated for data collection.
Unfortunately I don't, but I'm prone to slight PIP in general. I actually need to press on it to feel it, and once in a while I get it worse and kneeling to get something done on my computer will feel like a fist is squeezing my vastus lateralis. Most of the time I barely notice anything. Worst sides coming off the tren rn is SLEEP. I've been ordering a lot of it since a couple friends wanna try too and the one common side effect is sleeplessness. Thank heaven for agomelatin or I'd be permanently awake. I fully agree with you - the concentration itself is most likely responsible for the PIP. I've also noticed your tren gives me stronger tren cough compared to what I used last year but that's Apples to oranges anyway. That is,if it occurs at all , which doesn't happen often...
I've also noticed your tren gives me stronger tren cough compared to what I used last year but that's Apples to oranges anyway. That is,if it occurs at all , which doesn't happen often...
If feasible I would adjust tren dosage to sleep quality but specifically in contest prep it can be a nightmare. As for tren cough, it might be due to the higher concentration - when I used to notice it coming up like a bubble rising up your lungs, I would often be able to let it pass via shallow breathing and not moving at all for a minute or two - the slightest cough and all hell would break lose.
If feasible I would adjust tren dosage to sleep quality but specifically in contest prep it can be a nightmare. As for tren cough, it might be due to the higher concentration - when I used to notice it coming up like a bubble rising up your lungs, I would often be able to let it pass via shallow breathing and not moving at all for a minute or two - the slightest cough and all hell would break lose.
This. Once that first cough manages to get out it's pure ridiculousness. Profuse sweating, coughing.... Most of the time it's a very slight itch in the back of my throat, like, didn't nick a vein and its more of a suggestion to cough once. If i do nick a vein, I usually hold my breath, then use meditation breathing techniques and stay on my bed, leave the needle in... Once in a while it still catches you. Last time my girl walked in on one of those she asked if she should call the ambulance. Asthma inhalers can help though.
Realistically the batch will end up at ~120 vials after adjusting for purity and overfilling vials as usual. It's an experiment whether there's real demand for the product.
I am about to try out the Trest A realy soon. If i tolerate it well i will replace all my Test E with Trest E. Better get the next batch ready too :D
Btw how much Liters of Oil i have to order to get a special mixed "Sphynx Blend" ? a Trest E Mast E mix would be something cool


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I am about to try out the Trest A realy soon. If i tolerate it well i will replace all my Test E with Trest E. Better get the next batch ready too :D
Btw how much Liters of Oil i have to order to get a special mixed "Sphynx Blend" ? a Trest E Mast E mix would be something cool
Trest Ace is definitely recommended for everyone to familiarize themselves with the compound before running Enanthate. I consider being locked into the ratio of compounds in any mix too big a downside, considering it takes less than a minute to draw multiple compounds into a syringe at any ratio of your choice.

But now it's time for

As the quality of the transparent label paper of my printing company has continually become worse while the amount of product to label has increased a lot, I'm giving up on them entirely and have been working on a more practical redesign.

I intend to replace the expiration date & batch number on the label with just the date of manufacturing, as any unique identifier can be used to signify the batch, and as calculating even a date close to the proper expiration date is hardly realistic considering how many variables play a role, so the manufacturing date seems more valuable information.

This will lead to a period where already existing batches will no longer have their batch numbers on the label but instead the "testing ordered" date on Janoshik's labtest for the product, as this date is usually within a week of the manufacturing of the product, and serves to match up product and labtest just as well as the batch number.

I'm posting this well ahead of time to hear any points I may have missed in my own considerations.
Do you have any of the standard concentration variants of the products that cause you PIP for comparison? A difference of 2-4% BB with no products having higher than 22% BB shouldn't be a significant factor, and with no other differences in recipe, the culprit is likely the concentration of the compound itself.

I hope to have more alternatives/solutions available in the future so any feedback is appreciated for data collection.
If you want the data collection then I can add to it that prior when i used your tren A 150mg it gave me a slight pip that's when we were discussing me potentially not tolerating the mct oil but still went ahead and for comparison using now test e 350mg there is no pip whatsoever if you want to factor in the differences in production of the 2 products
It's cyp ester after all. I usually pull labs from the website once a product is sold out simply to reduce the load on bandwith, here's the test of it:
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DHB ace raws are available but I'm not going there yet - I do have labtested DHB cyp raws but I haven't decided yet what to do with them in terms of recipe/concentration.

Do you have injectable DHB for sale? I did not see it on your website, I am thinking of trying a cycle with your products but I would miss this
Do you have injectable DHB for sale? I did not see it on your website, I am thinking of trying a cycle with your products but I would miss this
Not yet. I've tested raws and finally found an EU source for Mig840, EO & Guaiacol, which will be needed for 100mg/ml and above with EU autumn & winter coming up.

For those of you interested in DHB, which would you prefer: 75mg/ml with none of the above ingredients, or 100mg with all of the above? Unfortunately our climate won't allow for the best of both worlds.
For me test E prolongs the PIP while making it less pronounced compared to tren A 150 only. Tren A gives me moderate PIP for a day while test E additionally will give me PIP for maybe 60hrs while making it less pronounced.
This is fairly common. I have encountered the same issues until I used lower solvent gear, but that brings in a slight crash factor.
Not yet. I've tested raws and finally found an EU source for Mig840, EO & Guaiacol, which will be needed for 100mg/ml and above with EU autumn & winter coming up.

For those of you interested in DHB, which would you prefer: 75mg/ml with none of the above ingredients, or 100mg with all of the above? Unfortunately our climate won't allow for the best of both worlds.
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100 mg/ml without crashing would be awesome. Only ever got DHB that crashed and wouldn‘t completely dissolve again in the past. I love your Primo 200, completely painless for me from the first batch. That in combination with some painless DHB & Trest E and a Test base all from you sounds like heaven to me - looking forward to the coming months indeed haha
100 mg/ml without crashing would be awesome. Only ever got DHB that crashed and wouldn‘t completely dissolve again in the past. I love your Primo 200, completely painless for me from the first batch. That in combination with some painless DHB & Trest E and a Test base all from you sounds like heaven to me - looking forward to the coming months indeed haha
How well do you handle super solvents? Also, does test base ever make you tired? Puts me right to sleep...
How well do you handle super solvents? Also, does test base ever make you tired? Puts me right to sleep...

Not sure if Liska uses any super solvents for Primo 200. If he does, I handle it without issues. If he doesn‘t, I can‘t remember the last time I used any super solvents. With „test base“ I meant a base dose of Test E (250 mgs-ish), not no ester test
Not sure if Liska uses any super solvents for Primo 200. If he does, I handle it without issues. If he doesn‘t, I can‘t remember the last time I used any super solvents. With „test base“ I meant a base dose of Test E (250 mgs-ish), not no ester test
Now I understand, I thought you meant test base...sorry. This is where the supers question was pointed.
As me ordering labels from someone seems to equal writing their name in a Death Note, it's time for the feline special: unlabelled products at a discount. First victims are Test E 350mg 30€ > 26€, Mast E 200mg 38€ > 32€ and Boldenone Cypionate 200mg for 25€, with its label beautifully made from three other products.
ccboldecyp200.pngcc bolde cyp 200mg.pngccmaste200nolabel.pngteste350nolabel.png
I consider being locked into the ratio of compounds in any mix too big a downside
You should still make a "Sphynx Mix" and put all the most notorius Steroids for Hairloss in there in a super high concentration.
Slogan "Look like a sphynx, sting like a sphynx" Take only if you hate your Hair