Cat Café EU & US domestic

Nah mate you can as far as I know use "instant transfer" on your online banking account, it costs extra 2€ but it will send the money to bitpanda within seconds and you will get a mail from bitpanda after couple minutes that the received your money and couple minutes later the money will be already on your bitpanda account. I don't know if this work for American and Canadian Bank too but for Germans for sure
Good to know! Thanks man
Not yet. I've tested raws and finally found an EU source for Mig840, EO & Guaiacol, which will be needed for 100mg/ml and above with EU autumn & winter coming up.

For those of you interested in DHB, which would you prefer: 75mg/ml with none of the above ingredients, or 100mg with all of the above? Unfortunately our climate won't allow for the best of both worlds.
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The DHB that I tried was 100mg, it was not as painful as I read in some places and it gave me good results, but with the one you have as long as it is of good purity it would help me, would you know how to calculate the date you would have it?
Don't throw them away but keep them safe for now and mail me, I'll try to come with a solution somehow.

Meanwhile, Janoshiksleep dropped a fat stack of labs into my littermailbox so while I'll no longer share raw tests before the product release, here's some finished ones, but please don't ask about release dates. Trest E will be adjusted, was just a test whether the finished product would kill someone due to the low raw purity but all test subjects survived unharmed.

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any idea of how much you'll be selling the Trest E for @ what mg/ml?

As first batches of some products are already or almost out of stock, and a smooth transition to second batches isn't working out in every case due to an unforeseeable (because unforeseen) delay in the delivery of supplies other than raws, I'm taking this opportunity to take a short break from tomorrow until the end of the week or even next week to fix and upgrade all the things.

Late September/early October should see lots of new products as well as a promo that will require more cats than ever to partake in.

@Dacj likely before November is all I can say given my horrible track record with predicting release dates.

@godsgifttoearth 100mg/ml at the same price as Trest Ace 100mg/ml probably. Have to adjust recipe and retest via Janoshik first.
Darn, I remember when you had 150 order minimum now its 250. Is it permanent? For humble test+deca bros like me ordering that much gear to Denmark feels tad riskier.
Darn, I remember when you had 150 order minimum now its 250. Is it permanent? For humble test+deca bros like me ordering that much gear to Denmark feels tad riskier.
Du kan prøve magnusdk2 på wickr og bede om en liste. Ham plejede jeg at købe fra. Men holder mig til større køb fra Liska nu. Begge to er good2go
@hypnocin Da jeg kun kan opfylde en lille mængde ordrer pr. Dag og samtidig beholde samme kvalitet og servicehastighed, var den bedste måde, jeg kunne finde på at kontrollere ordrevolumen, via minimumsbeløbet.

Hvad angår risikoniveauet for bestemte ordrebeløb, afhænger dette primært af din nationale lovgivning vedrørende import af PED'er - visse mængder AAS (målt i vægt eller volumen) medfører strengere straffe.

Jeg spekulerer på, om google oversættelse gør et godt stykke arbejde med dette.

@Mads Forklar venligst dette:
@hypnocin Da jeg kun kan opfylde en lille mængde ordrer pr. Dag og samtidig beholde samme kvalitet og servicehastighed, var den bedste måde, jeg kunne finde på at kontrollere ordrevolumen, via minimumsbeløbet.

Hvad angår risikoniveauet for bestemte ordrebeløb, afhænger dette primært af din nationale lovgivning vedrørende import af PED'er - visse mængder AAS (målt i vægt eller volumen) medfører strengere straffe.

Jeg spekulerer på, om google oversættelse gør et godt stykke arbejde med dette.

@Mads Forklar venligst dette:
View attachment 154119
It's perfect!
@hypnocin Da jeg kun kan opfylde en lille mængde ordrer pr. Dag og samtidig beholde samme kvalitet og servicehastighed, var den bedste måde, jeg kunne finde på at kontrollere ordrevolumen, via minimumsbeløbet.

Hvad angår risikoniveauet for bestemte ordrebeløb, afhænger dette primært af din nationale lovgivning vedrørende import af PED'er - visse mængder AAS (målt i vægt eller volumen) medfører strengere straffe.

Jeg spekulerer på, om google oversættelse gør et godt stykke arbejde med dette.

@Mads Forklar venligst dette:
View attachment 154119
Haha yeaah... We also have a holiday kids event where we put a cat inside of a barrel and beat the barrel with baseball bats, dressed up in costumes.

Pastor Holm i Tved på Mols fik i 1830'erne standset skikken med katten i tønden. Og i dag slår man katten af tønden uden en levende kat i tønden, men gerne med et billede af en kat udenpå.

I dag kåres en kattekonge i forbindelse med tøndeslagningen. Der er forskelligt i landet og fra bydel til bydel, hvordan man bliver kattekonge. Desuden bliver der oftest også kåret en kattedronning.

That's a sigh of relief. On to more noble deeds! Proudly presenting the cat queen carefully choosing her favourite vial:

Further featuring future felines thanks to @janoshik
@Liska Can Scandinavians preorder for start oktober? And do you have hgh in stock for that?
There's no necessity for preorders - depending on how the current chinese holidays will affect shipping times, I'll have HGH in stock sometime in the first half of October. I may accept orders from Scandinavia only selectively going forward.
So as you are taking a week off, if we order in the week will it be processed after or best to wait?
I would recommend you wait, considering there'll be new products/batches and promos, unless you direly need any of the limited stock products posted on the frontpage - in that case you can send your order and I'll secretly fulfill it before the weekend.
Guys I’m getting ready to place my first order when Liska posts his/her update after their break and wanted some advice please on paying

what’s the cheapest way to pay, I have never bought cryptocurrency before but have a verified Binance and kraken account and don’t mind making accounts with more services to work out the cheapest, easiest deal.

my order will probably be right on the minimum so about 250 euros. I am from the UK and don’t mind verification since I know I have to give my identity forms and everything here.

just thought I would quickly get the payment matter sorted and buy the currency so I’m all ready to go and place my order
Guys I’m getting ready to place my first order when Liska posts his/her update after their break and wanted some advice please on paying

what’s the cheapest way to pay, I have never bought cryptocurrency before but have a verified Binance and kraken account and don’t mind making accounts with more services to work out the cheapest, easiest deal.

my order will probably be right on the minimum so about 250 euros. I am from the UK and don’t mind verification since I know I have to give my identity forms and everything here.

just thought I would quickly get the payment matter sorted and buy the currency so I’m all ready to go and place my order
Kraken, send gbp to kraken with sepa, buy Monero with you gbp, send Monero (XMR) to liska XMR address. Of course tell him in advance you are gonna pay with Monero.
Kraken, send gbp to kraken with sepa, buy Monero with you gbp, send Monero (XMR) to liska XMR address. Of course tell him in advance you are gonna pay with Monero.
Okay sounds good thanks. Since I already have it all verified it’s good to go, should be easy.

yeah heard Monero is cheaper than buying Bitcoin and other currencies. I’ll definitely let him know before.