Cat Café EU & US domestic

Looking at the stripes that are all opaque independent of the laboratory, it's possible that telmisartan is sensitive to light or something ...
Not prohibitively so but too much potential to obsess over some minor aspect:
Just put the pills into the catvial and if customer have problem with it they can fuck off elsewhere.
Looking at the stripes that are all opaque independent of the laboratory, it's possible that telmisartan is sensitive to light or something ...
No shortage of forced degradation studies on meds fortunately!
Liska, should we wait to place orders until next week? I’m just catching up on the thread as I am a first time customer and read you’re having a break for a week
I'll try and post an update later today, until then the notice at the top of the website applies: "please refrain from placing orders until this announcement disappears!" - I'm usually decent with updating the news regularly because I get punished by a flood of questions via mail if I don't.

While I'm still being horribly hampered by supplier tardiness, once the missing pieces arrive realistically early October, I'll be able to drop about a dozen products & lab tests I've been piling up.
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Not prohibitively so but too much potential to obsess over some minor aspect:
Yeah I'd leave the manufacturing of it to the pharma companies
think you mean October or we be waiting a whole year now :D?
Yes, you'll get a year long waiting listing all to yourself.

@BK2THEFUTURE when I looked that up I came across recent summer recalls of other -sartan meds by various pharma companies due to contamination with the potentially carginogenic NMBA... yet again. While I have absolutely no idea why that keeps happening, I'll definitely not touch anything even pharma fucks up quality control of.
@Liska hey there :) is it common to have small lapses in the ability to deliver gear ? The only reason I am asking is because we obviously have a certain dependency on being able to get a hold of gear. I personally should be g2g if by October we can order again but yeah just curious ;)

Also as a personal owner of an Egyptian Mau and two eastern short hairs I love your style <3
Also as a personal owner of an Egyptian Mau and two eastern short hairs I love your style <3
You can personally disregard all notices of me not taking orders provided these three get featured with products.

Strictly speaking it's rare for any actual product besides HGH to be out of stock, these issues have been the singular result of a maddening quest to find a new source for decent quality transparent labels after my previous one became useless. Selling unlabelled product is not supposed to be a regular occurence but an act of desperation and not a path I want to continue on.

Here's another teaser of just a few upcoming products:
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How do you guys feel about a promo that discounts many products by 10-20% but raises the minimum order amount to 300€ for the duration?

I'm confident I can offer enough extra value to make it worth the extra 50€ investment, but I'm very much not confident (based on the last promo) that I'd be able to handle the order volume without the drawback.
How do you guys feel about a promo that discounts many products by 10-20% but raises the minimum order amount to 300€ for the duration?

I'm confident I can offer enough extra value to make it worth the extra 50€ investment, but I'm very much not confident (based on the last promo) that I'd be able to handle the order volume without the drawback.
sounds great tbh
How do you guys feel about a promo that discounts many products by 10-20% but raises the minimum order amount to 300€ for the duration?

I'm confident I can offer enough extra value to make it worth the extra 50€ investment, but I'm very much not confident (based on the last promo) that I'd be able to handle the order volume without the drawback.
I think it is a good idea tbh, only the communication and the effort you make it us worth a lot
300€ sounds a lot tbh my order was bearly past 300 and i ll be doing grams of shit. Guys who are running even relatively big cycles might have trouble filling an order especially if they're having leftover gear.
How do you guys feel about a promo that discounts many products by 10-20% but raises the minimum order amount to 300€ for the duration?

I'm confident I can offer enough extra value to make it worth the extra 50€ investment, but I'm very much not confident (based on the last promo) that I'd be able to handle the order volume without the drawback.
If the discount it's worth it yeah, if not it depends... Me personally unless I have aromasin and anadrol available I'm not gonna order :( sadly already to much gear stocked damn it and not reckless enough to be 365days ON blast to go through my stash fast enough.
300€ sounds a lot tbh my order was bearly past 300 and i ll be doing grams of shit. Guys who are running even relatively big cycles might have trouble filling an order especially if they're having leftover gear.
Without sacrificing the quality of service, the only way to lower the minimum order amount presently would be the counterpart to my previous proposition: Raising the price of (some) products.

@Sampei Oxy raw testing has been ordered, you know the usual timeline.
Without sacrificing the quality of service, the only way to lower the minimum order amount presently would be the counterpart to my previous proposition: Raising the price of (some) products.

@Sampei Oxy raw testing has been ordered, you know the usual timeline.
Great looking forward to have those big boy ready to be bought ;)
I'll hold off until you have your oxy and exemestane ready.

I guess I can't stop throwing money at those beautiful pussies :)