Cat Café EU & US domestic

Wowow, please order something, store is open again!
I will need to restock towards the end of next month and will be sure to utilize your services. Cat lovers gotta stick together amirte ?

Also do you have or can you get a hold of salbutamol in pill form ?

How do you guys feel about a promo that discounts many products by 10-20% but raises the minimum order amount to 300€ for the duration?

I'm confident I can offer enough extra value to make it worth the extra 50€ investment, but I'm very much not confident (based on the last promo) that I'd be able to handle the order volume without the drawback.

I am already 2k in you make me poor... o_O
Waiting for News about Trestolone A/E >50mg/ml

Spacewolfs Yay or Nay?

Waiting on labtests and labels (too elusive to sell unlabelled) respectively, please be patient and check the websites for updates instead of sending daily mails.

I will need to restock towards the end of next month and will be sure to utilize your services. Cat lovers gotta stick together amirte ?

Also do you have or can you get a hold of salbutamol in pill form ?

I had pharma Ventolin Salbutamol in store a while ago but it wasn't popular at all, so I ended up selling it for really cheap just to get rid of it.

@nkdozzy Soft puppies are more than welcome as the days get colder! That's some amazing merch, hopefully someday the store will have some as well.
I've got questions!

1. Do you guys actually care about transparent labels, or would paper labels that are shorter than usual to leave plenty of insight into the vial be just as good? I love the transparent aesthetic but as I'm looking into labelling machines, these may not be compatible at all.

My ideal for stealth would be the OG coloured tops with no labels at all but I feel this would alienate too many people.

2. Related to this, do you care whether orals are packaged in containers or sachets?

3. Are many of you having PIP issues at all with Test E 350mg? I'm considering the option of having Test E 300mg instead of both 250mg & 350mg but adding a compound combo of Test E&C at 400mg total.

4. I'm strongly considering following the example of most other vendors and no longer provide tracking numbers, at least right away. I understand having tracking feels really comfortable but there's actually very little benefit to it until the parcel is 0-1 days from arriving, with 95%+ of orders arriving without issue. Providing a phone number for couriers will become mandatory going forward regardless, as this has been has helped for most of the remaining 5% cases.

5. I'm considering dropping support for LTC in favour of Shiba Cardano (ADA). Transfer fees for other coins have dropped so low (e.g. ~$1 for a $1000 BTC transfer this morning) that LTC is becoming obsolete in my opinion. For the three people regularly paying in LTC, will that be alright?
1. Dont care, if you made a colour chart for different tops for oils that could pass too without any label.

2. I remember the first batches of anavar sent out in sachet instead of container and resulted in slight crushing.chipping somehow compared to the ones in container now which are nearly untouched.

3. 0 PIP from test 350, only slight pip i had was from Tren A but making 100/200/300/400 concentrations would make it easier when pulling into syringe and goes for other things I guess

4. Them tracking numbers provide a bit of sanity for most people I am pretty sure, if not right away then provide them day or two after?

5. Not much to say about this since been paying wiht btc

@Liska "Are many of you having PIP issues at all with Test E 350mg?"

No. and I shoot your Test E subq still no issues. Please don't drop the 350 dose down to 300, take it higher up to 400 instead on Test E !

Waiting on labtests and labels (too elusive to sell unlabelled) respectively, please be patient and check the websites for updates instead of sending daily mails.
:cool: stoked about this ^

curious what the ml/mg will be
You delete Trest Ace 100mg/ml?
I hope in Trest Ena 200 mg/ml
I ran out of labels because I've been throwing away 30% of them recently due to quality issues with what I assume is the glue used for transparent labels - it'll be relisted alongside everything else once labels arrive. As I posted several times, Trest Enanthate will be at 100mg/ml as 200mg/ml is known to cause issues for a small but significant number of people, and I don't want customers unhappy with a product as expensive as Trest E 200mg/ml would be.

Let this be it for Trestolone questions until the product is actually on the store.
I've got questions!

1. Do you guys actually care about transparent labels, or would paper labels that are shorter than usual to leave plenty of insight into the vial be just as good? I love the transparent aesthetic but as I'm looking into labelling machines, these may not be compatible at all.

My ideal for stealth would be the OG coloured tops with no labels at all but I feel this would alienate too many people.

2. Related to this, do you care whether orals are packaged in containers or sachets?

3. Are many of you having PIP issues at all with Test E 350mg? I'm considering the option of having Test E 300mg instead of both 250mg & 350mg but adding a compound combo of Test E&C at 400mg total.

4. I'm strongly considering following the example of most other vendors and no longer provide tracking numbers, at least right away. I understand having tracking feels really comfortable but there's actually very little benefit to it until the parcel is 0-1 days from arriving, with 95%+ of orders arriving without issue. Providing a phone number for couriers will become mandatory going forward regardless, as this has been has helped for most of the remaining 5% cases.

5. I'm considering dropping support for LTC in favour of Shiba Cardano (ADA). Transfer fees for other coins have dropped so low (e.g. ~$1 for a $1000 BTC transfer this morning) that LTC is becoming obsolete in my opinion. For the three people regularly paying in LTC, will that be alright?
1) Any label is fine for me, transparent was nice!

2) Prefer orals in containers.

3) Don't know if I'm having pip from test or not as I'm injecting also primo and npp so overall I get pip, nothing crazy btw.

4) Love tracking, please keep it that way.

5) Whatever works for you work for me.
I ran out of labels because I've been throwing away 30% of them recently due to quality issues with what I assume is the glue used for transparent labels - it'll be relisted alongside everything else once labels arrive. As I posted several times, Trest Enanthate will be at 100mg/ml as 200mg/ml is known to cause issues for a small but significant number of people, and I don't want customers unhappy with a product as expensive as Trest E 200mg/ml would be.

Let this be it for Trestolone questions until the product is actually on the store.
Yes sir, but on 100 mg/ml Trest Ena, 30% is ester, we have only 70 mg of product
@Liska If you use satchets instead of containers, would that translate to a reduction in price?
Based on the feedback I've dismissed sachets for now so I haven't even looked into this, but probably not - I believe that the annoyances/costs of packaging I choose to burden myself with are not yours to pay.

@4ster90 The same argument can be made regarding lower dosed, long ester products like DHB cypionate, with the response being the same: If there were no issues with producing at higher concentrations, they'd be more abundant. Should the product do well, I'll promise to embark on the hunt for Trest E raws once more (I was actually told the person in charge for production these for my source died...) and experiment with higher concentrations.

The batch yielded 130 filled vials after sacrificing a bunch of samples for various tests by the way!

I'll post up the promised promo today, just had to do more labelling and inventory checks as there'll be no time to do so once it's on.
Based on the feedback I've dismissed sachets for now so I haven't even looked into this, but probably not - I believe that the annoyances/costs of packaging I choose to burden myself with are not yours to pay.

@4ster90 The same argument can be made regarding lower dosed, long ester products like DHB cypionate, with the response being the same: If there were no issues with producing at higher concentrations, they'd be more abundant. Should the product do well, I'll promise to embark on the hunt for Trest E raws once more (I was actually told the person in charge for production these for my source died...) and experiment with higher concentrations.

The batch yielded 130 filled vials after sacrificing a bunch of samples for various tests by the way!

I'll post up the promised promo today, just had to do more labelling and inventory checks as there'll be no time to do so once it's on.
Dhb raws are really hard to find... Trest although is expensive it's foundable.