Changzhou Xuanming Chemical Company

I don't want to make that old cunt @Sly Devil lose it by posting another feels report!"

Yes while your constant feelz reports are annoying AF that’s but a mere fraction of why you are spoken about the way you are. One could also bring up how you got a source banned but then jumped on his band wagon afterwards. Or how you shared another source’s packing method with pictures and went on to bash the source but later asked him for and accepted free gear from him. I’m sure you’ll defend yourself by bringing up your kids again.
Yes while your constant feelz reports are annoying AF that’s but a mere fraction of why you are spoken about the way you are. One could also bring up how you got a source banned but then jumped on his band wagon afterwards. Or how you shared another source’s packing method with pictures and went on to bash the source but later asked him for and accepted free gear from him. I’m sure you’ll defend yourself by bringing up your kids again.
Did you see where he said "I hope you all recognize my genuine care and concern for the Meso brotherhood." Like placing an order and posting about it, especially regarding a source in good standing, is doing this forum a favor. Lmao.
Yes while your constant feelz reports are annoying AF that’s but a mere fraction of why you are spoken about the way you are. One could also bring up how you got a source banned but then jumped on his band wagon afterwards. Or how you shared another source’s packing method with pictures and went on to bash the source but later asked him for and accepted free gear from him. I’m sure you’ll defend yourself by bringing up your kids again.
mmm, I don't bring up things that are irrelevant. I see that admitting to mistakes as I do must be a challenge for you! perhaps in time you'll mature, perhaps not. I'm rooting for you regardless!

Did you see where he said "I hope you all recognize my genuine care and concern for the Meso brotherhood." Like placing an order and posting about it, especially regarding a source in good standing, is doing this forum a favor. Lmao.
*whooooooooooooooooooooosh* goes the sarcasm of that remark over your head. my suggestion is more sleep and maybe a better air conditioner to help you better interpret things.
mmm, I don't bring up things that are irrelevant. I see that admitting to mistakes as I do must be a challenge for you! perhaps in time you'll mature, perhaps not. I'm rooting for you regardless!

Irrelevant? You made it a point to get my attention by tagging me. Called me an old cunt when you are leap years older than me. You tagged me to point out that myself and others are annoyed and have called out your silly feelz reports that you’ve dropped all over the forum. I simply wanted to clear up the confusion you must be having. You thought it’s just your feelz reports. It’s pretty much everything about you. You bash a source and get him banned and then run and become his biggest cheerleader. You don’t like a package from another source so you dox his shipping method but then later hit the guy up for free gear.

Please don’t root for me. I’m doing just fine and would never make the mistakes you have. It’s in your nature. Our characters are nothing a like.

Like tiredandhot pointed out. You stated you care for the brotherhood but I could drop a dozen quotes of yours where you say fuck the brotherhood and Meso’s ways.

You are a bipolar gear whore
Another order received from CXC. I would post pics but its almost the same as my last order. DNP, T3, Clen, Aromasin.

Everything as it should be.
Yip. I have heard that. Yet CXC, Panda, Dragon all have it listed. DNP and Cialis as well technically depending on who you listen too.

Guess it depends on the sources risk/reward strategy?
The ban effectively shut down production in China but not importing from India, which comes with the benefit of the raws being USP grade.
I assume you're cutting now. Are you using these compounds together? What's your protocol?

I’m older so I don’t do anything crazy.

200mg DNP, 40mcg Clen, 50mcg T3 on top of my TRT+. I’ll do that 6-8 weeks and call it.

Throw in some yohimbine hcl pre-fasted cardio and I’m good.