Chase Irons' 5g and 18iu ED of GH

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His bloodwork on 5k oil and 18iu growth is probably better than you off gear. How can you say 1k test and 5iu growth is plenty if you haven't run big doses for lengthy periods of time? 5iu growth is small gains, 20iu growth and your muscles will get thicker, I no longer believe in the "Your muscles can only get so big thing", more growth and more food and they'll thicken
if you need that much gear to make gains youre in the wrong sport.
Ding ding ding! Genetics rule all in bodybuilding. This fact becomes glaringly obvious once you get to the national level and beyond. Dosage range is all along the spectrum.
I know and its one thing that dudes with shit genetics cant seem to figure out. They actually think if they take an insane amount of gear they will all of the sudden be a pro bodybuilder when their genetics would never allow it no matter what they did they could be exposed to gamma radation like fucking bruce banner and turn into the hulk and their genetics would still be shit and they would still be smaller than me or any pro bodybuilder. genetics determain everything, training, response to training, food, amount of food you can eat, amount of food you can process, gear response, amount of gear you can actually use and still get positive results not just sides, sleep, how well you recover during sleep, insuliin response, fucking god damn mind set in the gym, the list goes on. ALL FUCKING GENETICS THAT YOU CANNOT CHANGE NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO
im sorry boys but anyone here who thinks that taking 3grams of test is going to give any noticible difference in gains than 1 gram is stupid. yeah you might notice a slight increase in water weight or strength but to jack your dose up to 3 grams of test (which no one fucking does by the way unless they are in deep denial of their shit genetics and think that 3 grams of test will somehow change that) sorry guys but its the truth and the hard truth if your genetics are complete dog shit and you want to be a pro someday. it will never happen. Phil heath said he pushed to 1500mg and the sides were too much and myself has pushed to 1500 mg and i started getting nose bleeds and bp was getting high. so yeah 3grams of test would fuck you up internally if you were on that for any period of time. look at dallas mccarver dude dropped dead at 26 from blasting grams of test. and bostin loyd died at 29 from his auorta bursting probablly from having massive high bp for years from taking grams of gear.
im sorry boys but anyone here who thinks that taking 3grams of test is going to give any noticible difference in gains than 1 gram is stupid. yeah you might notice a slight increase in water weight or strength but to jack your dose up to 3 grams of test (which no one fucking does by the way unless they are in deep denial of their shit genetics and think that 3 grams of test will somehow change that) sorry guys but its the truth and the hard truth if your genetics are complete dog shit and you want to be a pro someday. it will never happen. Phil heath said he pushed to 1500mg and the sides were too much and myself has pushed to 1500 mg and i started getting nose bleeds and bp was getting high. so yeah 3grams of test would fuck you up internally if you were on that for any period of time. look at dallas mccarver dude dropped dead at 26 from blasting grams of test. and bostin loyd died at 29 from his auorta bursting probablly from having massive high bp for years from taking grams of gear.

For sure genetics is ahead of everything, but Bostin had bad bloodwork his whole career and I'd have to think Mcarvers bloodwork was also really bad most of the time. Chase Iron's blood work on 5 grams and 18iu looks like a healthy natty guy.

Why would McCarver be on more than 10 grams of test per week if it didn't get the gains? His TT was 55k on the autopsy
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im sorry boys but anyone here who thinks that taking 3grams of test is going to give any noticible difference in gains than 1 gram is stupid. yeah you might notice a slight increase in water weight or strength but to jack your dose up to 3 grams of test (which no one fucking does by the way unless they are in deep denial of their shit genetics and think that 3 grams of test will somehow change that) sorry guys but its the truth and the hard truth if your genetics are complete dog shit and you want to be a pro someday. it will never happen. Phil heath said he pushed to 1500mg and the sides were too much and myself has pushed to 1500 mg and i started getting nose bleeds and bp was getting high. so yeah 3grams of test would fuck you up internally if you were on that for any period of time. look at dallas mccarver dude dropped dead at 26 from blasting grams of test. and bostin loyd died at 29 from his auorta bursting probablly from having massive high bp for years from taking grams of gear.
Genetics also plays a huge role in how the body tolerate drugs. Ever wondered why some alcoholics will never succumb to liver failure while one night of heavy drinking will lead to a trip to the ER for alcohol poisoning for others?

Most of the older bodybuilders today were probably blasting almost if not even more than their already dead competitors back in the day, they only survived because they were blessed with the constitution and recovery abilities that can overcome exposure to gear.

So, I think even if there are mediocre or normal responders out there but can stay healthy long enough to build pro musculature while there are some who succumb to illnesses early in their careers, never to realize their full potentials because they don't possess the genetics to tolerate the damage caused by steroids.
genetics determain everything,
that they do. However nobody knows what they’re capable of unless they give it a good 5 years of intense training, pushing food, and slowly escalating moderate dosage of drugs. If after that time you’re nowhere near looking like a pro, you’ll know that all the gear in the world probably won’t get you there.
Genetics also plays a huge role in how the body tolerate drugs.
I’m not one to believe everything (or anything) pro bodybuilders say, so I take it with a grain of salt, BUT Jay cutler did say, in talking about genetic ability to remain healthy, that his cholesterol was never elevated on bloodwork throughout his whole career, and that guy was DEFINITELY on some shit especially chasing after ronnie all that time
what in the actual fuck is this guy doing... does he not understand that bodybuilding is all food dude. 1 gram of test is plenty. shit throw in some eq and that is plenty of gear 5 iu of gh is plenty if you are not growing on that then you need to eat more food its fucking simple bro. this guy is shortening his life because he doesnt understand the simple fact that he needs to eat more food not take more gear. this shit annoys me bro wtf
Several renowned professionals have been exposed for using at least 3 grams of test, and here you are sharing this misleading information as if it's an indisputable fact – quite amusing, to be honest.
I’m not one to believe everything (or anything) pro bodybuilders say, so I take it with a grain of salt, BUT Jay cutler did say, in talking about genetic ability to remain healthy, that his cholesterol was never elevated on bloodwork throughout his whole career, and that guy was DEFINITELY on some shit especially chasing after ronnie all that time
I don't even look at pros to see how different we tolerate drugs. Look at your own circle and you will find those friends and gym mates who run crazy cycles and still produce kids, can party even at 40 while doing gear.
People who criticize Chase often base their complaints on unrealistic expectations of how someone on a particular amount of gear should appear. Let's set aside those preconceptions and consider: Can any of the critics showcase a photo of themselves looking better than Chase? If not, it suggests that more can indeed translate to better results. The internet is rife with individuals faulting others' lifestyles without achieving comparable success. Personally, I appreciate Chase's series – it's enjoyable, he prioritizes safety, and so far, unlike figures like Tony Huge and Rich Piana, no one has suffered harm.
Several renowned professionals have been exposed for using at least 3 grams of test, and here you are sharing this misleading information as if it's an indisputable fact – quite amusing, to be honest.
not trying to be a dick but name one pro bodybuilder who has used 3 grams of test. name one guy.
People who criticize Chase often base their complaints on unrealistic expectations of how someone on a particular amount of gear should appear. Let's set aside those preconceptions and consider: Can any of the critics showcase a photo of themselves looking better than Chase? If not, it suggests that more can indeed translate to better results. The internet is rife with individuals faulting others' lifestyles without achieving comparable success. Personally, I appreciate Chase's series – it's enjoyable, he prioritizes safety, and so far, unlike figures like Tony Huge and Rich Piana, no one has suffered harm.
Im not saying that this dude doesnt know how to bodybuild. All im saying is its fucking reckless what hes doing and young guys who dont understand how to train and eat properly chances are they dont look good and they think that using stupid amounts of gear will help and all they need is a reason and this chase dude will be that reason to start pushing drugs hard when they have no idea how to train or eat. Its reckelss and dangerous to do what chase irons is doing and that guy needs to really evaluate his life and what hes doing. Is he even a pro? I mean fuck is the dude wants to run tons of gear then i dont give a fuck but when you put it out there online when you have people who follow you that is reckless. That isnt bodybuilding.. Bodybuilding is hard training and hard dieting for long peroids of time. Gear is just the icing on the cake it is not what bodybuilding is supposed to be about. Why did we all get into this? Because we love to train. At its core bodybuildling is about training.
This is a non sequitur.

What success? You can't possibly mean success as a body builder.
i think he means the size chase has? which i mean he’s not doing bad. he’s 5’9 at what, 270-280lb probably 240 stageweight? That’s definitely not bad, a lot of guys just can’t get up there
Im not saying that this dude doesnt know how to bodybuild. All im saying is its fucking reckless what hes doing and young guys who dont understand how to train and eat properly chances are they dont look good and they think that using stupid amounts of gear will help and all they need is a reason and this chase dude will be that reason to start pushing drugs hard when they have no idea how to train or eat. Its reckelss and dangerous to do what chase irons is doing and that guy needs to really evaluate his life and what hes doing. Is he even a pro? I mean fuck is the dude wants to run tons of gear then i dont give a fuck but when you put it out there online when you have people who follow you that is reckless. That isnt bodybuilding.. Bodybuilding is hard training and hard dieting for long peroids of time. Gear is just the icing on the cake it is not what bodybuilding is supposed to be about. Why did we all get into this? Because we love to train. At its core bodybuildling is about training.
All of his health markers are in range, 120/80, resting heart rate in the 60's, 18iu of Serostim before bed is the standard prescribed amount and that's exactly how he started taking it. How is what he's doing wreckless?
All of his health markers are in range, 120/80, resting heart rate in the 60's, 18iu a day is of Serostim before bed is the standard prescribed amount and that's exactly how he started taking it. How is what he's doing wreckless?
bro you know hes being reckless with his gear