Chilton Labs - UK Domestic & International

Usually when you have an issue with something you send it back and the manufacturer carries out there investigation to understand the root cause.

Surely this is more desirable than me doing it?

It his product, surely the source is going to have a better understanding of whats gone on here.

I can see @Hollow123 point, if he pops the top and says its a pube thats it case over.

Source manufactured it, he should be looking at it.
Do you remember when pharmacom had the AI test as completely the wrong drug and despite being caught out by 3rd party testing claimed the result was interesting but did not commit to there being a problem, despite allegedly pulling that entire batch from warehouses, despite their being no problem. If the biggest UGL going is happy to do that, then you are putting a lot of trust in a small start up who hasn't figured out dosing yet but up to this point seems to want to be honest.

So let's imagine it's not filter, as they have claimed and it's something else that would highlight an issue at sterilisation or filling, meaning potentially all the gear could be full of floaters or contaminants that aren't always noticeable. Are they going to come out, say this, take ALL their gear and refilter in resterilised vials? Or, are they more likely to think I can't afford the losses, It was filter material and it only affects 1 batch?

You don't need HPLC or even bloods to be a third party to verify this.

This thread is so full of bullshit. People accusing of shilling, then just straight up thinking a source is going to potentially reveal their location by arranging a courier and then tell the truth?

I'm being harsh on the source here but they are literally a criminal at this point and this is a harm reduction board.

Take the top off the vial, get the floater, report what it is. The gear is lost to you and if you trust the source to send you a replacement after seeing what the floater is, then I'm sure they will compensate you with a replacement
Thanks @Hollow123 for helping to keep the quality high long term. Sharing these things are necessary, whether we like it or not.

I don't tolerate well MCT but may try some again at some point or some of the orals.
Well I paid for an order this morning to be delivered Friday but it appears he's gone on the missing list again , not replying to emails . A few problems here in the U.K at the moment though (just for a change) , our greedy cretinous "Royal Mail" postal service has suffered a (totally not coincidental) "tech glitch" , meaning they're unable to send orders abroad , so he might be getting abuse from international customers . Seems like he can't cope as a "one man band" operation , hopefully I'm proved wrong on Friday - until then , the jury's out
Well I paid for an order this morning to be delivered Friday but it appears he's gone on the missing list again , not replying to emails . A few problems here in the U.K at the moment though (just for a change) , our greedy cretinous "Royal Mail" postal service has suffered a (totally not coincidental) "tech glitch" , meaning they're unable to send orders abroad , so he might be getting abuse from international customers . Seems like he can't cope as a "one man band" operation , hopefully I'm proved wrong on Friday - until then , the jury's out
Pleased to say just received tracking number . Guess Mr Chilton must have just had a busy day , will update you all re quality asap re the orals (Anadrol & Proviron in this case) , might take a bit longer for reviews on their deca & test-e but I have high hopes as he's been honest enough to post the lab results , so have adjusted cycles dosages accordingly
Pleased to say just received tracking number . Guess Mr Chilton must have just had a busy day , will update you all re quality asap re the orals (Anadrol & Proviron in this case) , might take a bit longer for reviews on their deca & test-e but I have high hopes as he's been honest enough to post the lab results , so have adjusted cycles dosages accordingly

Ask him why he’s not coming in here to address the floater issue, as last we heard was that he had to check his notes.
Well so much for the "tracking number" , the package still hasn't even entered the Royal Mail system . I'm mystified as to how hard it can be to take TWO DAYS to stick something in a jiffy bag and drop it at a post office . This chap isn't exactly covering himself in glory on the customer service front either , ignoring emails . If this "Carry On Up The Chilton" farce continues I don't think the resellers of other labs have got anything to worry about ...
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Well so much for the "tracking number" , the package still hasn't even entered the Royal Mail system . I'm mystified as to how hard it can be to take TWO DAYS to stick something in a jiffy bag and drop it at a post office . This chap isn't exactly covering himself in glory on the customer service front either , ignoring emails . If this "Carry On Up The Chilton" farce continues I don't think the resellers of other labs have got anything to worry about ...
ADDENDUM - Seems like those twats at the Royal Mail have fucked it up (as usual) by not updating their tracking . Delivery should be here tomorrow by 1 P.M - fair play to Mr C , he's even posting stuff out at his own expense to get his lab going . Will post a photo of received goods tomoz and updates on the quality in due course ...
ADDENDUM - Seems like those twats at the Royal Mail have fucked it up (as usual) by not updating their tracking . Delivery should be here tomorrow by 1 P.M - fair play to Mr C , he's even posting stuff out at his own expense to get his lab going . Will post a photo of received goods tomoz and updates on the quality in due course ...
So in half an hour you’ve slagged him off then decided he’s a good guy after all?
Made yourself look a right Cnut there fella.
I'm still going to give chilton the benefit of the doubt regarding the traffic accident and the mystery floater and put in a minimum order shortly. And yeah, a big part of that is because it's cheap gear. Not sure why there's a bit of shaming going on for that, new labs competing on price with the established ones puts pressure on prices to come down across the board, which benefits everyone.
ive got 16 bottles of Mr C gear zero floaters so he gets a thumbs up from me, but the guy with the floaters should be sent new gear from C then we know as a new lab he can deal with complaints the right way
I'm still going to give chilton the benefit of the doubt regarding the traffic accident and the mystery floater and put in a minimum order shortly. And yeah, a big part of that is because it's cheap gear. Not sure why there's a bit of shaming going on for that, new labs competing on price with the established ones puts pressure on prices to come down across the board, which benefits everyone.
This thread has been a bit of a meme so far, without much actually about the gear. So you're taking no more of a risk than a first order IMO. The floater will never be properly addresses cos it's not been identified. So I'd hope if you get any, you will open up the vial and find out what it is. If it's not filter, anyone with any chilton gear, even without visible floaters should be binning it or refiltering themselves