Cialis/viagra - how long can u use?


I am 46. I do not take 30mg literally every single day. I'll take 30-45mg and maybe that much again 2-3 days later. Once I have that base circulating in my system and I hit another 10-15mg of Levitra a few hours before sex, I'm good to go. Rock hard. Hence the quote of taking about 100-120mg of Cialis on a weekly basis.

Also, keep in mind I order mine from an online research supplier and it comes in liquid form. It works well and is potent, but there is likely some level of this measuring method (30mg per liquid ML) not being completely accurate. But I believe it is close.

I will take 1.5 ML in increments throughout the day in three parts, letting each dose "settle in" for a few hours and than hit the next. I have had no serious adverse affects from this and have found I'm generally 100% ready for sex when the time calls.

Is it a high dose? Yes, it is, but it's what I have found works for me.

I want to go 7-10 days off everything and see where I stand with erections with nothing. Probably not good.
Dale338 - ah right I thought u said 30mg EOD but in fact it's every 2-3 days. This is still a higher average (5mg daily in UK) than usually prescribed but not dangerous or anything I'm sure.

Can u not source the tablet form or is it because you prefer the liquid form or some other reason?

Tablet form is easier although with any tablet the risk of sides is higher than say direct injections.
I do not inject it, it's still taken orally, just in liquid form. I prefer it as it gives you more control over dose amounts and flexibility. Yesterday for example, I took 30mg in 10mg increments three times throughout the day, starting at 6am. than 12 noon and again at 3pm. At 5:30 I took 15mg of Levitra. By 8pm when I was with my GF, my penis would be rock hard with the slightest stimulation. I was good for two rounds with the GF and just woke up this morning hard as a rock. I'll likely be that way through the rest of today and early evening. Then I'll let a day go by and do the cycle again.
I've been taking 5mg of generic tadalafil daily for nearly three years, and it's as effective as ever. Research has shown that it can actually work better over time, as it can help correct some underlying issues.
Started using Cialis recently and have been incredibly surprised at how well it's working. I sourced it from a research chemical company but of course would rather get it from a pharmacy through a doctor but my insurance doesn't cover it. Are most of you buying it online through the underground/grey market or is there a workaround to get insurance to cover it?
Actually some insurance companies WILL pay for Cialis (at 5mgQD) when prescribed in combination with a DHTi such as Avodart (finasteride) for the treatment of BPH.

I suspect the "extended coverage" occurred after dual BPH therapy received FDA approval for BPH.

Now why would an insurance company make such a change regardless?

Bc they KNOW medical therapy is almost always considerably less expensive than surgical intervention, especially in the short term, and since most folk change their insurance coverage every 5-7 years the sentiment has become,,,,,, let the next guy (or in this case insurance company) pay for it (surgery) if needed :)

These companies are no fools and rely upon actuarial studies for any financial fork in the road !