Ciraws/International raws source

Go back a few pages and you will see that is some test from Jano.

I had done some blood test but unfortunately the test level has a high limit and is not accurate. I and some friends have been using his products and their are spot on. Been using steroids for the last 10 years now and I can tell is something is bad.
After saying that he is the best source to be using because: fast communication, quality, a EU re shipper and no custom involve. Now you will say that I shill him but can't ignore the good experience I have and others as well
So, short update to my order:
- ordered beginning of january to EU via reshipper service.
- package already arrived today, so around 3 weeks which is super fast in my opinion.
- raws are in foil puches, those foil pouches are in thicker pouches and those are labeled with the key numbers representing your compound.
- those pouches are wrapped in bubble foil
--> good packaging
all in all i am satisfied.
i will measure the weight later and update in case of any bigger tolerance which i assume is not the case since Ci is a fair business partner.
I have ordered from Ci about year ago and i was very happy with service. Yes their prices are higher, but the more you order, it gets better. They will provide reshiper, with normal orders. One known here source posted its like 400$ per order to provide reshiper. With Ci You have it for free. You can with no stress wait for your raws to arrive. It's obvious that order containing 5g of this nad 10g of that is not worth holding. Im not suprised they upped price, if people would order 10g's like its amazon there would be bust after bust. Ask for more.
I will order soon, and update when it arrives.
Liked their service most from all sources i used, they also made it trough when there where lockdowns and no raws where coming due to shiping issues.
The way I do business is like making friends. Some of them are really nice people, who are willing to support me to fight keyboard man.

Sometimes, I was even curious why they would like to go so far for me, the answer I can imagine is that when you treat people with your best wishes, people will feel it and help you back.

Making friends first, then making money. How hard is it to understand? I don't know.
In another word, my customer getting what they ordered and staying safe and healthy is more important than making money.

That may be easier to understand.
That's what I wanna say.

Don't know you yet, but thx buddy.
I suggested this for 3 times but can you make a price list for 50g and 100g.
I would find it helpful but don't think I am the only one that would find it helpful
Now will sound like I work for them but here we go.
As far as I understand he give some discount if a buyer record his experience using his service. And as you could read a user say first communications is great, he responds fast- that's first post and for that he get that 5-10% or whatever discount,payment is already made at this point. Then he said I received the package in 20-30-40 or whatever days and the raws was in right amount.
After he come and say their viagra is good as my dick is getting hard,stuffed nose,their accutane is good as I get lips crack or whatever.
But if his raws are bad don't you think that the person who bought would said that and not that they feel as it should(I know feeling doesn't test purity) because at that point he paid and he has nothing else to get from him and for what he paid is no good but that didn't happened once.
Basically is not paid review and is not boot licker. Pay record is saying from start their raws are gold not saying at first communications is great and after they receive can make a opinion.
If someone would had bad experience he would said that here as he already paid and doesn't need to boot lick anymore as you called because he doesn't need anything for him anymore.

If you offer a discount code maybe it would be more acceptable but in my eyes is the same as after the person receive the package if raws was bad he could tell that openly here

And mostly is new user that post because many don't have a account here as they only looking and buy. I was the same and made a account as I wanted to ask a question here and now here I am losing time with all kinds of people that would lead no where.

I post this as I am interested in his eu domestic shipping because he is the only one that offers this service and I watch this thread closely. And I can tell you that it could be organized better than it is now...

Why would a satisfied customer need to be incentivized with a discount to leave a simple review in the first place?

We've already seen what incentivized reviews get a source. Reviews like "Highest quality" product... determined with a LabMax kit. Yeah, that's really worth $25.
Why would a satisfied customer need to be incentivized with a discount to leave a simple review in the first place?

We've already seen what incentivized reviews get a source. Reviews like "Highest quality" product... determined with a LabMax kit. Yeah, that's really worth $25.
I suspect that who order don't have a account here and they don't bother to make one to write their experience as they didn't need a headache, they are comfortable. And if he motivate a bit with some discount they will have a reason to write something.
The discount is already applied and the order is paid after the first post and then they can say whatever they want as they don't need him for anything more but people keep their promises and make a review/ opinion on how they "feel ",if they receive the right amount ,time delivery and so on.

I didn't had a account until recently and I ordered from some eu seller and raws from China. Didn't made any review and I was pleased with the service they provided from where I had bought but because I was lazy to make one account,didn't need one for anything else,the source already had a lot review.
I didn't need a account and didn't made one. I made one once I wanted to ask something but I am on those forums for years now

I remember panda used to do something similar if you post your review on eroids some time ago like 3 years maybe 4.
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I suspect that who order don't have a account here and they don't bother to make one to write their experience as they didn't need a headache, they are comfortable. And if he motivate a bit with some discount they will have a reason to write something.

Exactly. So they create an account to post a review solely for a discount. Worthless!

The discount is already applied and the order is paid after the first post and then they can say whatever they want as they don't need him for anything more but people keep their promises and make a review/ opinion on how they "feel ",if they receive the right amount ,time delivery and so on.

I remember panda used to do something similar if you post your review on eroids some time ago like 3 years maybe 4.

Naps tried the same shenanigans. Didn't get him very far. No one trusts the word of some guy that signs up to post a review and never comes back.
Naps tried the same shenanigans. Didn't get him very far. No one trusts the word of some guy that signs up to post a review and never comes back.
It can be a useful tool for marketing if is used right but as you said a guy that signs up just to post a review is not credible even I believe is a genuine review with a genuine customer.

In his place I would drop this marketing strategy and make some budget to pay for testing(offer credit store)instead of making additional discount to unknown users as is not look good in general
After a while he would get the credibility and he would be a common used seller. Now few test the panda products for example because they have proved themselves over the years with the raws quality.
Other marketing strategies is don't curse with random users as is not showing professionals and do a general price list to actually know the price but that's another story